I really do think that it's a superiority thing with CB. She pretends that she is older than she is. Yet she acts like a 17 year old so if you remember right, then that must be how old she is.
I m f**king 23... almost 24!
f**king B*stards... when I say I'm old... I mean I no longer have that innocent youthful glow that Muse, Smothered etc etc etc or even Fuzzles (she looks very very very good for 27/8!!!)
I act like I'm 17 because what do you want me to do? Log on here and start ranting at you for having a potty mouth? Spitting on a hanky and wiping your faces? Chastising you for a plethera of reasons?... NO!
So I act at the same level as everyone else... its easier. But if you wanna think I'm 17 thats up to you I'm not bothered or I can act my age and really rip some of you aroggant young f**ks appart!
And its not f**king superiority... people who supposedly act like that are infact extremely insecure and with low self esteem... c'mon guys its basic psychology!