Steak sauce: Not I!
A2: Right now, if I had any say in it. That's the problem with the world: too much faith. Namely in lousy presidents and gods that don't appear to help much.
A3: I don't know!
Too many good novels with tragic endings!
The Amber Spyglass, The Transall Saga, a vast majority of the Magic: The Gathering novels... Can't a good novel end
without the death of a main character or the tearing apart of true love?!
A4: Not for liking Oddworld, no one knows what that is, and even if they did... it's cool! Pokemon? Yes. You will be tortured for liking Pokemon. But you've still got like a year till junior high right? Just try to outgrow it by then.
A5: Only if I become a game designer, heh heh heh! I don't think it would include Honest Abe though... it would have lousy presidents, like Nixon and the Bushes.
A6: I dunno, but he must not have been too wise. Lousy school.
Q1: Did you know that in Hawaii they eat SPAM sushi? I've had it. It's good. The SPAM isn't raw. It's like, cooked SPAM with rice and seaweed wrapped around it. Mmmm.
Q2: Didja notice my little pun? Instead of A1, I put "Steak sauce". Heh.
Q3: Where does the infamous phrase "All your base are belong to us." come from? This is an obscure one. Use either the Internet or someone who lived in an urban area during the late eighties to find the answer.
Q4: What would you do without me to provide little fun facts and a good dose of pedantic logorrhea?