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03-09-2007, 12:29 PM
Splat's Avatar
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ooc: As a forewarning ILH, the basement is one of the more dangerous parts of the factory. The animals basically rule the place; loads made their homes down there when Rupture Farms was empty and there are far to many to be removed without some sort of army.

Krik stopped a short distance from the two glukkons, waiting for him to finish his discussion with the slig before butting in.
He was somewhat annoyed to notice that after everything that mudokon had run off. His suspicions of the painted mud were not quelled and she shifted uneasily, wanting to get out of there before it tried anything funny. He called up, "Arnie, can we talk quickly?"


Jim almost leapt out of his skin at the gunshot, "SHHHHHH!" He hissed angrily, then feeling slightly stupid (who was supposed to hear it?) he added, "Be careful, you could kill someone with that!" His heart was racing with the shock. "Anyway, what would I want with a gun?"

Somi also heard the shot and ran back to the room where Jim and Sturg were, hiding in the shadows, expecting to see sligs bursting through and grabbing the meech.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

03-09-2007, 03:14 PM
Arxryl's Avatar
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"Um, I can lead ya' there, yeah." *Ike said, he then motioned to them to follow him, and began walking towards where he used to be waiting to talk to Arnie to get a job.

*sorry for the short post*

Our fate is sealed only when we accept it. -~Arxryl~-

03-09-2007, 08:52 PM
Marco the Glukkon's Avatar
Marco the Glukkon
: Apr 2006
: Grinder Farms, Mudos
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Clem slowly walked next to the blue mudokon (Ike). He was curious, and his face showed it, as he stared at Ike for a few minutes. He had never met a blue mudokon before, was he the one known as Abe, which he had heard so much about? He seemed to be able to do awesome things, but he was still unsure.

Finally, Clem started talking.

"Those were...um... some pretty slick moves back there. I...have never seen anything like that, except for in the Spooch Spoochum Forest. That was cool! I would never be able to do that! "

Clem put out his paw.

"Oh I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself! I can be so forgettful sometimes. My name is Clem, friend!"


Zuka coughed. He had no choice but to follow the two Muds, even if it ment jeprodizing his reptuation as being the ultimate hunter. Still....he needed a job, and if he had to hang around with a few Muds in order to get his revenge on General Zeek and Tallus, he was willing to do so. It was a small price to pay for such a worthy cause.

Seem's his little gun "persuasion" had worked on the skiddish Muds.
Zuka looked at Clem, then back at Ike. Interesting that they risked their lives to save me. They could have been killed for slacking on the job or being late for registration, yet here they were, just walking as if nothing happened. He hated all Muds and all of their kind, yet it was kind of nice to be able to just walk. He had not done that for a long time....
Owner of Grinder Farms
Scrab Cakes: Now with New Cherry Flavor!
Coming Soon: McFuzzles Resturant

Grinder Farms: If it aint' skwirmin at the beginnin', it ain't worth sellin' in the end!

03-09-2007, 10:54 PM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Zozo the Zrilufet
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OOC: Seeing as I don't get any replies, can anyone tell me if theres anyone in or near the production and packaging room? :PMight as well do something and interact.
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

03-10-2007, 01:38 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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OOC: Depending on where you are, you might hear the gunshot Sturg triggered and come to investigate.
IC: "Self protection? Duh..." said Sturg. But then thinking, this Mudokon worked here...maybe conditions weren't the same as they were before the place had been blown up. "Actually, on second thought, you might not need it."
At that point, Somi rushed in. She must not have realised it was merely him fiddling with the gun.
"It's all right, no killer Sligs, Somi. This is an interesting find anyway. The fact that guns used to be stored in such an easily accessible cupboard seems to tell me security was pretty low, unless someone put these here back then, originally only for temporary means, having not counted on the whole place being wrecked...hmmm. Maybe I oughta have a quick check out the door incase someone heard something..."
Sturg walked over to the door and shoved his head out. He sensed nothing except a slight breeze. it was quite pleasant. He stood there for a moment, enjoying it, before returning indoors.
"No one's coming, that I can sense out there, anyway..."
03-10-2007, 03:12 AM
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Arnie noticed that Krik wanted to speak with him. He turned to Otto and said briefly. "Go and check those Mudokons at the machinery."

"What?!" said Otto incredulously. "They're working fine, I can see that from here..."

"I said, go! Don't stand around all day, what do you think I'm paying you for?"

"Paying! Right..." said Otto sarcastically, but headed for the Mudokons anyway. "Haven't seen a paycheck for weeks, and he calls that payment..." he mumbled under his breath to himself.

He went to the Mudokons at the grinder line. "So, uh, how's grinding going?" he asked.

Meanwhile, Arnie turned to Krik. "So, what do you want? Any trouble at the Labs?"


"That Slig organic should have his behaviour protocols reprogrammed." said RG after #7 Slig cut him off in mid-sentence.

"If he was a robot like you, that is, right?" asked Rick, afraid of RG having dangerous ideas about 'reprogramming' Slig brains.

"Positive. I can't pronounce the superiority of my kind enough. Organic behaviour is hard to change, while mechanic forms only need reprogramming."

"OK, I've heard enough of you being better than everybody else, etcetera and such." said Rick, rolling his eyes. "So, we're here, I found this place some time ago. There are some tools and spare parts around, too."

"Excellent. I have a basic set of tools in my frame compartments, but I think an welder used for industrial needs is a bit crude for sensitive repairs like the one we're preparing for. So, I need a pair of pliers, a small torch, some glass and wiring."

Rick nodded and went to a file cabinet nearby. He pulled out some of the drawers, and after a while he collected the items RG requested. He piled them on the table, then led RG to on of the chairs an helped him sit down. "OK, everything is in front of you, on the table." said Rick.

"Thank you, Mudokon organic." said RG. He scanned through the items with his hand, found the pliers and started to remove the shards of glass from his eye sockets.

03-10-2007, 04:48 AM
IloveHammy!'s Avatar
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Oddworld To the roof instead...

ooc: Splat,thanks for your pm warning.I think I'll take your advice and join Dyionisia(or whatever her name is!).

Shickwayla:*still looking at the map* "You know,we should check out the roof first.You know,go from the top to the bottom exploring.I think it might be more safe and fun.Besides,I've heard on the internet that meat processing plants usually keep animals in their basements."

Opple:"Okay.You win.I actually wanted to go to the basement but,now that you mention it,I agree with going to the roof."

*Both follow the path to the roof as directed on their map.After a while,they finally reach their goal...*

Opple:"Uh oh.Look who's here.That little 'mud brat!'"*she said in a whisper*

Shickwayla:"Great."*looking closer at Dyionisia.*"You know,she doesn't look so dangerous right now.Lets go over and talk to her."

Opple:"What?!Are you crazy?She'll probably kick you off the roof!"

Shickwayla:"Oh,don't be dumb,Opple.If she gets testy,all we have to do is walk away.You also have to kill em' with kindness.You of all people should know that,sis."

Opple:"Yeah,you're right.Sorry.Let's go."

*Both walk towards the Mudokon,who was looking rather calm and maybe even a bit sad.*

Shickwayla:"Hello again."*She tried to sound as sweet as she could,not wanting to be enimies with this girl.*
Watch this video and see what I think about all you have said to hurt me... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2zSNOWpI9s

03-10-2007, 08:04 AM
Munch's Master's Avatar
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Dek looked at #7. "Trouble? Not really. It's only a risk of the entire fac tory being dsestroyed again, isn't it? Tell RG to carefully and subtlely subdue Molt, perhaps with a few trank darts from behind. We'll need to return him to the Labs. I'm worried by cybernetic operations on him may have caused this personality trait of his- being made into a half-metal Slig after suffering head injuries can't be a comofrting experience. I could try and add a behavioral inhibitor chip to his mechanic eye to stop his behavior, we used those inhibitors on robots back at the old Vykker Labs. What do you think?"

Arthur cut in "I don't see hwat's the problem with Molt? I was comatose in the vents when thsi stuff with Molt happened. How dangerous is he? Regular Slig on a rampage dangerous, Abe and Munch dangerous, or Shrykull loose in a fully staffed factory dangerous?

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

03-10-2007, 08:43 AM
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"My bet would be on Regular-Slig-On-A-Rampage dangerous. He's not sneaking in shadows and doing us in one by one, is he?" said #7 Slig to Arthur. "He's making havoc occasionaly, and that makes it easier to track him down."

He turned to Dek. "Tranquilizing would work. I'm not intending on shooting him down neither. And then you can try putting that chip thingy in him. I'll try to reach RG again."

He activated the SCU again and spoke. "RG, come in, over."

There was silence again, but no answer came. "I repeat, RG, come in, over. This is urgent!" he added to make his point clear. But still no answer. "Something must have happened to him, he would have answered if he was aware that we are calling him." he said, deactivating the SCU.

"So, can't we take Molt down by ourselves? Do you have any tranq-darts?" asked #7 Slig from Dek and Arthur.


Meanwhile, RG was still removing the shards from his eye sockets, being watched by Rick, who was sitting next to him.

"Hey, what was that static-like noise?" asked Rick uncertainly.

"It meant that someone's trying to communicate with a radio device in the vicinity of the factory." said RG, unconcerned.

"Didn't you want to answer that?" asked Rick.

"I'm not really concerned about the problems of others right now. I'm concentrating on my repairs, so I can hunt the organic down who stole my gun." said RG, putting down the pliers and replacing his left optical sensor to its socket. "Say, Mudokon organic, can you see any metal plates in the room?"

Rick looked around, then stood up, went to the cabinet again, and after a while he returned with some metal plates. "Well, it's not definately your color, seeing that these are metalic gray..." he said, examing the plates, then placing them on the table.

"No matter. They are as good as my former facial plating, copper-coloured or not." said RG, touching the plates with his hands. "I might need your help with these though. I need you to cut them with a torch so they will fit on my face."

"We don't need to cut anything, then." said Rick grinning, eyeing the plates which were twice the size as RG's head.

"Why?" asked RG, apparently unaware that Rick was joking about the robot's overgrown self-esteem.

"Nothing." said Rick, shaking his head.

03-10-2007, 09:38 AM
Splat's Avatar
Chameleonic Lifeforms, No Thanks!
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ooc: No one's in production and packaging right now; there's not really much going on at the moment. Most characters are in the main grinders at the moment, so I guess you could wander over there. Actually Aryxl and Marco's characters' are in the porduction lines right now (I think) so you could run into them.

Dionysia jumped slightly at the voice. She hadn't heard anyone approach (but then she hadn't been paying attention to anything). She lowered her head quickly and tried to inconspiciously wipe the tears off her face, feeling angry with herself. She recognised the two things she'd met earlier (couldn't remember their names though).
"What are you doing here?" She said in a muffled voice, trying to sound demanding but failing completely. So much for her pride.


Krik snorted, "Probably, but that wasn't what I'm here to say. I'll be leaving here soon, and I just want to remind you that the Magog Cartel want me to make a report on you and this place. Though I'm glad to see some work is getting done," He said, glancing round the busy grinding area. "Though certainly you need to exercise more control over the sligs! There are a couple I encountered earlier who were causing a great deal of trouble! If I may, I would warn you not to get Skilya's people involved; if they start poking around here it could be the worst for all of us." He smiled grimly and hefted his bag.


Jim still looked uncomfortable, "i just... think it'd be a better idea if you leave the guns alone for a while." He glanced at the gun on the floor where Sturg had left it, thinking that he should perhaps put it back in the cupboard but not really wanting to touch it.
Jim sighed, "I hope Anni hurries up."

ooc: Still waiting for you guys to post as Kix/Dean!
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

03-10-2007, 10:02 AM
Munch's Master's Avatar
Munch's Master
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ooc: What do you wan tus to [ost? I'#ve forgotten where they are!
Dek replie to #7 "I believe ther's some darts in the Lab. But there's no need, as I have come equipped." Dek holds up the Snuzi he brought, and gestures also to his protective armour and an electroshocker attached to a belt clip. "Should put him out like a light."

Arthur coughed, again cutting in "Erm, that's all good but, what about me an #7? We don't have any protective armour an weapons. D'we not get any, or can we go to the armoury first? I mean, sure there's 3 of us, but if he's armed, chances are one or more of us could get hurt without gear."

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

03-10-2007, 03:37 PM
IloveHammy!'s Avatar
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Happy Mind if we join you???

*Seeing that Dionysia was a little troubled,Shickwayla tried her best to speak in a kind tone.*

Shickwayla:"What are we doing here?Just exploring.We can't really find anything to do."

Opple:"Do you mind if we join you up here?Look's like it has a nice veiw of everything,don't ya think?"
Watch this video and see what I think about all you have said to hurt me... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2zSNOWpI9s

03-10-2007, 07:34 PM
Reiji Neko Mitsukai's Avatar
Reiji Neko Mitsukai
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(Anyone mind if I try again? Of course, there's way too much I missed to catch up on, so my character would be just as clueless as I am as to what's going on...)

"Sick cultures show a complex of symptoms such as you have named . . . but a DYING culture invariably exhibits personal rudeness. Bad manners. Lack of consideration for others in minor matters. A loss of politeness, of gentle manners, is more significant than is a riot."
-- Robert Heinlein in Friday

03-11-2007, 12:25 AM
dripik's Avatar
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OOC: Sure, Reiji, welcome back. Post a profile in the W@RF Profile Thread and you can start as soon as you want.


"If you mean Gappiqu and Goresplatter,..." said Arnie to Krik. "...don't worry about them. They already smashed up RG's face and stole his rifle, so he's definately going to hunt them down. I'm not really fussed about how he brings them before us. Knowing him, he would their tentacles out one by one."


One of RG's frame compartments popped open and the robot took out the welder he used to mend the pipes in the Grinding Station earlier. He gave it to Rick. "Have you any experience with metalwork?"

"No, but I wanted to get into it anyway." said Rick, taking the welder from RG and examining it. It wasn't a complex tool - an activator button, and a small valve to adjust the flame of the welder.

Meanwhile, RG took one of the metal plates in front of him. A pointed instrument popped out from one of his fingers and he started to draw a perfectly square shape on the plate.

"I still can't belive how you're capable of this. I mean, blind and all." said Rick.

"My movements are partly controlled by my processor, which makes calculations with the coordinates of the postition where my arm currently is, and the position where I want to move my arm. These calculations provide me the distance of the respective movement. With the knowledge of my frame's attributes, I can recreate any part of my body, if the needed materials are available. That's why I needed you to help." said RG. After he finished sketching his new facial plate, he handed the plate to Rick. "Cut the plate with the welder along the lines I made."

"Sure... I'll try." said Rick, activating the welder. A large flame bursted out from the nozzle. "Turn it down a little, we don't need a flame that powerful now." said RG, picking up the torch from the table.

Rick turned the valve a little, reducing the flame. Then, he started to move it along the lines on the plate.


"If we're smart, Molt won't have time to injure any of us. Listen, Dek could move up to him while we take the catwalks over the Grinding Station. If the Snuzi won't work, we can give him a bigger dosage from above. Dek has armor, normal bullets usually don't make much damage on it. So, what do you think?" asked #7 Slig from Dek and Arthur.

Last edited by dripik; 03-11-2007 at 12:28 AM..
03-11-2007, 09:07 AM
Arxryl's Avatar
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ooc: Sorry for not posting very quickly Marco...

Ike turned towards the Mud whom had just introduced himself as "Clem".

"Well, my name's Ike. And thanks for saying that... I grew up somewhere near the Spooce-shrub forest... I can't remember where exactly, but..."
His voice began to drone off, as Ike began to lose himself in his memories. Quickly though he shook his head, and snapped out of it.

"We're almost there."
He pulled out his notepad, and flipped through to the map he had drawn. According to the map, they were in the production line, heading out to the grinders, where Arnie was.
He began to walk forward again, motioning to them to follow.

Our fate is sealed only when we accept it. -~Arxryl~-

03-11-2007, 10:56 PM
Reiji Neko Mitsukai's Avatar
Reiji Neko Mitsukai
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Reiji Neko Mitsukai  (10)

The train at the Feeco station slowed to a stop, eventually halting over the platform. The door opened, and there was a voice.

"Git goin', mute!"

A female Mudokon fell from the doorway, landing hard on her hands and knees. She grunted a little with the impact, but quickly rose and began to quickly walk away, as she had been ordered. Behind her, she could hear the slig that had shoved her off mutter to himself.

"Wastin' my time, makin' me drag her worthless hide all the way..." The door slammed shut.

As the train slowly accelerated, she glanced down at the sheet of paper in her hand. It had been slightly crumpled with the fall, and she tried to smooth it out. It was her identification, but mostly a letter to the owner of the new Rupture Farms- a Glukon named Arnie. Now if only she could find him...

"Sick cultures show a complex of symptoms such as you have named . . . but a DYING culture invariably exhibits personal rudeness. Bad manners. Lack of consideration for others in minor matters. A loss of politeness, of gentle manners, is more significant than is a riot."
-- Robert Heinlein in Friday

03-12-2007, 12:45 AM
12345abe's Avatar
: Mar 2007
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Blind Can I join?

If I can join, I would like to add my char, of course.

Race:Flying slig
Appearance:New aviator googles,flying suit with 2 propellers(each one on its side)
Personality:Likes smoking,drinking, and makin' friends.He's a nice and curious guy.Also gets hundreds of ideas per day.
Equipment:Standard slig rifle and an army helmet.
History:He is a slig that just got fired from Soulstorm brewery and now he is looking for a job to do.He knows Otto because he used to play with him when he was a little baby.He also knows Arnie because he's otto's bro (of course).

Last edited by 12345abe; 03-12-2007 at 12:49 PM..
03-12-2007, 12:52 AM
12345abe's Avatar
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ooc:iz dripik here?Ah he is.Okay thats all.

Last edited by 12345abe; 03-12-2007 at 12:58 AM..
03-12-2007, 12:54 AM
12345abe's Avatar
: Mar 2007
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Grunt:*Enters Rupture Farms railway station*Hello-o? *spots the train accelaraiting, and quickly flies to it*He spots a female Mudokon leaving.*rushes closer to the station* *bumps in a pillar* OW!!! *his copter falls down on the floor and he falls unconcious* ooc:did i put dis on a wrong place???If i did, sry.

Last edited by 12345abe; 03-12-2007 at 01:05 AM..
03-12-2007, 05:19 AM
Marco the Glukkon's Avatar
Marco the Glukkon
: Apr 2006
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occ: It's ok Arxryl, I haven't been able to reply quickly either because of studying for a Chemistry test.

IC:: Clem looked around nervously as he walked behind Ike. His eyes darted from corner to corner, and suddenly the grinders looked scary. He did not want to worry, but he did not want to meet this new Glukkon boss either. If it was up to him, he would have bolted and hid in a meat barrel for the rest of his life. Last time he did that, and he was taken out by a bouncer slig and beaten for 2 hours straight. The Glukkon wasn't fond of Clem after that. It was the worst part about being transfered around...he didn't know who to trust. But, at least he didn't have to go alone. Clem turned to look at Ike, seeing the back of his head with blurred vision.

" So...uh...this Glukkon boss...is he... uh..dangerous? I mean..you know where he is so I ....uh...figured you saw...him" Clem started to sweat. He looked back at Zuka, who was just looking around. Zuka started to look alittle scary too.


"Hmm...why is that Mud staring at me like that? He looks like a quivering baby slig." Zuka thought as he was walking behind Clem and Ike.

"I shoulda just registered for the Barracks again..sheesh!" Zuka muttered under his breath.

The production line had large pieces of Elum meat littered along the conveyor belts. Zuka sniffed the air and sighed. Ahh, the glorious smell of rotting meat. It's like deodarant for Sligs....
Owner of Grinder Farms
Scrab Cakes: Now with New Cherry Flavor!
Coming Soon: McFuzzles Resturant

Grinder Farms: If it aint' skwirmin at the beginnin', it ain't worth sellin' in the end!

Last edited by Marco the Glukkon; 03-12-2007 at 05:26 AM..
03-12-2007, 08:57 AM
The Red Muse's Avatar
The Red Muse
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(( blargh >.<))

Jammer could hear the brakes screech, before the train came to a stop. He lazily opened his eyes and peered out of the window. After three full days of traveling, bad food and lumpy mattresses, they finally reached their destination.

"RuptureFarms", snort "About bloody time."

He eyed the smaller slig sleeping across the cabin. With a grunt, Jammer got up and viciously poked Red till he woke up.

"Get yer ass up, we're here."
"We're where?"
"Rupture Farms, ye asshat! Now get up before I lose me temper!"

Muse blinked and stood up, stretching.

The two sligs made their way out of the train, carefully inspecting the station.

Jammer peeked over his shoulder, only to see the smaller slig standing zombified with his mouth wide open.
"What?!", Jammer barked
"After all that damn trouble we went through to get here, I just...can't believe we finally made it! Yaaay!"
Jammer watched in sheer horror as Red began bouncing all over the train station, screaming and crying like a " wee girl".

"Why am I torturing myself like this? Or did the Allmighty Odd decide to punish me for all I have done?! I swear, I'm never -ever- going anywhere with that idiot again", Jammer mused ,"Will you STOP THAT!? STOP THE GODDAMN SCREAMING, MY EARS ARE BLEEDING ALREADY", he bellowed

But Red didn't seem to hear him.

"Pffft, teme..."

((whoop, poor Jammer :3 ))
~[:: Surrender your cookies and you shall not be harmed! ::]~

03-12-2007, 09:15 AM
Splat's Avatar
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Splat  (2194)Splat  (2194)Splat  (2194)Splat  (2194)Splat  (2194)Splat  (2194)Splat  (2194)Splat  (2194)Splat  (2194)Splat  (2194)Splat  (2194)

ooc: YAY! Jammer and Musey are back! Huzzah!!!!!!! All is awesome!

12345Abe, don't double post, and DEFINATELY don't triple-post! It's against the forum rules and if you keep doing it you could get a warning. If you need to, use the edit button. Also, your profile should be posted in thr W@RF profile thread. That's what it's there for.

Krik chuckled, "And it's better than they deserve. I also wanted to remind you to keep an eye on Dionysia. No doubt you remember what the Cartel said would follow for you if she was injured. Her behaviour's been getting rather eratic recently," He shrugged, "She is only a prototype."


Dionysia looked up as Opple gestured. "Trees and dirt and grass. what is there to see?" She felt numb to the world, qrapped up in her little ball of fear of what could happen to her. How could she carry on? What was the point of it; she was nothing but a flawed model.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

03-12-2007, 10:16 AM
Munch's Master's Avatar
Munch's Master
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OOC: Yes, finally, one of the original gang is back properly!
Oh and Splat, in case you couldn't interpet my poorly typed OOC earlier, I said 'what do you want us to post [for Kix and Dean], I've forgotten where they are'.
Arthur looked doubtful. "Eeh, I dunno, I don't like psychos. Plus, don't forget Quarma- Dek operated on Molt an' has no doubt done some pretty cruel stuff as a doc, so this could be Odd's way of gettin' back at him. Or me, as Dek's representative. You never know how fickle Odds can be..."
Dek sighed "#7, don't mind Arthur. He's just a lazy coward who is more interested in...cooking than medical science. No macho in him at all. You'd think he didn't need to be sterilizied, the way he acts."

Arthur looked at Dek fierecely "Right! You wanna make that kinda jokin about me eh? Fine! I'll do it! An so help me, if I get blown up, it's your fault!" He marched off in the direction of the Gridners, mumbling incoherent swearwords.

Dek winked at #7 "Insulting their pride always does the trick. Come on, it's hunting season, let's go bag ourselves a homicidal maniac." Dek also headed off to the Grinders, but waited for #7 to follow.

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

03-12-2007, 10:55 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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IC: "Yeah, I agree with you there. I'm kinda getting bored" said Sturg, as looked at the gun.

OOC: Sry short post.
03-12-2007, 12:15 PM
Splat's Avatar
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ooc: But MM, we have two oldies-but-goldies! Reiji Neko Mitsukai was a member at the end of W@RF part 1.
And I did read your post; I was hoping Slaveless might provide some insight when he next posts. I just want to see where they are/what they're up to so I can decide if it's sensible for Anni to find them. As noted, Jim, Somi and Sturg don't have much to do right now.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

03-12-2007, 12:47 PM
12345abe's Avatar
: Mar 2007
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Idea THX

ooc:Thx for warning, Splat, and... I heard you can give license to RPG makers, (btw sry for posting that cr*p, the MY Rpg, delete that please)Can u git me a license? (or u already did?I asked u somewhere...) and btw red muse, you said in the text something he was carefully looking around the station... How didn't anyone spot Grunt lying on the floor?(I won't triple or double post anymore, i will edit now thx for warning me)

Last edited by 12345abe; 03-12-2007 at 12:51 PM..
03-12-2007, 01:00 PM
dripik's Avatar
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OOC: She didn't say anything about RM running through the whole Station. Just bouncing around in joy. And her lines are not even unclear, like some of the stuff you write, 12345abe. Was it really necessary for Grunt to make an entrance by falling unconcious in the first minute? And you should write full sentences, not like "dripik r u here? U r? Sry". Try to pick up a few basics from experienced people around here.

Lovely! Jammer and RM returned! I wonder how the 'old' characters will react on their reappearance...

03-12-2007, 04:27 PM
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Ike looked back at Clem, and responded to his question.
"Well, I haven't really met him myself, but from what I've seen, he's okay. He doesn't seem to be too mean..."

Ike looked back ahead. They were now past the grinders, and only about five seconds later, they were in line.

He said back to the two behind him, "Well, it looks like Krik is talkin' to him right now, so if we wait just a bit longer, we might be able to get a job."

He gave a hopeful smile, and turned forward watching the conversation between Krik and Arnie, however he was far enough away to where he wasn't really paying attention to what they were saying.

Our fate is sealed only when we accept it. -~Arxryl~-

03-12-2007, 04:34 PM
IloveHammy!'s Avatar
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Oddworld Mixed emotions...


Opple:"Well,I think it's very beautiful,even if it is just trees and grass and dirt.It sorta reminds me of home." *Opple looked a little homesick,even though she hadn't been at Rupture Farms more than a few hours.*

Shickwayla:"Me too." *She had the same look as Opple in here big yellowish.green eyes.* "But anyway,how have you been since our last meeting in the cafeteria?"

Opple:"Yeah,and what's your name again?"
Watch this video and see what I think about all you have said to hurt me... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2zSNOWpI9s

03-12-2007, 06:59 PM
Reiji Neko Mitsukai's Avatar
Reiji Neko Mitsukai
: May 2003
: I cruise around...
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Timidly, the female mudokon stepped out of the station, looking around. With luck, maybe she would be able to find a map without finding anyone that would "interrogate" her...

"Sick cultures show a complex of symptoms such as you have named . . . but a DYING culture invariably exhibits personal rudeness. Bad manners. Lack of consideration for others in minor matters. A loss of politeness, of gentle manners, is more significant than is a riot."
-- Robert Heinlein in Friday

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