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12-10-2009, 10:20 AM
MarsMudoken's Avatar
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Okay, I just had to walk in the freezing snow for about a mile. Give me a couple of minutes for my hands to unfreeze.
[insert boundless wit here]

12-10-2009, 11:46 AM
~Oprilthevykker~'s Avatar
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Opril sighed out of anger, pulling his Lil' hacker knife from his belt.. running his
lower left arms claws up and down the blade of it calmly. He turned his head to the slig
(Borso), saying to him, in an ill mannered way, (You wouldn't deprive me the chance to
try out my new procedure would you? Because if you were to do that.. there's no telling what I might do." Opril again ran his claws to the blade's tip, then spun it around in a circle on his upper left arms index index claw. "Trust me, ask anyone from my old work place.. you don't want to get me aggravated.. in fact, you want to keep me on the exact opposite side of emotion from aggravated, so c'mon, we're all on the same side here." Opril moved in close to Borso, hugging an arm around his neck, whispering. "You know, we Vykker's have operated on our selfs until we found out a way to increase our lifespan by a hundred and twenty years!
allow me to try my procedure of this Mud, and I'll perhaps give you the same surgery?"


Ooc: Not to get off topic, but Ba-Jeezus it's cold where I'm at today.

Last edited by ~Oprilthevykker~; 12-10-2009 at 11:55 AM.. : Mkay.
12-10-2009, 12:54 PM
MarsMudoken's Avatar
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OOC: Alright I can feel my fingers :P.


IC: Things were a blur. There was a crashing noise, a slig's voice, Mars couldn't keep up. Suddenly the damn snoozer who had been driving him crazy since the start showed up. He...?...was that a wink...um...er...whatever. Following this 'wink' the snoozer fired a tazer of sorts, it nailed Mars in the chest. Out of expectations and over-reaction, Mars fell to the ground. But strangly, it didn't hurt. Mars guessed the snoozer had figured out what was going on. Maybe. Mars faked passing out and waited for ANYTHING to go right.


IC: Well, apparently that was over. Krivzee looked at Guekko. "So what now?".
[insert boundless wit here]

12-10-2009, 01:22 PM
Splat's Avatar
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Okay, I just had to walk in the freezing snow for about a mile. Give me a couple of minutes for my hands to unfreeze.
Mars, how many times to I have to tell you? Stay on topic! I won't ask again. There was absolutely no reason for this message. If you're gonna post, post. If you're not ready to post IC, do not post to tell us you aren't going to post!
Wait until you're ready to post IC, and then post! But don't post ooc when you don't need to! No one cares about waiting another hour for you to post!

Anni's cunning plans were ruined by the opening of the door; suddenly things weren't looking so good, but the snoozer didn't seem to consider her a danger; for whatever reason, it didn't seem to be matching her with the two natives. Hopefully, the sligs would accept its presumption.

Then it shot Mars and he collapsed, and she gasped and ran and crouched down beside him. He didn't look like he was badly hurt; she was still breathing...

Then a vykker came in and asked to operate on Mars. Anger flared in her and she looked up, glaring at the vykker; "He's not some animal!" She yelled, "You can't just treat him like one!"
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 12-10-2009 at 01:24 PM..
12-10-2009, 01:37 PM
MarsMudoken's Avatar
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OOC: Oh dear...a vykker in the presence of Anni...I forgot about this...
[insert boundless wit here]

12-10-2009, 01:37 PM
Gretin's Avatar
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Hembar was surprised as SU-01 fired at Mars, but she had caught the "wink" before the shot. She moved towards him as he fell to the ground, but Anni was faster and crouched down beside him.

Then the vykker (Opril) started insisting on operating. Anna yelled angrily at him, but Hembar, now feeling a little more confident about their situation added,

"He's taken care of now, so you can save your 'operation' for someone else. Besides, I doubt the boss would be very happy about a vykker operating on anyone in this factory without permission!"

12-10-2009, 01:44 PM
~Oprilthevykker~'s Avatar
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Ic: Opril's conversation with borso was interrupted when Anni had yelled at Opril.
"He's not some animal!" She said. Opril turned towards her, looking down, all of his arms on his hips angrily. "You can't just treat him like one!" She yelled again at him.
"Ha, you really think you can count yourself as equal to us vykker's?.. to me, all of
you savages are lower life forms, besides.. this operation could better the life's of you
creatures." Opril took a few steps closer to Anni, holding his lil' hacker saw out, letting her see her own reflection on the blade.

12-10-2009, 02:30 PM
slig# 5719's Avatar
slig# 5719
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Flad cringed as the Snoozer's tazer hit Mars and he (Mars) fell to the floor. Suddenly an argument broke out between Anni and Opril over whether the Vykker could operate on Mars. Flad approached them, "Whoah, nobody's operating on anyone. We have much more important things to do, such as getting this native back in a cell to start." Flad said and gestured to Mars lying on the floor. "We just need someone to open the door to the cells and the rest of us can put the native into another cell. I volunteer to stand guard to make sure he doesn't escape again."


Slen and Erp where talking in the Visitors Train Station.

"I thought there would be an escort here by now." Slen said "I s-suppose we should go find out what's going on. I d-don't want to anger the boss by not being at my s-station."

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12-10-2009, 02:48 PM
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Guekko  (42)

OOC: I really should keep better track of this thread, I keep getting lost

IC: Guekko had kept quiet, just standing behind Krivzee as the Snoozer questioned them. He wouldn't have been able to say anything without stuttering anyway, and that would possibly have made someone think he were lying and would have again run the risk of getting shot. He breathed quite a loud sigh of relief at what the Snoozer said and its subsequent disappearance. He gave Krivzee a look with the tilt of his head.
"No more b-breaking into doors."
12-10-2009, 02:55 PM
Jimmy-le-sniper's Avatar
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Everything was going as planned. SU-01 froze in place.

"Incomming orders...Aknowledge.

To every security guards present. I have send a situation report earlier and I just got new orders. Since this is the second escape attempt that occur in this room, it has been judjed inappropriate for detention purposes. According to my instructions, I am going to escort this prisoneer to a more secured room and stay there until further notice...Your instructions are to get back to your guard posts immediatly. Message send by a rank 2 or higher executive with correct accreditations."

SU-01 went close to Mars, who apparently got his plan and was faking inconsiousness. He had his back turned to all the sligs and the Vykker. A small display appeared under his eyes. It was usually used by Vykkers engineers during maintenance, but now it was displaying a blinking message : "YOUR CLEANING JOB IS DONE. FOLLOW ME OUT". He made sure only Hembar and Anni could see it. He then picked Mars up in his robotic arms. He turned around, ready to leave the room. Looking at Opril, he said :

"You are not registered in the employees database so I assume you are a new recruit. You should head for the boss office and get all the paperwork done."

He took a few steps, half-way from the exit.
English is not my mother tongue, so feel free to correct my eventual mistakes.

If at first, you don't succeed, Use Yur Imagination

Feel free to check my Deviantart Gallery. I've some Oddworld art in there.

Last edited by Jimmy-le-sniper; 12-10-2009 at 03:04 PM..
12-10-2009, 03:30 PM
AlexFili's Avatar
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IC: 'Yuk', Borso thought to himself. He could smell the Vykker's breath. It was like a mix between burnt meat and minty mouthwash. Borso allowed Opril to let go before continuing. "Be that as it may, orders are orders".

Borso listened to Anni. 'Technically it is an animal. It's OUR animal', he thought.
Borso sighed, 'I had better follow Flad... I suppose.'

I stream games and art now!

12-10-2009, 03:40 PM
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[-- Erp --]

"Um - well, I guess we could try find the boss's office," said Erp. "C'mon, let's go!"

[-- Tok --]

He heard shouts, mutterings and finally what sounded like a tazer being fired. "Let me out!" he yelled, grabbing the bars and shaking them furiously.
There was a splintering noise as the door started to lean outward. Tok stared at it for a moment. He was free...!

The door tilted, slowly, back toward him.

"Oh noooooo - !"

There was a crunch, and he was pressed to the floor of the cage by the rusty door. "Ow. Ow. Ow." he muttered, slithering backwards out from under it.

"Okay, now I'm free! I'm gonna teach that terrorist that he'd never been born!"

He jumped nimbly over the fallen door and scurried across the floor of the labs to where his flypants were still coughing miserably in a heap. He pulled himself into them, pulled the choke and slowly eased the joystick upwards.

He rose into the air. At last! He'd been stuck in the stinking cage for an hour. He choked his way over to the lab door and opened it, somewhat awkwardly.

In the room there were some Mudokons, some Sligs, a Snoozer and even a Vykker.

And there on the floor was the terrorist - !

"Right!" he said to the crowd. "I'm here to take this sitooation under control. I'm gonna take this here terrorist down to the warehouses on the ground floor and lock 'im in there 'til we find a better place. The rest of you, go do some'in."

[-- ooc --]

I have nothing to say ooc.

Last edited by enchilado; 12-10-2009 at 03:55 PM..
12-10-2009, 04:08 PM
Splat's Avatar
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ooc: Uh, Ench, you kinda missed Jimmy's post methinks.
EDIT: Ah, i see you've edited. I'll edit my post to fit yours.

Anni was sort of gently pushed aside by the snoozer as it picked up Mars, and she was mildly surprised by its... non-aggressiveness. And by the message it was flashing them. She glanced sideways at Hembar, wondering what the native mudokon would do, but she made up her own mind and nodded to the snoozer, rising to her feet and following it as it walked out, her head bowed in a show of faux meekness for the sligs.
Then the slig they locked up burst into the room and yelled at them to give Mars to him. She looked over her shoulder, hoping he wouldn't recognise her and said, "The robot is taking him somewhere more secure than this!" She wondered how true her statement was, but at least if the snoozer tried anything, she would know it.

ooc: Jimmy, if you want to walk, you can assume Anni will follow. Though when they're clear of the sligs, she might want to start asking questions.
Forgot to do Jim earlier.

Jim was still pulling levers and watching dials in the production lines. "They're pretty creepy, I guess," He responded to Ralph, diplomatically. "I prefer them to sligs though. I always freeze up around sligs... Anni's been a while; maybe we should go and see what's going on? I don't wanna find out she's been leading the native around the factory and getting herself into trouble."
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 12-10-2009 at 04:11 PM..
12-10-2009, 04:21 PM
Gretin's Avatar
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"I always saw sligs as being kind of pathetic," Ralph replied to Jim, "but it's vykkers who put me in this body."

"Anni's been a while; maybe we should go and see what's going on? I don't wanna find out she's been leading the native around the factory and getting herself into trouble."

"Good idea, but... what about our posts?" Ralph asked, "Things might not be so good for us if we left and something went wrong..."


Hembar was even more surprised now when the snoozer (SU-01) made it's announcement and discreetly commanded her and Anni to follow it out with Mars. Hoping the vykker (Opril) would take the robot's advice, she shared a glance with Anni, then decided to play along for now at least. She certainly had some questions for it when they got out of here though.

Then the slig who had been locked up (Tok) came through the door and tried to tell them all what to do, "Right! I'm here to take this situation under control. I'm gonna take this here terrorist down to the warehouses on the ground floor and lock 'im in there 'til we find a better place. The rest of you, go do some'in."

She thought about answering, but decided against it - someone else could do that, since the slig probably wouldn't listen to her as a mudokon anyway.

12-10-2009, 11:48 PM
AlexFili's Avatar
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IC: "That's nice Tok, but I think the robot has everything under control mate." Borso gestured to the big robot. Borso took a glance at Anni, studying her fragile form for a brief moment. He then looked at Opril, Vykkers were always bending the rules and trying to do anything to get experimental samples... well he wasn't going to let this one wall all over him.

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12-11-2009, 12:34 AM
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[-- Tok --]

"Everything under control, huh? Well, I'm your superior officer," - yeah, that'd work - "and I'm sayin' this Snoozer has no authority over a Slig, right? So git, Snoozface, an' I'll take this terrorist faggot down to the basement!"
12-11-2009, 05:19 AM
slig# 5719's Avatar
slig# 5719
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Flad was about to pick up Mars when the Snoozer announced that it recieved orders to move Mars to another location. The Snoozer approached Mars, turned to the two Muds, turned back and picked up Mars. As the Snoozer was leaving it turned to Opril; "You are not registered in the employees database so I assume you are a new recruit. You should head for the boss office and get all the paperwork done."

"Well i'm not a registered employee either, so I better get to the boss's office too." Flad thought and then noticed Tok talking to Borso. "Your a superior officer?" Flad said, "That order the Snoozer has, came from a ranking executive. I'm sure Glukkons outrank Sligs here. Either way we have all been ordered to return to our posts. Since I don't work here, i'm going to see about getting one. I already know my way around this floor now, so i'm on my way to the Executive office." Flad began to leave the Lab, as he left he looked at Opril. "It looks like we're going the same way. I can take you to the boss's office if you want." He said to Opril and left the Lab, making his way to the Executive Office.


"O-ok" Slen replied and began to follow Erp through Rupture Farms.
"So, um, do you know your way around? I'd hate to run into any Sligs, especially since we're on our own. They might try to shoot us or something."

My DA page.

12-11-2009, 05:22 AM
Jimmy-le-sniper's Avatar
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Without turning back SU-01 said to the new slig (Tok) :

"I might not have any authority on you but the orders I've received are from a level 2 or higher executive. So they're either from the Head of Security, the Boss or his assistant and I doubt you have and will ever have more authority than they have. Now, you should and must apply your orders which are to get back to your guard post. And may I remind all of you Sligs what happen if you disobey an order ? Everyone know that Skillya, your queen prefers her slig meat roasted. Now excuse me, but I've orders to accomplish...and you too."

He took a few steps out of the room. His radar indicated him that the two Mudokons were following him. He decided to take a longer path to the basement. That way, he will be able to check several time if someone is following them or not.
English is not my mother tongue, so feel free to correct my eventual mistakes.

If at first, you don't succeed, Use Yur Imagination

Feel free to check my Deviantart Gallery. I've some Oddworld art in there.

12-11-2009, 11:36 AM
MarsMudoken's Avatar
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OOC: I'm not a ******!!! You know what I mean...Tok.
[insert boundless wit here]

12-11-2009, 11:44 AM
~Oprilthevykker~'s Avatar
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Opril was none to happy about not being able to operate on the Mud,
then being given order's by a machine to top it all off. "You are not registered in the employees database so I assume you are a new recruit. You should head for the boss office and get all the paperwork done." Opril inhaled deeply, letting out a long and loud sigh; "Your probably right, I should go register."
He began to follow behind Flad, seeming fascinated at why they seemed to be
taking orders from the Snoozer. "It looks like we're going the same way. I can take you to the boss's office if you want." Flad had said to Opril.
"Yeah, thanks.. I'm not really sure where I'm going." Opril said, while walking beside Flad at the same pace as he was walking. Opril began muttering to himself while following the slig "Maybe I could take that Snoozer offline... hm."

12-11-2009, 11:52 AM
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[-- Tok --]

Tok watched the Snoozer walk out of the room. This wasn't right! The terrorist was his! This stupid robot obviously couldn't think for itself, therefore there would be no use trying to convince it. He should kill the terrorist now! Yes, kill it now! But that would be no fun.

He wanted to do it slowly! How dare it infiltrate his factory, after all? The stupid worthless little slurg would suffer! Oh yes! Bwahahaha!

For now, he would be content to follow the Snoozer and see where he took the terrorist. Tok flew as high as he could [-- ooc: how high are the ceilings? --] and followed the Snoozer from up there.

The terrorist was his, after all.

[-- Erp --]

"My way around? Uh, not really. Have you worked in a factory before? 'coz I don't think any Sligs are going to be shootin' us. Beat us maybe, but they won't shoot us."

He stopped in front of a lift. "Hey, it's a lift! I've never even used one of these things. I bet that takes us to wherever we're supposed to go!"

He pressed a big button, and glanced at Slen.

[-- ooc --]

Oops, Mars and Opril posted. Anyway, it doesn't change much, except that I didn't mention the Vykker leaving.

Last edited by enchilado; 12-11-2009 at 11:54 AM.. : and i live in the uk so its all ÂŁ30 4 xbox and 360 so hahahahahahahahahaa
12-11-2009, 01:37 PM
MarsMudoken's Avatar
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IC: "Agreed", Krivzee said with a chuckle. "But how do we get in now? We still need a job..."

OOC: I forgot about Krivs...
[insert boundless wit here]

12-11-2009, 02:58 PM
slig# 5719's Avatar
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Flad was making his way to the Executive Office, followed closely by Opril and Borso. Opril was mumbling to himself but Flad couldn't make out what he was saying.

As they made their way, they encountered a Glukkon (Guekko) and another Slig (Krivzee). Flad looked at Krivzee "Hi, we've just received orders to return to our posts, the whole native thing is finally over. We"-Flad gestured to Opril and Borso-"don't have posts since we don't yet work here. We're on our way to the Executive Office now to start workin' here." Flad then noticed Guekko "Oh. Sir,"-salutes-"I'm Flad and am hoping to become an employee here at the factory."


"I've never been in a factory before" Slen replied to Erp. "I've spent my whole life at a power station. nowhere near as many workers as there would be in a place like this. Sligs beating us doesn't make me feel any better, but it's nothing new."

The two Mudokons reached the lift and Erp pressed a big button.
"W-well i'd think the Glukkon in charge would have his office in the highest part of the factory so we must be going in the right direction."

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12-11-2009, 03:27 PM
~Oprilthevykker~'s Avatar
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Opril continued to follow Flad, pretending to not even see Borso.
He cocked his head to the right and left every few steps they took;
looking for something to eat. "Dammit, I'm hungry.. I've not ate so
much as a Scrab pie in weeks.." Opril said to the Slig leading the way
to the office. He grasped hold of the Sligs shoulder with his above and below
right arms, turning the Slig to face him. "Don't you have anything to snack
on? I'm starving here!" Opril said while drool began to drip off the side of his jaw.

"Oooh, how convenient.. there's another Slig here! if I grow too hungry
I'll just have a Slig-witch." Opril, amused by his own dark sense of humor chuckled a few times, then returned his attention to Flad. "But seriously, I'm starving.. can't you please find me a snack before we continue heading to the Office?

12-12-2009, 01:22 AM
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IC: Borso chuckled. 'Tok just got pwned', he thought. Tok's attitude had seemed less nice of late. 'So much for saving his life', he added.

As Opril started moving, so did Borso. Opril mentioned food, Borso searched around his belt but couldn't see anything edible. Borso laughed at his joke, but only because it was just so bad. Borso looked around and saw a vending machine. "What about that?", he pointed to the Paramite Pasties vending machine. He put two silver coins into the machine, waited for the Pasties to drop. He took one and held it out for Opril. He looked at Flad and gestured to the other one, as if to ask; 'Do you want one?'

I stream games and art now!

12-12-2009, 01:52 AM
Jimmy-le-sniper's Avatar
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Like he planned to do, SU-01 left the lab and headed to the basement.

"Please, remain silent until further notice...All of you three" he muttered.
"We're going to the basement but right now we're being followed. I'll let you guess who is after us. He flies, he wears a gas mask and right now, he wants "his" terrorist back and he also wants us dead. I'm going to take a longer path, with low ceilings. That way, he'll not be able to follow us."
He looked down to Mars, who was still faking unconsciousness in his arms "Once we lost him, I'll take a look at your leg."
English is not my mother tongue, so feel free to correct my eventual mistakes.

If at first, you don't succeed, Use Yur Imagination

Feel free to check my Deviantart Gallery. I've some Oddworld art in there.

Last edited by Jimmy-le-sniper; 12-12-2009 at 01:57 AM..
12-12-2009, 12:11 PM
~Oprilthevykker~'s Avatar
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Opril looked at Borso holding the food. "Eh, no thanks.. I'm actually not that that
hungry now, for some reason." He sighed, continuing to follow Flad to where ever
the office was at. "I just want to be registered, an get it over with to be honest.."
Opril sighed, rubbing his above, right arms claws sides against his blind eye,
starting to feel rather tired from all the previous walking it to to reach the trains
from his old workplace.

12-12-2009, 01:11 PM
slig# 5719's Avatar
slig# 5719
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: Nov 2009
: The Flipped Noodle
: 394
Blog Entries: 4
Rep Power: 15
slig# 5719  (64)

Flad, Borso and Opril left the Glukkon and Slig behind. On their way to the executive office Opril began to complain of hunger. Borso put some Moolah into a nearby vending machine and received some Paramite Pasties. He offered one to Opril who refused and then one to Flad.

"Great, thanks, I haven't eaten in a while and I love Paramite. I haven't had one of these in a long time." Flad took the pastie from Borso. He stared at the pastie and pictures of paramites in the wild began to flash in his head. "Odd no, it's happening again" Flad thought, he shook the thought away and began to eat the pastie. "Right, lets get to the office, it should be just round the corner." Flad said, still eating the pastie.

My DA page.

12-12-2009, 01:39 PM
~Oprilthevykker~'s Avatar
: Dec 2009
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~Oprilthevykker~  (4)

Opril held his hip's starting to seem aggravated, following behind the slig.
"Hurry up! This is taking forever!" Opril yelled out, to Flad. Suddenly Opril stopped
and looked back, picking up something on his thermal lens. "Hey, Flad who's that?"
Opril mumbled softly, to not draw the attention of who ever it was.
"My Lens shows a Glukkon form and another slig.. not but a few yards away.
Ah, nevermind.. It doesn't matter we're here now." Opril looked up at the door, it proclaiming "[Executive Office]". Opril glanced over at Flad to see his reaction.. making sure it was the right place before he went any further. Things went silent.. but in the midst of the silence Opril
yelled in Flad's face. "Is this the place or not!?" He yelled, again releasing his smelly breath
on Flad, rudely.

Last edited by ~Oprilthevykker~; 12-12-2009 at 01:42 PM..
12-12-2009, 02:13 PM
slig# 5719's Avatar
slig# 5719
Spark Stunk
: Nov 2009
: The Flipped Noodle
: 394
Blog Entries: 4
Rep Power: 15
slig# 5719  (64)

These two IC posts are quite close to each other today .

The group were just about to reach the executive area when Opril started complaining again. "Almost there" Flad replied, then Opril noticed the Glukkon and Slig Flad spoke to a few moments ago. "Them two? I have no idea. Oh hold on, that Slig collapsed when we first started chasing that native. He has some strange additions to his pants i've never seen before. Come to think of it that Glukkon wasn't wearing any shoes." They reached the door to the executive area.

Suddenly Flad lost all concentration he thought about the paramite pastie. Paramites overran his thoughts, he couldn't even tell what was going on around him. Then a voice pierced through his thoughts "Is this the place or not!?" The smell of the vykker's breath fully awakening Flad from his trancelike state. "Huh? Oh, yeah this is it. Behind this door should be a small room leading to the executive office." Flad said and went through the door to find Grace standing by the boss's office. "Hey again Grace." Flad said "We've come for jobs. That native escaped from the lab's cells, but everything is under control now that snoozer had orders to take him to a more secure location."

Now we play the waiting game .

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