Listening to people talk about playing TF2 on the pc is about the only thing that could get me to start playing on one.
It is pretty great. The absolute worst thing about it is the community, though. Like, I've played with obnoxious people before but TF2 players take the cake.
However, a lot of them are really accommodating to new players and the Updates Valve releases are rad as hell (except for the Hats). People who trade have the worst business sense in the world, though.
Tell Valve that. They rely on people complaining about things to fix them.
As for the Caber, thanks, I've read the wiki page too. But is it better
only practical use for the Caber outside of dickery is if you have The Sticky Jumper, as you don't take damage from the explosion itself, but that also sacrifices use of the Targe, which is key to actually killing anything that isn't a wary Scout, Spy or Sniper. Engineers are actually kind of hard to hit because they're slightly shorter. Really.
You'd be better off with the Eyelander or Horseless Headless Horsemann's axe for actual legit melee usage.
I need a Crit-A-Cola. Any TF2 player reading this should message me and give it to me.