The Lives of Others!!
Magnificent. A really understated, gorgeous piece of film. I was surprised about how thematically leaning it was toward art amongst all the political thrillering, although that may be my own interests warping the film. Long live Germany! The ending is perfection.
Watched it again on DVD. Still fantastic. The ending is just absolutely devastating.
Was supposed to go see
Sweeny Todd, and I really want to, it looks marvellous, I love Helena Bonham Carter, but we decided to drink some more instead.
No Country for Old Men increasingly looks like a very thin, slight piece of film. I want to see it, cos it's the Coen bros, but the plot and character thrust from what I've gathered seems disappointingly simplistic. So much for the film made by adults, for adults.
We shall see. I'm prepared to eat my words, delicious as they always are.