God, I just saw 2001: A space oddysey.
But first a history lesson:
I rarely cry in movies, never am I moved that much by something that I shed tears, however, there are exceptions, some of those being: Thr Iron Giant, Castle In The Sky, and although not techinically a movie, this one episode of the Starship troopers cartoon.
What do these have in common?
Robots, Artificial beings, whatever, anyway, since I was a young lad I always had an interest in robots, from Bender being my favorite character on Futurama (John Dimaggio inspired me to pursue a career in voice acting) to that weird satisfaction I get ( sort of a spoiler so I'll put it in tags) when I see the Iron Giant killing all the soldiers near the end of the movie as the war machine , I always loved 'em.
I also always cried when the Griant got hurt, that Robot in Starship troopers died, and The castle in the Sky drones got blown up.
So, near the end of 2001, as Dave enters the cetral computing chamber and begins his work on HAL, and hearing HAL just go on about being afraid, and how he is, in a way, sorry, I just broke down.
Daisy indeed.
I see you jockin' me.