I read this psychological thriller named "Piercing", written by Ryu Murakami.
It was on sale and had an interesting cover and summary so I thought why not.
I finished it in a day(It's only 180 pages of fairly largely written text). But man, it left me really in a weird mood X_x It's about some guy who becomes obsessed with wanting to pierce his own baby with an ice pick, but instead he decides to kill a random hooker from an S&M agency... He also decides he wants to slice her Achilles Tendons... Blargh. It's quite the sickening book at some parts, but it kept me interested and entertained at least.
Both the main guy and the girl he wants to kill have their fucked up past and stuff haunting them.
The ending was odd. I guess I should read more weird psychological thrillers.
Actually, I've been wanting to read more books lately, but I always spend hours in the book store, not really knowing what to buy.
Do any people here have good ideas? I like exciting books... Sometimes Sci-fi, sometimes fantasy ... But also normal books. Or historical books... They can also include romance, but I absolutely hate books revolving only around romance.
So does anyone has good suggestions? Pleeze =D
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@