Hey, here's some more characters. I planned to add them before but never really got around to it. Hopefully they'll liven things up around here. ^^
Name: Maguda Wood (everyone calls her Maggie)
Race: Wolvark
Gender: Female
Age: 20 or so
Appearance: She’s tall and roughly teardrop shaped, with long arms, legs, and neck. She has large periwinkle eyes and a pink-noodle tongue that often pokes out of the side of her mouth. She wears a long, shock-blue blouse with white pants and a tan pageboy hat with a small lip.
Personality: Maggie’s gullible and an extreme flirt. She has absolutely no sense of personal space and has a habit of staring, which is often very scary. She’s drawn to all people of the male gender no matter what species they are, and has a habit of swinging her arms when she walks, knocking things over.
Equipment: She has some cherry lip balm in her pocket.
History: Maggie grew up with her aunt and eleven sisters in a small house in Western Mudos. Her aunt supported the family of twelve by steef hunting. Back then, steef hunting was relatively new, and was practically a goldmine. Money came pouring in, and they had no worries. Then, when Maggie was twelve, the steef started to vanish. It became harder and harder for Maggie’s aunt to take care of the family. Eventually she was forced to sent some of the children away to do work. Maggie got sent to a guard facility in the slums of a huge industrialized city, and she’s been there ever since, working as a sentinel. She works with Skelter and Conway, though her current mission is top secret. If she trusts somebody enough she’s likely to tell them about it, though.
Name: Conway Demilo
Race: Mudokon
Gender: Drone, male
Age: 14 (28 in human years)
Appearance: A mudokon with normal skin and eyes. His unusually-thin feather is braided with metal coils and ends in a fork, like a snake’s tongue. He wears a pair of torn jeans and no shoes (he chose not to wear a shirt... for some reason). On his right hand is a normal, black fingerless glove, and on his left is a thickly plated metal one that’s practically a gauntlet. He’s constantly smiling, flashing rows of perfectly straight teeth.
Personality: He acts like a talk show host; his voice is overly bold, he makes too many hand gestures, pauses in the middle of sentences for dramatic effect, the whole shbang. He has a tendency to over-react in situations and loves to be the center of attention, though he can be submissive and very, very cocky. He gets very defensive around other mudokons, particularly scrubs and those in trouble, and will not hesitate to help them. As said before, he always smiles and talks over-excitedly. When he’s angry he has a tendency to keep smiling but to talk through his teeth as menacingly as possible.
Equipment: He has a pistol in one pocket, though its practically useless seeing as it has no bullets.
History: Conway grew up in a small mudokon tribe by the beach. He was trained to be a Scrab Tracker, which is one who tracks down scrabs so that the hunters of the tribe can kill them to feed the rest of the village.
One day, when Conway was about six, sligs sent from a meat-processing plant nearby invaded the village and captured the entire tribe, forcing them into slave labor. Conway quickly adjusted, becoming what the sligs called a ‘trouble mud’; he threw rocks, bit people, did pretty much anything he could to keep from working and infuriate his slave drivers.
They finally became fed up with his actions and sent him along with ten other muds towards a Mudokon meat processing plant, where he would have been made into a Mudokon Pop. But they had a problem; the city was undergoing a mandatory lockdown at the time, making all live imports temporarily illegal. The caravan containing the Mudokon livestock was caught for attempting to smuggle the muds into the city.
After that was finished, they still had a problem. Nobody knew what to do with the mudokons they had seized. Eventually Conway was sent to work in a guard facility where he would scrub floors. The guards working there, however, soon recognized his remarkable tracking abilities, and enlisted him as their permanent tracker. He is now used to track down escaped convicts and works with Maggie and Skelter (whom of which hates him.)
Last edited by Moosh da Outlaw; 06-13-2008 at 03:42 AM..