I haven't seen it yet but you're pretty much the first person I've heard who thought it was any good. But then maybe you're being ironic; I can never tell.
Nope, not ironic. I thought it was really terrific. Big, brash, stupid Christmas fun.
I liked it. Good old trashy flashy tv.
You should hang out with my sister; she can't even be convinced to watch The Girl in the Fireplace; one of the finest hours of television ever produced - deus ex machina ending notwithstanding.
I agree that's a fantastic, witty episode, but for me 'Gridlock' is DW's finest hour. One of the most unusually structured 'stories' ever ever. Just stunning, gorgeous stuff. So weird, quirky, heart-warming.
I hated what little of Dr. Who I've seen. I hope that makes you feel better.