New pictures, with included pet and scenery! It's a 3-for-1 deal.
I'm not sure why I look suprised.
That's a view of how the snow is getting. Notice how the boundry between the porch and the group is covered. You can't even see the porch.
This is supposed to be the front steps. The boundry between the porch and ground is again covered. Only the rails are visible.
And here are the two girls. The left is Maggie, 1 and a half years old. The right is Rose, one year old.
Here's the horse, Jessie. He's a little over one year old.
And here's the grumpy old fat cat, Grace. She's 7-8 years, I can't exactly remember.
She's been in there for a couple days now. Brooding, I think. Dosen't look to happy to have a camera shoved into her beak.
Not as recent, but it's a good indicator of the current amount of snow we get a day. Also a nice pic of Maggie bothering Jess.
Amazingly, our christmas tree, which we stuck into the middle of the firepit after Christmas, is thriving in this weather.
Whew. That's a lot of pictures. Total count of animals is:
- 26 chickens
- 4 humans
- 2 dogs
- 1 horse
- 1 grumpy cat