I have bought quite a lot of PS1 games for the Vita and no problems really, they play fine. Only thing that might annoy someone is the awkward default controls they have in certain games (rear touchpanel used instead of L2/R2), but the controls can be mapped however you want.
For instance, in Abe's Oddysee, instead of using the rear touchpanel for chanting and running and whatnot, I mapped those things into the right analog stick (push the stick up and move to run, push the stick down and move to sneak) and it worked fine so you can customize the controls if you're having trouble getting used to the default ones they give you.
I really like that about the Vita, in every PS1 game (not sure about PSP games, have not bought any yet) you can basically customize everything; the resolution/how it fits on the screen, controls, bi-linear filtering, analog/digital mode etc.
Last edited by Dynamithix; 06-26-2013 at 09:20 AM..