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06-02-2014, 11:50 PM
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However, I also think like all things there's got to be some kind of science behind it so it's not complete bullshit unexplainable occurrences but I have absolutely no desire to ever figure it out because fuck that noise
There are a bunch of possible explanations. My personal favourite is infra-sound. Have a read of the paper mentioned in that article; it's fascinating.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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06-02-2014, 11:58 PM
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that and the fucked up dreams related to that house
You think the house is haunted. You have bad dreams about the house. These two things are related.

I don't believe in this shit by the way.
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06-03-2014, 12:39 AM
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This bears repeating.

Also, this famous study which showed how quickly our memories of events fade and are replaced with complete fabrications, and how we are more confident about the false memories than the true ones.
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06-03-2014, 12:39 AM
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Edit: BM whyyy

Nah son you don't understand. The dreams weren't fucked up in the ooo scary bad dream sense. The part that gets me is the fact that the house always appears in a state that I've never seen it in, that's never been described to me, and when I told my parents about it in a passing moment (I mentioned things like the kitchen being full of jarred vegetables and some of the rooms just not existing and thought it was weird) and they'd be like wtf your grandma used to jar shit with her friends all the time years before you were born and she became old and senile on 50 different meds at all times. It just weirds me out, because these are things I never knew were things until I just rambled about dreams I've had and someone was like "um x qs me"

The only "scary" that ever happens is this room that gives everyone and their mothers bad vibes if you go anywhere near the damn door, god forbid you actually enter it. It's almost as bad as that feeling you get when entering a cathedral. "Man this is cool but why does it feel like someone just set my stomach on fire". But anyways, the room always appears pitch black past the door fram for some reason and that's way too spooky for dream me.

Thinking it was haunted wasn't pre established. It was a conclusion I came to after roughly 18 years of actually living in the house, then visiting the house, then finally only ever passing by it. And I only call it that now because I'm not the only one who experienced weird crap in the house, nor am I the only one that got the bad feelings around certain parts of the house. Even my dad, the most skeptical god damn person in the universe, has experienced shit in that house and he refuses to talk about it because he has such strong disbelief in whatever the fuck it could possibly be.

Also, hilariously, ever since I moved away from that street the house was on I haven't had a single dream about it. Probably just coincidence, though. Dreams are funny things.

When it gets down to it, it doesn't matter whether you believe something like this or not. You really just have to experience something first hand to be able to make a proper judgement of whatever it is.

Edit edit: I know it's entirely possible people have just been fucking with me my entire life but oh well, it's not like I'm 100% dead set on IT WAS GHOSTS THE WHOLE TIME. It makes for fun story times.

Edit edit edit:

There are a bunch of possible explanations. My personal favourite is infra-sound. Have a read of the paper mentioned in that article; it's fascinating.
That makes enough sense for me to accept vibrations as the reason for any and all weird fucked up shit I experienced that may have been GHOASTS

Last edited by Slog Bait; 06-03-2014 at 12:50 AM..
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06-03-2014, 02:58 AM
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An interesting theory about aliens and why there aren't any flying around out there is because; a planet's sentient civilisation will only ever get one real chance to figure out a way to move past it's need to use finite resources as an energy source, and to use it's finite resources as a means to enter outer space.

If they can't then eventually as the finite resources are consumed, machines break down, industrial manufacture stops, and the civilisation is forced to revert back to a less technologically advanced time. Even if a new sentient civilisation were to rise on the planet, the planet wouldn't have enough resources for them to try again.

TL;DR You got one shot do not miss you're chance to go(colonise another planet), This opportunity comes once in a planet's lifetime, yo!

Also growing up there was this haunted house, that we always called "The Haunted Barn" that we'd visit often, and heard rumours that if you heard scraping on the wood or a banging on the bars inside the house then you'd have to leave. The entrance was boarded up so you could only ever really explore the outsides of the house. We'd go infrequently but we'd always hear the noises after sometime between half an hour to two hours - obviously being kids we'd always leave, but one time I went alone; forced one of the boards away and went inside. There were indeed scratches and claw marks at the wood, and the only metal bars I saw were those attatched to the staircase, I immediatly heard the noises again and cheesed it.

Last edited by JayDee; 06-03-2014 at 03:02 AM..
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06-03-2014, 04:36 AM
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My friends and I used to slip through a gap in the chain link fence of an abandoned factory when we were younger and scope the place it out. It was really fucking cool in the day, perfect example of urban decay and I bet we filled our lungs with plenty of asbestos. We were all considering going there in the middle of the night just for shits and gigs but that never happened. We all one by one kinda decided it'd be just best not to. That place would've made me pish me self.
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.

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06-03-2014, 04:39 AM
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Who's to say anything out there is sentient, though? Who's to say what could be out there would even fall under our definitions of life?

Everyone's ideas of alien civilisations are so humanised. Even if there was anything out there we could call alive it would be a totally different ball game. You base everything you know off of things you've seen, so the more you think about alien life the more wrong you'll be.

I'm not opposed to the idea of there being other life in the universe somewhere, but the odds of encountering it in the lifetime of humanity is bleak. Because we'll never know anything about it you might as well not waste your time thinking about it because everything you think will be totally wrong.
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06-03-2014, 05:54 AM
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They knocked the "haunted" building down about a year or two after that and built some housing in it's place. It was strange because it was just this huge, looming building in the middle of a suburban area that people just seemed to ignore. Unfortunately looking on Google maps only turns up the place post-demolishment.


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06-03-2014, 07:14 AM
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I saw a couple of ghosts as a kid. But then, I also saw faces in the curtains.

There's a derelict farmhouse up a hill near where I live, and some kind of stable complex. They're both pretty creepy, especially the latter. It feels like an abbatoir, even though it never was one.

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06-04-2014, 09:22 AM
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I won't believe christian people are changing as long as this exists.
I'm so happy I know about this page now.

My bowels hurt.

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06-04-2014, 12:59 PM
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#christianity #ilovejesus
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06-04-2014, 01:24 PM
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Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.

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06-04-2014, 01:38 PM
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The Jesus page is too much.

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06-05-2014, 07:52 AM
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06-12-2014, 12:30 PM
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on the matter of spirits and spooky shit going bump in the night etc: i don't believe ghosts and shit actually exist. i used to be pretty superstitious, but eventually i just kind of gave up. i came to a realisation that we are literal Earthlings, when we die we decompose like everything else on this planet. think trees. if Earth was a tree, we would be the leaves growing, then dying, falling off and rotting and leaving room for more. if people started living on Mars or any other planet with no adjustments to gravity you would have people growing according to their environment and becoming physically different to Earthlings/us.

i mean, less gravity than Earth would make humans grow taller and elongate (MARTIANS), so because we seem to grow like a cross between bacteria and fungus it makes it difficult to believe some ethereal or transcendent piece of something is going to hang around the general area of where 'it happened' on some planet forever (or maybe not, maybe just for an extended length of time) waiting for organic life to stumble into it's presence so it can do the whole "wooooOOOOOOoooooo! i had my head chopped off in 1479 and i'm still pissed off about it!" spiel. why? if aliens triggered it, would they be bothered? would they just blast the apparition or haunted golf club bag or whatever with a stupidly-powerful ray gun? would they? can Jesus tell me this? is Jesus an alien? huh?

but yeah, we die and rot or get incinerated or cryogenically frozen or whatever you prefer. i used to believe in a possibility of spooky shit, and i've had a lot of it happen to myself and people i know, but in the grand scheme of things? nah. life is cold, unfair and godless and also delusional if you believe everything everyone tells you, but at the same time life is what you make it. it will only be cold and godless if you allow it to be, including doing absolutely nothing. doing nothing can be a big condemnation. life is a void, you need to fill the void. we're just carbon-based lifeforms that sprouted on this lovely soft ball of moist greenery we're slowing raping. we need to spread to OTHER WORLDS

including the moon. all the moons. moons are fucking cool.

also: ghost aliens? great! we could go to old worlds where the original inhabitants had been wiped out and gather information from all the poltergeist shit and apparitions flying around. don't get me wrong, i still find ghost stories and shit great, but i don't generally believe them. yeah, odd shit happens, but a lot of it can be put down to 'something else more feasible'. there aren't many genuine 'ghost' stories where all other possibilities were systematically eliminated and it really was a phenomenon. plus fear is a big contributing factor to the whole experience, and fear doesn't make people think straight. it can accentuate the situation. like those Most Haunted things on TV, they make me fucking laugh. bunch of people running around a spooky castle/prison/mansion at night scaring the shit out of themselves. more emphasis on themselves.

ghosts are cool, they just don't exist. that said, i still won't ever use or even touch a Ouija board. fuck that. i just have an instinctive feeling i should stay away from all that kind of shit, including voodoo magic. and i mean proper voodoo magic, where you have a crazy old shaman dancing around naked with a dead chicken and a bucket of blood who orders you to skewer a voodoo doll repeatedly with hot needles or be beheaded. you know, proper magic. you can't get the magic to work if you're not fearing for your life.

i talk shit
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06-14-2014, 03:20 PM
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Christ the Redeemer reminds me of Bender's tribute.

There are a bunch of possible explanations. My personal favourite is infra-sound. Have a read of the paper mentioned in that article; it's fascinating.
And this is pretty darn interesting.

Last edited by Holy Sock; 06-14-2014 at 03:22 PM..
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06-14-2014, 07:13 PM
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Christ the Redeemer reminds me of Bender's tribute.
I prefer this guy, who flew over my city the other day.

Attached Thumbnails
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Name:	christ1.jpg
Views:	325
Size:	47.0 
ID:	14009   Click image for larger version

Name:	christ2.jpg
Views:	374
Size:	73.9 
ID:	14010  
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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06-15-2014, 03:22 AM
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Keep the faith 24/7. Sponsored by gambling!
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06-15-2014, 06:18 AM
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I keep reading that as "SportsHet". Maybe they really are devout Christians.

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06-15-2014, 07:27 AM
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Goddamn east coast, getting all the interesting blimps.
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06-16-2014, 11:43 AM
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That's one of the most cynically sacrilegious things I've ever seen.
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06-16-2014, 06:26 PM
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They tried to claim that it wasn't religious symbolism at all; it was a famous landmark of Rio. No-one's buying it.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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06-17-2014, 11:04 PM
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It came to Adelaide yesterday, but I didn't get to see it.

I don't know if that's a good thing or not.
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06-19-2014, 02:04 PM
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Last edited by MA; 06-26-2014 at 02:38 PM..
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07-07-2014, 04:41 PM
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Yeah I do, I have good reason to. But I don't believe in any of the main organised religions.
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07-07-2014, 11:50 PM
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I say take everything with a grain of salt. Have a little bit of belief in the crazy paranormal things. Even with religion. Religion shouldn't be taken into literal meaning, but more so as a metaphorical guideline on what's right and wrong and then from your own opinion on what you think is best

My religion is to take all the fun and good things of every religion, and put it into one. That way you win and everyone gets pancakes.

As for the spooky stuff in this world, there is a lot of evidence to prove it, but equally so to disprove it. Science is definitely a good way to go for understanding the principles of things. But when you have your first paranormal experience, you tend to open up a bit. I've had days where I've wanted to see a UFO or be abducted or to desperately see something crazy like a ghost. But I've also had days where I've though "if any of those things were to happen, deep down, I really wouldn't handle it to well."

As shit and anti climactic as this is going to sound, My first and only paranormal experience I've had is when my great grandmother passed away and I couldn't attend her funeral. That night I was with my girlfriend at a restaurant and (in Greek Orthodox tradition of the supernatural old lady wives tale story crap, it's apparently a good sign if this happens) my glass of water slid from one end of the table to the other without any source of force. The table was lop sided ever so slightly but fixed into the ground. This would make sense in a logical way, but it was sliding the wrong direction, up the incline of the table. It wasn't filled with ice, it was just luke warm tap water. It moved a good 30cm and the waitress even asked me how I did that. My girlfriend and I were just aw struck and how that should have not physically happened. But with that being said, I know what I saw, and tried my very best to disprove it and convince others. But once you see it, you can't help but believe the magic.

Just my 2 Fenugian wooden dollars.
I eat bees.

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07-08-2014, 02:23 AM
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Yeah I do, I have good reason to.
Oh, you have a good reason.

Okay. You've convinced me
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07-08-2014, 06:08 AM
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Oh, you have a good reason.

Okay. You've convinced me

:/ Why would I want to convince you? The OP asked if I believed in ghosts n shit, I said yeah, how is that me trying to convince you of anything?

So do us all a favour and pull your tampon out.
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07-08-2014, 06:22 AM
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I think you've imputed a stronger tone on Varrok's part than he intended. I believe that he was just pointing out that simply saying you have a good reason without explaining it comes across as sortof strange.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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07-08-2014, 07:35 AM
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Yup. I meant exactly what Nate said. Sorry if anybody got it wrong
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