OANST has offended me horribly because "bitches" is a very offensive misogynistic term.
In seriousness though, some people who fly the flag of feminism, just like some people who fly the flag of anti-racism, don't actually know what the banner they're forming under means. (I'm looking at you, people who think religions are races.)
I prefer to keep things more clear and say I'm in support of equality. We don't seem to have confused that one yet. At least, not that I've heard of.
And on a vaguely related note, I've seen a "masculist" movement being spoken about before - which suffers the exact same problems of modern-day feminism. "No, no, we're nothing like that misandric evil feminism," they say. Hahah.
Munch's Exoddus: the quest for a can opener. Which will be just as squeaky as the wheelchair.