I just want to know who's brilliant idea it was to go from a pretty awesome flash based site with lots of background and info about the games and the company, to a goddamn wordpress blog.
The original site wasn't flash based, it was lots of custom HTML.
- Double links, really? Why do 'Oddbox' and 'Games' link to the same place while it doesn't explain anything about the Oddbox?
We are adding changes, and we're just awaiting the Oddboxx texts.
- Your 'shop' is a list of links. At least name it 'Where to buy' and not a 'shop'. Also why are there only links for AO and AE? What happened to MO and SW?
We've changed the name to "Where to Buy" good suggestions, and it only applies to digitally available titles. We will be adding links to MO and SW when they are available.
- The 'About' page is filled with rather useless info. 18% of sales in Europe were female gamers? Looks to me like someone had a really really really hard time writing even 3 paragraphs of text about OWI and just threw in some random facts to fill the space. Nice going.
Ooops you found a bug, there should be an AWARDS page and a HISTORY pages, these are being re-added now.
- Why are you telling the entire story for each game on their respective page? When I look at any other game's 'about' page I get a description of the game's mechanics, what you get to do and with what means, not the entire story of the game in a few paragraphs. God forbid they did/do that with Half Life.
We will address this.
- And there's a useless link in the navigation bar. Odd What? Come on...
We will be adding something to that this week.
You know, any fan base is notorious for always bitching at everything a company gives them. It's that way with any game franchise. But this makes it almost too easy. Aside from the fancy graphics that entire site is a joke.
I have to say I think your last comment is a little harsh, things are changing with Oddworld, and over time we will be adding lots of more content to the site, but as the saying goes, You have to start somewhere.