That's where the keyword 'most' comes in, now doesn't it? Besides there are a lot of African terrorists who act in the name of Islam. And I believe there are more rebels than terrorists in the other two areas. If people would be blowing themselves up in the middle of a busy mall in South America or East Asia every week I'm pretty sure we'd hear more about it.
While many may well be Muslim, I don't think that comes into it down there. There's such a rich tapestry of false causes in the shittier hell-holes of Africa. Most of them greed.
I'm not denying they are Muslims; I just don't like to refer to them as Muslims because any loyal and committed Muslim would NOT force their beliefs onto others. The same goes for Christians and Jews. Even though terrorists may follow a certain religion; they are clearly going against what they are taught, therefore I consider them separate from that religion.
Religions may be consisted of both peace and war; but as a follower of that religion, you should be striving for only peace. Thats my view any way.
I think you'll find that those particular individuals
are taught to martyr themselves in the name of their faith and god. They may be picking and choosing what parts of their books they take seriously, but then, so do the peaceful ones.
We have no basis to declare one group or another to be the True Scotsmen™