Originally posted by PinkHaired Mudokon CWR:
Maybe it's a sexual a desire or something? Not a genetic thing. Then someone in your family also has to be gay if it was in the so-called genes.
1. Sexual desire is a phenotype - and phenotypes are affected by genotypes and the environment - so it COULD be partially genetic
2. You don't need anyone in your family to be gay
if being gay was passed on by a rececive allele then you need only for 2 people with this 'gay allele' to have a child and it could be gay! (please ignore the stupidity of my suggestion that being gay could be contolled on by one gene - it was only an example)
And on the idea that children will be bullied too much:
1. If all children were educated better, then bullying wouldn't happen AT ALL - it's all a matter of improving the education system (and disallowing certain people to go near children - i.e. right-wingers)
2. If the child in question's school is bad at not letting kids getting bullied (like mine) then the family should move more accepting area