It wasn't about anything, not explicitly. It was just a place to chat.
You could argue it was about spite, and you wouldn't be wrong exactly, but it became a place for friends to chat when they became too disgusted with the actions of Abe Babe/Pilot/Alcar to stay at the Oddworld Forums. Before Sydney closed it, anyway.
Christ Wil, are you sure you didn't just copy/paste that from Sydney's post? The wordage/tone/personality is Sydney to a tee. Either that or you're just a wonderful impersonator..... knowing him/her in ways I can only dream of.
I wasn’t trying to immitate Sydney’s language at all. However, if it comes so naturally to me, I’m sure I could assume control of the Sydney member and puppeteer a makeshift Syd for our benefit.
OWF has been really shit since he left anyway.
Ass. Wil would never make me a moderator anyway.
No, I know what you do to those in power once you get some for yourself.