Also, in response to ;
Progression? Hello? When did I mention anything about the progression of mankind?
Sorry, that was Used who said that.
There is no difference between killing and killing.
That sentance implies that you're saying that it doesn't matter how many people are killed, or who is killed, or the circumstance of someone being killed. If there's no difference between killing and killing, then there's no difference between someone shooting Hitler (I know this didn't happen except for himself, just an example) and decapitating the kid next door. Be careful of the statements you make!
What mainly annoys me here is when people treat him with the same respect as a normal, average Joe. The fact is, he isn't. I would cross him off the list of 'humans' if it was up to me.
In my opinion, the amount of war wouldn't have been different no matter what the outcome. There are a few scenarios.
1) Saddam is executed, terrorists go wild because their leader is killed and they don't understand why he's evil.
2) Saddam is released, free from his crimes - then continues to lead the mass of his terrorist forces and military. He reassumes his position as 'Most Dangerous Individual In The World,' and he is extra violent because he doesn't believe he was supposed to be held in court at all, and he knows his enemies are too pissy to do anything about him.
3) Saddam is sentanced to life imprisonment. The terrorists go wild because their saintly leader has been locked up for no reason, and is as good as dead for them. They will either attempt break-outs with variable consequences, or act as they are now. Unthinking and unyielding.
The thing is with these people, they've set their mind to one thing and are refusing to take advice or reach a compromise. When they heard Saddam was caught, they all gripped their guns and waited for their excuse to be more dangerous.
Being honest, now. If we simply left that country, completely alone, right now - RIGHT NOW. Do you think they'd actually stop? What would the compromise be? Would there be one?