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09-07-2006, 04:58 PM
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Let’s be reasonable. Our moderators, while being sincere in their operations, do have a sense of humour. They would only ever do such a thing if it amused you, or someone else, or themself; and only if they thought you’d find it amusing, or if they hated you; or if they had nothing better to do.

09-07-2006, 07:02 PM
AquaticAmbi's Avatar
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The edit was not unnecessary. It was offensive and made me feel very uncomfortable. In any post you say something like that in relation to me again, I'll edit the whole damn thing out.
Only a fool in here would think he's got anything to prove

09-07-2006, 08:04 PM
SeaRex's Avatar
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SeaRex  (33)

Ambi was right to edit your post, MF. Quit being a problematic ass.

You two obviously aren't on "friendship" terms, so you have no right to make sexual comments toward her. If you two joked like that all the time, then it would be fine. Hell, most people around here welcome slutty, lewd sexual comments directed at them, and that's fine if both members involved are on "joking" terms. Well... if it's not "fine," it's at least not against the rules... in most cases. I guess.

But what you're doing is certainly unwanted. In fact, if the mod team were being halfway serious about stuff like that, you'd probably have a warning for sexual harassment. You certainly deserve one for the horrid PM you sent to her.

And don't think that this is just because you're messing with a moderator, either. If this were happening to any member, all they would need to do is contact the mod team (preferably via PM) and we would take appropriate action, including (but not limited to) the editing and/or deletion of any derogatory posts.
09-08-2006, 03:46 AM
Dusan's Avatar
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It should be editted, same as all others that type.

speaking of others, I found this on a fantastical meet thread posted by Liam:
''and let him show me the delights of Serbia, of which I know nothing about. I'm guessing strong alcohol and crusty whores would somehow be involved.''

Most.... well all of you found this to be funny joke, but at least any of you could do is to edit that. Stupid post posted by liam, wich is directed to Ambi is some kind of a idiot compliment. This one is showing how people created a wrong image about my contry. I do not give a shit about Liam's thinking, but that also think and the rest of you, and a whole world. Maybe that also deserve some editting...

used, do not come any closer....
09-08-2006, 05:16 AM
Killy's Avatar
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Killy  (185)Killy  (185)

Rules are simple
Wait. What? I thought we already had rules? Are you the new self-proclaimed administrator?

YES. DO IT. OBEY HIM. OOGLE YOUR BUTT while you're at it and tuck your dick in, nerd.

do not want to give to the moderators a reason for closing this topic
This thread itself is a reason for closing it.

please do not spam
I am popular...

Dude, get a life.
Quoted for truth.

Seriously, you need to grow up Dusan. You're acting way below your age. You are not a moderator and this thread is clearly an act of trying to undermine the authority of the moderators. Dude, what the ****? If you don't like it - go ahead, complain, but don't make it a public matter. I for one, don't give a flying **** whether or not you're disgruntled by some mod's decision to close your thread. Stop trolling these forums, I haven't been here that long but I'm kind of getting tired of seeing you all over this place with your half-assed comments about you being popular/[insert random half-assed comment]. You bring no substance to about [strike]90%[/strike] 99% of your posts.
~Adventure seeker Killy in the Cyber Dungeon quest!
Looking for Oddworld Music? Visit the Oddworld Music Thread!

09-08-2006, 05:17 AM
Mutual Friend
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2006
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Mutual Friend  (41)

If I was making serious sexual advances in a post then yeah, of course it should be edited. But as it was obviously intended as a joke, and quite a mild one at that, of course it shouldn't have. As I say, it is quite obviously incorrect action.

You may find it uncomfortable or whatever because it deals with you (although you must have incredibly thin skin if that is even true), but that's just your own bias. Making a light-hearted joke is not against the rules, you chose to read it as such because you didn't like it. Simple. I wasn't overstepping any OFFICIAL mark.

Heck, there are tonnes of stuff I find personally offensive. Somebody told me that they hope or I should burn in Hell. Ambi read that comment. I wept for hours. In my eyes, if you want to play this game, that is a far more 'harmful' comment than my non-one.

Now, the only reason I actually brought this thing up at all was to make my previous post in this thread non-spammy, I'm not that bothered about it. It was, at the end of the day, only a little not-serious comment. However, I do loathe censorship and abuses of power, but over something so inconsequential it isn't particularly important, I s'ppose.

The way you two are speaking makes it sound as if I'd walked up to her and ran my hand up her dress. But, yes, anyway: indefensible.

You two obviously aren't on "friendship" terms, so you have no right to make sexual comments toward her. If you two joked like that all the time, then it would be fine. Hell, most people around here welcome slutty, lewd sexual comments directed at them, and that's fine if both members involved are on "joking" terms. Well... if it's not "fine," it's at least not against the rules... in most cases. I guess.

But what you're doing is certainly unwanted...
Ridiculous. A ‘personal’ joke can only be told when the other person is on a similar emotional-relationship plain? Yeah. I personally wouldn’t make such comments in that manner to someone I liked, what would be the point?

You seem to be trying in some way to justify the editing with more than a bit of difficulty there. It’s all rather ambiguous and uncertain. What you’re talking about, again, is the fact you don’t like it, which is fine. But a joke, whatever kind, is still a joke. I do not believe I have broken any rules, unless it’s some silly-ass one I haven’t conceived of yet.

You certainly deserve one for the horrid PM you sent to her.
Well, I don’t recall any horrid PMs. But I’m sorry if you read any in that way.

Most.... well all of you found this to be funny joke, but at least any of you could do is to edit that.
I agree, actually! That pseudo-gag on my part was quite near the knuckle (certainly far worse that Ambi's comment) and I did think about whether to include it or not. But I truly mean no offence, it was intended to be a play on my foreign ignorance AND a dig at a country I know nothing about.

But yes, it's a good point. If Ambi's comment was edited, under THAT thinking, your one certainly should as well. But that's the bias I was talking about, quite a bit, before. While that was seen as fine, or acceptable - because it wasn't about her - the one concerning her warranted her attention.
Life! Death! Prizes!

09-08-2006, 07:48 AM
Hobo's Avatar
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Shut up all of you before i ban you all.

*Cue flashback like sequence*


Peter, Bunce and Rich: LOLOLOL YU IZ TEH SHYTZ

Me: LOL!

Cue us riding off into the sunset aboard a very sexually ambiguous forum

*End of flashback*

Last edited by Hobo; 09-08-2006 at 07:53 AM..
09-08-2006, 08:56 AM
Zerox's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
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This thread ought to be renamed the 'offensive sexual comments complaints' thread at the rate it's going.
09-08-2006, 09:29 AM
Dusan's Avatar
Spark Stunk
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Dusan  (10)

What is your problem killy?

About get a life thing: You do not have any right to judge my social life. You may wonder why I mentiond social... well the best way to insult a person is to tell him that it do not has any friends, and the most of a time he steer in screen. Seriously, I do not care what you think about me, you do not know me personaly... and that is the problem. Think whatever you want.
Wait. What? I thought we already had rules? Are you the new self-proclaimed administrator?
Seriously, that was a way beyond I expected. I will continue on serbian because my english is totaly oposite of my inteligence...
Не знам зашто теби смета да се ја јавно буним? Пошто, као што си и сам реакао, ниси често овде немаш права да ме пратиш и подцењујес моју интелигенцију и социјални живот. Ја сам бунтовник, кажем све сто хоћу, коме хоћу, како хоћу, и где хоћу. Мрзим злоупотребу и иживљавње. *ово је обичан безначајан форум* << У случају да даш овакав одговор: Ја сам се првенствено овде уписао да извежбам енглески, а свађе су један од најбољих начина..... besides, moderators didn't close this thread, wich means that I have some kind of their permission...
На основу чега си закључио да се ја не понашам у складу са својим годинама. Ја сам прерано сазреао, што је нека врства клетве, јер сам и ћу читаво детињство и адолесценцију провести у осуђивању мојих вршњака. Ако имаш нешто против, носи се у ***.. и прекини да ме пратиш. Као што си и сам рекао, ти ниси сталан члан овог форума..

Modertors, do not editt this, please. Killy, come back here because I want some explanations...

Heck, there are tonnes of stuff I find personally offensive. Somebody told me that they hope or I should burn in Hell. Ambi read that comment. I wept for hours. In my eyes, if you want to play this game, that is a far more 'harmful' comment than my non-one.
ahhh you made me laugh.
I do not remember saying that.Strange... Who did?
09-08-2006, 10:18 AM
SeaRex's Avatar
: Nov 2001
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SeaRex  (33)

If I was making serious sexual advances in a post then yeah, of course it should be edited. But as it was obviously intended as a joke, and quite a mild one at that, of course it shouldn't have. As I say, it is quite obviously incorrect action.

You may find it uncomfortable or whatever because it deals with you (although you must have incredibly thin skin if that is even true), but that's just your own bias. Making a light-hearted joke is not against the rules, you chose to read it as such because you didn't like it. Simple. I wasn't overstepping any OFFICIAL mark.

Heck, there are tonnes of stuff I find personally offensive. Somebody told me that they hope or I should burn in Hell. Ambi read that comment. I wept for hours. In my eyes, if you want to play this game, that is a far more 'harmful' comment than my non-one.

Now, the only reason I actually brought this thing up at all was to make my previous post in this thread non-spammy, I'm not that bothered about it. It was, at the end of the day, only a little not-serious comment. However, I do loathe censorship and abuses of power, but over something so inconsequential it isn't particularly important, I s'ppose.

The way you two are speaking makes it sound as if I'd walked up to her and ran my hand up her dress. But, yes, anyway: indefensible.

Ridiculous. A ‘personal’ joke can only be told when the other person is on a similar emotional-relationship plain? Yeah. I personally wouldn’t make such comments in that manner to someone I liked, what would be the point?

You seem to be trying in some way to justify the editing with more than a bit of difficulty there. It’s all rather ambiguous and uncertain. What you’re talking about, again, is the fact you don’t like it, which is fine. But a joke, whatever kind, is still a joke. I do not believe I have broken any rules, unless it’s some silly-ass one I haven’t conceived of yet.
Ambi felt harassed by your post, and because she had mod powers, she skipped the middle man and edited your post herself. Any member in the same predicament would receive the same treatment. That's all. If any member is feeling harassed by someone, then the mod team is going to put a stop to it. End of story. Quit bitching.

You can say all you want, but that doesn't change the fact that Ambi perceived what you said as harassment, and if I recall, harassing another member is very much against the rules.
09-08-2006, 10:31 AM
Killy's Avatar
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Killy  (185)Killy  (185)

About get a life thing: You do not have any right to judge my social life.
What? I don't care about your social life. In fact, I don't care what you are as a person either, because who you represent on this board is exactly the person I will see you as. Don't forget that and you'd be wise to steer clear of any discussion about your social life, otherwise you'd be making things alot more complicated for yourself.

Не знам зашто теби смета да се ја јавно буним?
I don't know why you're bothered by my bitching?
Because you're nothing but a selfish dick if you're going to create threads about it.

Пошто, као што си и сам реакао, ниси често овде немаш права да ме пратиш и подцењујес моју интелигенцију и социјални живот.
Because, as you've said yourself, you're not around here too often, meaning you have no right to track me and belittle my intelligence and social life.
You're right about that. I'm not around here too often. But when I am, do I have to see your shitty posts all over the forums?

Ја сам се првенствено овде уписао да извежбам енглески, а свађе су један од најбољих начина
First and foremost, I signed up at these forums to practice English - arguing is one of the best ways [to accomplish this].
Great, that's very good, ambition. Don't let me stop you, but don't go waving your hands in the air if you're holding a bucket of shit. There are other people here too, if you go in with the attitude of just fighting, how could you possibly expect people to stand by and completely ignore the fact that you're acting like a turd? Right, you can't. However, if you do expect people to do that, then you really need a reality check.

Ја сам прерано сазреао...
I matured too early...
Hah. Yeah, you sure did.
~Adventure seeker Killy in the Cyber Dungeon quest!
Looking for Oddworld Music? Visit the Oddworld Music Thread!

Last edited by Killy; 09-08-2006 at 10:40 AM..
09-08-2006, 11:18 AM
Dusan's Avatar
Spark Stunk
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Dusan  (10)

What? I don't care about your social life. In fact, I don't care what you are as a person either, because who you represent on this board is exactly the person I will see you as. Don't forget that and you'd be wise to steer clear of any discussion about your social life, otherwise you'd be making things alot more complicated for yourself.
I'm not talking about my social life, and I didn't mentioned anything about it, i'm talking generaly. ''Get a a life'' is a generaly an insult directly connected with a social life of a particular person, who most of it's time spends on something wich isn't ''hanging with friends''. That is just bitchy way to make someone a ''neard'' and you to gain some points (in real life). That atribute I hate the most. Let the people live their life ''with or without one'' and if you consider someone stupid or imature [sp] leave them. Pointing that out is childish. you are reminding me at nate..

You're right about that. I'm not around here too often. But when I am, do I have to see your shitty posts all over the forums?
.....који су производ мог тренутног расположења помешано са мојим ''english''. Те твоје ретке посете дају ти иѕвесну дозу самопоуздања и могућност да објективно сагледаш све поруке и да на њих одговориш хладнокрвно знајући да те нико или слабо памте.... UNDERMASK SYNDOM.
I typed that on serbian, because I want to see how good his serbian is (I have to admit, it is good), and I want also to see his translation (wich I expect to be correct, without changing, adding or removing certain words, in order to change the whole concept of the sentance)

Arguing are making me active, therefore I use them for practise..


Those posts are kinda ontopic... do not close and\or editt

Last edited by Dusan; 09-08-2006 at 11:21 AM..
09-08-2006, 11:43 AM
used:)'s Avatar
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Most.... well all of you found this to be funny joke, but at least any of you could do is to edit that. Stupid post posted by liam, wich is directed to Ambi is some kind of a idiot compliment. This one is showing how people created a wrong image about my contry. I do not give a shit about Liam's thinking, but that also think and the rest of you, and a whole world. Maybe that also deserve some editting...
Oh so that makes it justifiable for you to judge Americans as spoiled and

09-08-2006, 11:46 AM
Killy's Avatar
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Killy  (185)Killy  (185)

I'm not talking about my social life, and I didn't mentioned anything about it
But you started defending your social life without anyone making any remarks on it. At least, I didn't make any. I was just politely telling you to **** off and find another place to copy and paste your shit. Please check your statements, so I won't have to insult you further. Thank you.

''Get a a life'' is a generaly an insult directly connected with a social life of a particular person, who most of it's time spends on something wich isn't ''hanging with friends''. That is just bitchy way to make someone a ''neard'' and you to gain some points (in real life). That atribute I hate the most. Let the people live their life ''with or without one'' and if you consider someone stupid or imature [sp] leave them. Pointing that out is childish. you are reminding me at nate..
Oh I'm sorry, did I hurt your feelings? Seems like I must have hit a weak spot there, without even trying to. You're weird and you're overdramatizing everything I say. Grow up, or shut up.

који су производ мог тренутног расположења помешано са мојим ''english''. Те твоје ретке посете дају ти иѕвесну дозу самопоуздања и могућност да објективно сагледаш све поруке и да на њих одговориш хладнокрвно знајући да те нико или слабо памте
I would translate, but I see too much bullshit and overusage of irrelevant words in order for you to further try to "enhance your intelligence". But you should really try to understand that using more words than needed just to make a shitty statement is in no way going to make you look any brighter.
And also, in regards to your last sentence there, I'm in no way trying to create history here. It's a forum, not a Bibel. You can stop this half-assed elitist attitude you're working on here, because serisouly - the few people that might remember you, will remember you as a moron. Way to go, kiddo.

wich I expect to be correct, without changing, adding or removing certain words, in order to change the whole concept of the sentance
Err, right.

And you don't need to test me, I'm Serb and I do understand you. If you would be the least as intelligent as you say you are you would have understood that a long time ago.

Getting agitated?

Those posts are kinda ontopic... do not close and\or editt
Yes sir! Mods, did you hear that? Make sure you obey him or he might strike you with a thunderbolt coming out his ass with the help of his intelligent statements.
~Adventure seeker Killy in the Cyber Dungeon quest!
Looking for Oddworld Music? Visit the Oddworld Music Thread!

09-08-2006, 11:54 AM
Dusan's Avatar
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Dusan  (10)

I didn't said that. The world's idol no1 is america. that why you (americans) hardly understand that there is a world outside of USA, also there is a no-english speakers. My english is quite bad, wich do not give you right to laugh at it. ...and i'm not hypocritical, you are.

No offence to any americans. This is for only for used.

answer for killy... coming soon.
09-08-2006, 12:02 PM
Killy's Avatar
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Killy  (185)Killy  (185)

The world's idol no1 is america.
Clearly another prejudice. Proof, please. In what way is America favorised by the entire world? What happened to North Korea? Iraq? Iran? Just about the entire Middle-East excluding Saudi-Arabia? Do they idolise America? Oh, please.

My english is quite bad, wich do not give you right to laugh at it. ...and i'm not hypocritical, you are.
So leave. You said you're here to argue with people in order to improve your English. If you can't play the game by the rules, at least put your head between your legs and shut it.
~Adventure seeker Killy in the Cyber Dungeon quest!
Looking for Oddworld Music? Visit the Oddworld Music Thread!

09-08-2006, 12:17 PM
used:)'s Avatar
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I didn't said that. The world's idol no1 is america. that why you (americans) hardly understand that there is a world outside of USA, also there is a no-english speakers. My english is quite bad, wich do not give you right to laugh at it. ...and i'm not hypocritical, you are.

No offence to any americans. This is for only for used.

answer for killy... coming soon.
WE hardly understand there is a world outside of our country?! That's bullshit. In my opinion, you're the one who has no idea there is a world outside of your country. You'ver never even been to America and yet you generilize that most Americans are ignorant and stupid. That's not saying that many of them aren't (because much of the population is dumb), but you still have no justification by what you say.

And to clear things up about how spoiled and ignorant I am, I HAVE seen places outside of America. And not Canada or any other first world nation, I mean underdeveloped countries with none of the creature comforts of America. And I didn't stay in a fancy hotel for a week or anything, I actually lived in the natives' world. There was no clean water and you needed to have someone standguard at night so your house wouldn't get robbed. Try actually learning something about who you're talking to before you make such a remark to them.

It's not my fault you talk like Helen Keller, so you don't need to play the "attack Americans" card to vent your frustrations.

09-08-2006, 12:37 PM
Dusan's Avatar
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Dusan  (10)

Yeah, you did hit my weak spot.

Belive it or not I do not have anything to enhance.
If you would be the least as intelligent as you say you are you would have understood that a long time ago
Yeah it was some kind of a test, wich I wanted to confuse you with, or see that you really are a Serb (I suscpected that cause there is no so much people on this world who beside mother-tongue and english learn serbian too). Only a Serb can figure that that was just a try of mine to encanse my intalgence (drugim recima, proserava). Other people with weak searbian would consider me eloquent (same as i'm consider liam). Beside, you admited that by youself.

Getting agitated?
No, i'm encansing my intelgance.

I'm in no way trying to create history here.
Where the hell did you dig that? It is just a good stress-relese before sleeping..

Make sure you obey him or he might strike you with a thunderbolt coming out his ass with the help of his intelligent statements.
Jebiga, ti si pobegao iz srbije, ali srbije iz tebe nije....

We serbs are all just a big bunch of a inteligent people...
09-08-2006, 12:54 PM
Dusan's Avatar
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Dusan  (10)

to used:
*You'ver never even been to America*
!? You are right. but still !?

And to clear things up about how spoiled and ignorant I am, I HAVE seen places outside of America*
You aren't helping yourself. I never got out of a contry (i'm not counting montenegro, because it was part of serbia) same as 60 % of young serbian people! And my family is high middle class! You cant even imagine how rest of a people live in here. (Why do you think Killy live in wherever he lives? I do not know correct, but around 30 persent of a population lives ''outside'' looking for a better job.)

I never said that americans are spoiled. I said you are, and I did that just to get rid of you.
And I do not have frustrations.
who the hell is Helen Keller?
09-08-2006, 01:03 PM
Killy's Avatar
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Killy  (185)Killy  (185)

I give up. You have so far failed to understand any of the statements that I've made.

Go on "encansing your intelgance".
~Adventure seeker Killy in the Cyber Dungeon quest!
Looking for Oddworld Music? Visit the Oddworld Music Thread!

09-08-2006, 01:11 PM
used:)'s Avatar
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And to clear things up about how spoiled and ignorant I am, I HAVE seen places outside of America*
You aren't helping yourself. I never got out of a contry (i'm not counting montenegro, because it was part of serbia) same as 60 % of young serbian people! And my family is high middle class! You cant even imagine how rest of a people live in here. (Why do you think Killy live in wherever he lives? I do not know correct, but around 30 persent of a population lives ''outside'' looking for a better job.)
And you think any of the above statement makes America a utopia? There's still a lot of crap that goes on over here as well. Don't try and thwart hardships.

The best thing you can do to make yourself look intelliegent is shutting the **** up with your prejudgmental bullshit. Suck my balls, asswipe.

09-09-2006, 01:31 AM
Zerox's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
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Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

Why hasn't someone just closed this already?
09-09-2006, 04:11 AM
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Dusan wants us not to.

09-09-2006, 04:20 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

Yeah, but it hasn't been on topic for ages. There's no point in its existance at all, and everyones just being nasty to each other. So I say closeth it. And Dusan can PM if he thinks its so bad.
09-09-2006, 04:21 AM
used:)'s Avatar
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No, no, keep it going. I want to see Dusan's next grand word of wisdom.

Last edited by used:); 09-09-2006 at 06:10 AM..
09-09-2006, 06:03 AM
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Yeah, but it hasn't been on topic for ages. There's no point in its existance at all, and everyones just being nasty to each other. So I say closeth it. And Dusan can PM if he thinks its so bad.
I will gonna do this in public.... shut up.
09-09-2006, 06:19 AM
Rich's Avatar
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No. You won't. And don't get PMing me about closing this, it was stupid from the start and now its just off topic flaming, which are two excellent reasons to close this shitfest.
What the Fuck is this???Hobo, you make a Shit outta my posts

Last edited by Rich; 09-09-2006 at 06:21 AM..

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