Ah, bringing back memories of sitting in my sisters' bedroom, staring at a computer screen as they played game after game. An old Amiga; Retro!
My first... Can't really remember, but might have been either Lemmings, Lemmings 3 (classic, the little squeaks they omitted as they were crushed, blown up, plummeted to their doom, drowned, fell into meat processors... so sadistic, yet so fun), uh... there was this wierd thing where you typed in commands to get a crane to pick up an elephant and load it into a lorry, crazy that. Might have been a 'Dizzy' game, Dizzy Magicland or Dizzy treasure Island (both starring a little egg with red shoes, an annoying habit of dying frequently and very easily, and terrible controls, yet how I loved it). Then again it might have just been Tetris. I spent loads more time watching my sisters' play than playing myself, cus I couldn't start the Amiga up on my own, and they didn't ever want to help me do it!
So many of us played the same games, or recognise the games we each started on, it's like the retro game family or something. Getting all nostalgic now.
I was given a gameboy later but only ever had one game for it (Gameboy Gallery 1), then got a Sega Mega Drive off of a guy who didn't want it anymore, not now he haad a Dreamcast (ooh, aah), with loads of games (several rubbish, and even a couple of empty boxes, never quite understood that, but loads of great classics: Sonic 1, 2 and 3, Ecco the Dolphin, Road Rash, Columns, Tiny Toons: Bugs's Treasure Hunt, Micro Machines Tiny Turbo Tournament Two. Still got it hooked up in my bedroom).
AE was the first game I got not from someone who'd finished it. By the time I was done, the box was falling apart and the game book was in pieces. Good Gravy, I loved that game. *sniff* Stupid Windows XP