Wow, so many games to chose from. . . And I'm glad to see someone else liking Breath of Fire! Not the best RPG series in the world, but it still rocks my socks every time I replay. . .
Mm. If I had to pick one, perhaps my all-time favourite game would be
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee. Not because of the game itself - It's legendary in it's own right, and I'm a huge fan of the amazing game universe that it's set in, but I've played better games. It's just what that game, both directly and indirectly lead me to in life: Good friends.

And they can be hard to find. Especailly if they've provided you with most of your recent, significiant life experiances that change who you are over time.
Anyway, enough rambling. My favourite games out of those I've played are:
Half-Life 1/2/2:Episode 1 (3D Shooter that got me into them)
Abe's Oddysee & Exodduss
Grand Theft Auto 3/Vice City/San Andreas/LC Stories
Super Mario 64 (not that good but it was there for me during some significant moments in my life)
Warcraft III/World of Warcraft (My 1-year long WoW experiance changed me slightly too, but only because of the other players I met)
Breath of Fire III/IV/Dragon Quarter
Beyond Good and Evil (That game was so inspiring.)
Commander Keen 4 (Ah come on, it's the first game I played. :P)
Quagmire (Old Macintosh platformer game)
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun (For some reason the music I ripped from this game/Frank Klepaki's website seems to appear in my playlist a lot. People always love the soundtrack to this game when I show it to them. . . The game itself was pretty awesome and introduced me to RTSs, though.)
Who's reading this anyway? :P