What?! Have you really tried to draw Eben?! Post it!! And wow... I didn't excpect people to like my story this much... All I have to say is thanx! (because of this you're probably just joking 'bout it, but what the heck...)
I didn't know why I did everything that I did, it didn't make any sense to me... And still, it was so smart done. When you don't understand what you are doing, then it's time to let the nice men in white coats lock you up somewhere... I ran across the street to the other house. It seemed to have inhabitants, so I knocked on the door. No one came to open. I knocked harder.
"Hello?!" I shouted. "Is it someone there?!" No respond. I knocked harder. I was just about to give up and go back to my odd thoughts when I heard steps. A young slig came and opened the door. He looked at me. I couldn't resist but to notice that he had 'hidden' a gun in his belt... Belt? He looked around me and then went back to looking on me.
"Yeah?" he said. I almost liked to hear another sligs voice for once.
"I think that you know something I need to know." I gently said.
"What?" he asked and scrathced his head. "Ooh, no... Little Tammer don't know anything. No, not me..." he said and tried to close the door. I stopped him. He looked afraid and his hand was moving against the gun.
"Look, kid." I said. "I'm not here to hurt you, Tammer, was it?"
He nodded.
"Well, something told me you have some info to give me. Or shall we say share with me?" He gulped.
"Well... Boss is kinda... Loose tounged... You can't possibly avoid to hear his chit-chat unless you're deaf, but I don't think his so called drugdeals is interesting you."
I nodded.
"Well, tell me about it."
Tammer smiled.
"Come in, who ever you are."
I walked in. He closed the door and we went up the stairs. He opened another door and went in. I followed him and closed the door after me.
"So... Your boss is doing drugs?"
"Not really. We call it that way, cuz it so much shch-shch about it."
"But, what is he doing then?"
Tammer smiled and sat down on a chair. I just stood by the wall and looked on him.
"He's with slaves."
"Slaves. He takes people from some regions, and he makes them into slaves. Ok?"
I nodded.
"Was that all you wanted to know?"
I thought for a moment. There was something... Why was it so clearly that I had to know that a sligs boss was selling slaves? Why was that importnant for me? There was a small thought that was chewing on the back of my head. Finally, it appeared.
"And... What are you doing there? What is your work?"
He looked stunned.
"I... guard them. But first I didn't know they were slaves, I thought they were workers. Everyone calls them that... But of course, I'm a 'worker' too in my eyes and... uh oh..." he said.
"Something tells me you're goin for a quest, boy. If you do, let me join you. I might do something brave for once in my life!"
I smiled. Something told me I had just won myself a new friend...