p.s. Me too. But I'm not online all the time. That's why I couldn't write a comment.
Nice pictures. You did the sleg (or slig? ... slog... whatever. You know what I mean) very well.
i congratulate you because i'm scared to even try to draw a shrykull. i know it's so simple, but i just can't throw away my first try even though it's painfull to look at it. (kinda like the time i tried to draw abe...he still haunts me at night.) awww crap. the little fleech just wrecked my paramonian temple!!! grrr. i'd send Smeggy after her but he's too busy chasing the flock of bats outside. the slig is trapped under a piece of wood without his pants or mask with nothing but his blunderbus rifle. sounds like a movie.