one more chap to go...
Chapter 20
"Under attack!? By who!?" Spider asked, his eyes wide with shock.
"The Cartel...who else!" Tilic replied, "They must have found out the true reason fer this place and sort ter wipe it out! There are soldiers inside killin' everyone and destroyin' everthin'! I was barely able ter get that much off the radio before it went dead! Yer need ter escape, NOW!"
"But what 'bout Steinix and the other Masters?" Kilk asked, his voice filled with panicked.
There was an awkward silence between them and another explosion, after that Spider spoke up:
"We'll have ter leave them behind..." he said, sorrow filling his voice.
"But...but!" Felth protested.
"We have no choice!" Spider snapped, "This project is brain child of my father and the result of all those that work here's hard work. They knew of the risks and they were willin' ter face them. If this project is ter have any chances of success now we must escape before those soldier's find us!"
"There is so much we still need to learn about surviving in the outside world though..." Invy muttered as another explosion rocked the ground under their handfeet.
"We'll have ter learn the rest on the fly. Tilic.." Spider turned toward the slig, "Is there a way out other then the double doors?"
"Yes...there is a large gate on the north side of the enclosure. It is what we used when we put the elums in here. I'll lead yer ter it."
"Dam that's clear on the opposite side!" Spider grumbled, "lead on! We got no time ter lose!"
Tilic nodded and ran off, Spider and the others following close behind. As they ran, firebombs started landing in the enclosure, setting the plant life on fire. Soon most of the enclosure was on fire and since most of the group had never seen fire before, they bulked.
"Don' stop!" Spider cried as he stopped and nudged them hard to get them moving again, "Keep yer heads low and don' let fear over take yer and keep movin'! And stay together!"
They continued to run, dodging falling burning tree limbs and pushing their bodies to the limit. Soon they reached the north gate and it was already open.
"Why is the gate open?" Tilic said, asking no one in particular, "It shouldn't be and there's no way ter open it from inside the compound!"
"Who knows, who cares lets just get out of here!" Delta said as they ran through. Just after they went through they found out why and they screeched to a halt, in shock.
In front of them and rapidly spreading out to surround them, was a very large group of sligs, Big Bros, and various armored vehicles, all armed to the teeth.
"Dam...they must have known we had no other way out..." Tilic said, whining slightly. Then his eyes went wide with shock as he saw a few familiar faces in the group surrounding them: members of his pack. "What the hell!? What are yer doin' helpin' THEM!?" Tilic cried.
"We found this line of work was much more rewarding then tracking Tilic. So we switched sides." one of his former pack mates side, venom in his voice.
"Yer...yer TRAITORS!" Tilic screeched hopping with fury.
"Fer helpin' with this 'project' yer are a traitor ter the Cartel. surrender peacefully, or else." The group pointed their weapons at Tilic, Spider and the rest of the Drakkics.
"What are we going to do?" Invy whined.
"There's no way we can break though that without some of us getting killed..." Hoth muttered.
"So its surrender or all of us die?" Delta said, "That's just ****ed up."
"No..." Spider said quietly as he looked at the sky, "There is a chance..."
"What then?" Hoth asked.
Instead of answering, Spider raised his head high, pointing his snout to sky above, and let out a high-pitched sound they never heard before. It sounded more like a shrill then a howl and Spider tacked on a higher pitched version of the distress call at the end. He repeated it and Shriek joined him, knowing what he was doing. The rest of the group, while not knowing what Spider was doing, joined in as well; save for Tilic, who looked completely baffled and he noticed the group surrounding them was confused as well.
"Spider!" Tilic cried, "What the frack are yer doin'!? Other then bustin' my eardrums!"
He was about to find out...for right after he had asked a loud boom roar was heard...and it didn't come from anyone in the group....