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08-03-2005, 06:31 PM
AquaticAmbi's Avatar
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Speaking of warnings, will they be taken into consideration of name changing and CT giving?

It wouldn't be fair for someone who's received warnings to get a custom title when there's plenty of well behaved members who've been here for years that still don't have one.
Only a fool in here would think he's got anything to prove

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08-04-2005, 05:47 AM
Dino's Avatar
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Speaking of warnings, will they be taken into consideration of name changing and CT giving?

It wouldn't be fair for someone who's received warnings to get a custom title when there's plenty of well behaved members who've been here for years that still don't have one.
Ambi, if I was a mod reading that, I'd be slightly insulted. You're basically questioning the super mod's ability to be discerning about who they give titles to. I for one think you should have a little more faith. We don't really need to go restricting s mods with these rules, they were made s mods because they already know how to conduct themselves in the CT giving department. Lets face it, none of them are going to go on a wild CT giving stampede, and none of them are about to give a CT to someone who doesn't deserve it, so there's no point in the users attempting to oppress them about it. It's the users who need these rules, not the s mods.

To respond to your suggestion, CTs are not handed out to any old person, they're handed out to worthy members. It's not impossible to be a worthy member and have a few warnings. In fact I actually find the goody two shoes a little bit boring and dishonest. As for the well behaved members who've been here for years, aside from the fact that there's more to being a worthy member than just behaving yourself and sticking around for ages, the reason they don't have one is probably because they've never asked for one. They would probably get them if they asked.
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08-04-2005, 07:53 AM
AquaticAmbi's Avatar
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...In case you didn't notice, this is a thread to make suggestions and ask questions about the rules. I had a question about the rules, so I asked and gave my own opinion/suggestion regarding it. You can't tell me I shouldn't do that here.

It is not a sign of little faith in the S Mods. Nice try though.

As for the well-behaved, been here forever types that I mentioned, I meant that there's plenty who are deserving of CTs for being great and interesting posters, and they've have never been in any trouble... All the more reason that they deserve one. I didn't mean they deserved one for simply being well behaved.
Only a fool in here would think he's got anything to prove

Last edited by AquaticAmbi; 08-04-2005 at 07:58 AM..
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08-04-2005, 08:20 AM
SeaRex's Avatar
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Speaking of warnings, will they be taken into consideration of name changing and CT giving?

It wouldn't be fair for someone who's received warnings to get a custom title when there's plenty of well behaved members who've been here for years that still don't have one.
A member's general behavior is taken into account. A user could have had two warnings, but then made a complete turnabout and has become outstanding member.

Any regular member here needn't be shy, either. If you're an OWF Reg (you know who you are), all you have to do is ask! Seriously, if you've been a good noodle, then a custom title shall be yours. I mean, the worst thing that could happen is that I'll tell you to stay around longer and post more before asking again.

Dino got one because he has a high legitimate post count and because he asked for one.
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08-04-2005, 09:22 AM
used:)'s Avatar
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Now I feel sad

What about one year people, like AFOS and such? They have pretty high post counts and are regualar members.

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08-04-2005, 10:05 AM
Rex Tirano's Avatar
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In my opinion, AFOS should not even be considered. Due to him being evil and [correct me if I'm wrong] creating multiple accounts.

However, it was also my understanding that members couldn't ask for one. I'm sure Alcar said somewhere [ages ago though...] that the admin staff would approach you, and if you asked for one you'd be dismissed as a silly little boy, and your botty would be smacked.

I think that little custom thingys, should be given to good members. But perhaps not with a perfect track record, personally, anyone who's stuck around and changed after a banning is worth having. Most people who're banned either never come back or come back with hate, ready to crash the server or some evil thing like that.

I think, though, if a custom thingy is given to a banned member, soon after their banning or after their "crime", then all the staff should agree on it. I think it's unfair if Forumer X, who has been a good member for a while and is dedicated and respectable, is in the shadow of Forumer Y, who was banned a few months ago, but still gets all of the rewards.

Yes, I contradict myself. Still...

- Rexy

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08-04-2005, 06:28 PM
SeaRex's Avatar
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You all make good points. Perhaps, in rare circumstances, if a banned member proved his or her worth by being a good member for a LONG time, then they may receive a title. However, it's far more likely that a member with a few warnings will make a turnabout than a banned member. I suppose it could happen, though.

Ah, thank you for reminding me of something, Rex. PLEASE DO NOT ASK ALCAR FOR CUSTOM TITLES. Do not bother him, bother me. Unlike Alcar, I am far more lenient with title-giving, but I will NEVER approach you and ask you if you want a title. You, the member, will have to take initiative if you want a title from me.

Also, if I've recently turned you down for a title, it had better be a hella-long time before you ask again. Getting nagged is a major turnoff for me, dig?

EDIT: CT rules updated.
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08-04-2005, 06:38 PM
AquaticAmbi's Avatar
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A member's general behavior is taken into account. A user could have had two warnings, but then made a complete turnabout and has become outstanding member.
Right, right. But warnings are not signs of general good behavior. I think if you mention bannings, then warnings should be mentioned too, as in they're taken into account under general behavior.

The turnabout thing, as we discussed today, can be applied to bannings too. A person can make a change for the better after bannings like they can after warnings.

I think the rule about banning should have a little side note about warnings taken into account too. I think a side note would be a good way to settle this. I mean, who knows, there could be someone out there that could be wondering, "Well... I've never been banned, but I've received a warning or two. I'll go look at that one post that lists the rules. Huh, there's nothing mentioned about them..."

(Heh, at least people can tell by this that we can have differing opinions although we're a couple. )

EDIT: AHH! You posted before me!
Only a fool in here would think he's got anything to prove

Last edited by AquaticAmbi; 08-04-2005 at 06:51 PM..
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08-04-2005, 06:40 PM
used:)'s Avatar
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In my opinion, AFOS should not even be considered. Due to him being evil and [correct me if I'm wrong] creating multiple accounts.
I wouldn't really consider him "evil." I would consider him an ignorant hapless being who was ensnared by idiocy and absurdity. Perhaps it's just a birth defect.

EDIT: Scratch that. You're right. He is an evil, spamming, whining, douche bag who deserves to be have a stake stuck through him, burned, and have his corpse pissed on.

Last edited by used:); 08-07-2005 at 04:56 PM..
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08-04-2005, 09:34 PM
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Unlike Alcar, I am far more lenient with title-giving.
You get more sex from the members when they want someone badly

I feel like changing my position to Oddworld God. Simply because, you know, I so am.

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“Also, we don't need no Jacob to gay this place up. We have officially won the award for the forum with a highest proportion of gay members whilst not being themed about poojabbing, cowboys or Kylie.” - Nate

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08-04-2005, 09:41 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
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You get more sex from the members when they want someone badly

I feel like changing my position to Oddworld God. Simply because, you know, I so am.

I wonder if that would make the rest of the staff Demi Gods...
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08-04-2005, 09:45 PM
used:)'s Avatar
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Hell thats why I named my latest poll something like that. Not really, I was just trying to play of Hobo's alcohol title ...please don't kill me.

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08-05-2005, 01:23 AM
Facsimile's Avatar
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In my opinion, the custom titles are being handed out too generously now, and even people who are known to have multiple accounts have them.

It's making it less and less special. Why not just throw out the whole Oddworld ranking system while you're at it? Everyone's going to have a CT soon anyway...
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08-05-2005, 06:37 AM
Outlaw Mortar
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In my opinion, the custom titles are being handed out too generously now, and even people who are known to have multiple accounts have them.

It's making it less and less special.
I kind of agree. At first I was excited that I could get a CT, but now everybody has them. Not that those people aren't deserving, but... I dunno. We need some new members.

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08-05-2005, 08:49 AM
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Yeah less and less special. Till i suggest either implementing a code that i've seen on other forums that allows sparkly titles or stuff or even just other colours ranking a user's specialness. Yes. That is a great idea. Use it.
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08-05-2005, 09:11 AM
SeaRex's Avatar
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Jesus people.

I've given titles to THREE PEOPLE and I've turned down just as many. Get the fuck over it. I know you're just giving your opinions because I asked for them, but Jesus H. Christ, don't you think that you're overreacting?

They're not going to lose their specialness.
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08-06-2005, 11:55 PM
Rich's Avatar
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Heh, awesome. I'll agree with most things but I believe you should allow exceptions in the case of bannings.

For example, a member may be banned for being stupid when he is 10 years old but within two years he may turn himself around and become a good member, possibly even a staff member, but your rules prevent him from getting a CM or name change.
What the Fuck is this???Hobo, you make a Shit outta my posts

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08-07-2005, 06:47 AM
used:)'s Avatar
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Okay, but what if this banned member has been really wise and intelligent, not losing it, but dishing out posts that are sensible and intelligent? Whjat if the person caused innovations in the forum that have great results and have changed the forums for the better? Very rare, but possible.

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08-08-2005, 06:48 AM
Dino's Avatar
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...In case you didn't notice, this is a thread to make suggestions and ask questions about the rules. I had a question about the rules, so I asked and gave my own opinion/suggestion regarding it. You can't tell me I shouldn't do that here.
I never said that you shouldn't do it. The fact that I disagree with your opinion and suggestion doesn't mean that I feel you shouldn't give your opinion at all.
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08-08-2005, 07:03 AM
Dino's Avatar
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Jesus people.

I've given titles to THREE PEOPLE and I've turned down just as many. Get the fuck over it. I know you're just giving your opinions because I asked for them, but Jesus H. Christ, don't you think that you're overreacting?

They're not going to lose their specialness.
I totally agree. And there may not be any more title givings for a long while now. Unless all the really awesome non-CT members start asking for one at the same time...

But you know, for heavens sake, they're just titles anyway...they're just a bit of fun and a sort of "I'm a good member" sticker. Not exactly like you're giving up the earth and the moon when you hand one over. I know this is different because it's not the same forum, but on my forum, to begin with, we handed out titles to anyone who was a regular member and contributed well, and that was enough to earn you one - they were too insignificant in my mind to be considered special. And I find it hard to comprehend how anyone else could consider them so valuable.

I can't help think the whole "specialness" shindig is a bit, er, well, retarded. I understand that you want to keep it exclusive so that it only denotes really good members, but I mean come on, there's got to be a point where sometimes you just realise "hey it's just a few words next to your name, big deal, there are more important things in life" (I'm talking in terms of arguing about who gets one). If someone took away my title I would be slightly annoyed, but only because one of the staff found a reason to be anal enough to decide to "punish" me by removing some mildly humorous text from my postbit. I wouldn't exactly lose sleep over it. o_0

Till i suggest either implementing a code that i've seen on other forums that allows sparkly titles or stuff or even just other colours ranking a user's specialness. Yes. That is a great idea. Use it.
I actually happen to agree with this, we did it on my forum and it worked very well.
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08-08-2005, 11:29 AM
SeaRex's Avatar
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Dino, you know better. No double posting. If you really needed to, you could always go back and edit in quotes and such from other people. I noticed you double posted in the hunting thread, too.

So, yeah, no more of that. I hate to be a hard-ass, but if you do it again I'll have to give you a warning.
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08-11-2005, 02:23 PM
Dino's Avatar
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Dino, you know better. No double posting. If you really needed to, you could always go back and edit in quotes and such from other people. I noticed you double posted in the hunting thread, too.

So, yeah, no more of that. I hate to be a hard-ass, but if you do it again I'll have to give you a warning.
Yeah sorry about that. My bad. That's me forgetting about my previous posts. *slaps self like a bitch uhuh*
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02-07-2006, 11:01 PM
outlaw king's Avatar
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I am a pretty dumb member , and too new to be asking for any of these things , but i am guessing that name changes are changing your profile name , and is a ct like " vykerr sawbones " or " glukkon big cheese " , correct??
Thanks for this oddish!

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02-08-2006, 02:55 AM
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It changes the bit of text underneath your username, yes.
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02-08-2006, 07:31 AM
Scrab Watcher's Avatar
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Actually, the two you mentioned come with increased post count. I think there's a list of them somewhere, if you want to go find it. CT are custom made for the individual, like T-nex's kitty-cat title, or Searex's 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!'.
The voices in my head are having cat-fights!

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02-08-2006, 09:54 AM
outlaw king's Avatar
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I see! thankyou very much! well , ill be waiting a long time then to get a name change! thanks again!
Thanks for this oddish!

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02-08-2006, 02:16 PM
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If you mean a title change, then yes.

If you mean a name change (ie change "mullock the glukkon" to something else, possibly spelled correctly) you should ask ASAP as the mods really only do it to new members who regretted their names right after joining. Once someone is 'known' by a certain name, the mods hardly ever let them change.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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02-08-2006, 02:59 PM
Cullen Heath's Avatar
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I know that name changes are a huge deal and that they are hardly ever accepted, but do you think that the Mods would let me put Capitals on "cullen heath"?

I want my username to be like this:

Cullen Heath

I don't see it as a name change, really, just more of a correction sense I was retarded and forgot to put Capitals.

Mods, if you are reading this, will you please change it for me? It may not seem like a big deal, but it is to me and I would love it if you could give me Capitals.

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02-08-2006, 04:54 PM
outlaw king's Avatar
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oh no ! who can i give a pm to so they can change my name?? I dont wanna be molluck the glukkon! I wanna be outlaw king! please someone help before its tooooooo late!! I really regret having mullock the glukkon as a username!
Thanks for this oddish!

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02-08-2006, 05:07 PM
Cullen Heath's Avatar
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Calm down.
As you may have noticed, SeaRex was very kind and granted my request for Capitals in my name.

As you are very new, it probably isn't too late, but I'm not sure if he would be willing to. You can PM him and ask him.

Thanks again, Luke!

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