There's a reason the last instalment was so short. It's call the "Deep breath before the plunge"...
Smoke filled the room. So poignant was this new stentch, however, that all other smells were neutralized, resulting in the greatest air-filter seen this side of the cosmos. It's only flaw, of course, was 88% chance of lung-cancer, but that had never stopped any Glukkon before. He sat in silence, pondering the next moves of his chess pieces, such as they were. He doused the cigar, and darkness flooded the chamber.
"Escort Virgil into the Negotiation Chambers, please."
"Right away boss."
Virgil was awakened rather rudely with a splash of water. If it hadn't been worse than how he was usally woken up in his previous jobs, he might have complained. Course, he might have also complained anyway if he hadn't been held captive for Odd knows how long. He filtered in and out of subconciousness, which he liked much better than where he was, but he finally came to a stop in the world of here and now, which was not where he wanted to be in the first, second, or last place. He hardley put up a fight as the manicled him to the platform, as survival was high on his list of priorities (and also the sole contender, by this point). His guards left, and the door slipped shut behind them. Virgil waited. He'd never been so patient in his entire life. He wasn't betting he'd hold, though.
After what seemed like an unbearably short wait, there was a noise. Green lights clicked on, followed by a whirlling. A rather large and cantankerous looking machine lowered down and glared menacingly at him. It was a Shrink, albiet one modified for interregation rather than psychoanalysis (although that made a great hobby on the side). From the expression displayed on it's "Face," it appeared to be pissed, and in more ways than one. "Soooooo, Mr. ViRgIL. CitiZn of the MagG kARt3l. Furmor first-cl@zs emPLOYee of Rum-Or Cortnol. Known con^ict arnd ecksi1e. What bRinG yOu to oUr do0rStEp?"
"Well..." thought Virgil.
"ShUT uP! Previous uttter@ncez rhetorical."
"...You on medication?"
"SiL3nz! F@ilYURE to complie..."
The Shrink subsided backwards, swerving around. There was some comotion arising from somewhere else, but the origin of the noise couldn't be pinpointed. Suddenly, the device, swung back around, this time with a lear more suitible of a machine in its position.
"...You have seen NOTHING."
"You've got that right." finished Virgil.
The machine inspected him prudently. "Hmmm...could've picked a better canidate. But then again, when emotional appeals such as revenge surface in beings, it is to be expected. Your data suggests that your name is Virgil, indeed?"
"Flawed. Incomplete. Obsolete," the Shrink retorted. "The name Virgil has only been momentarily employeed as your sirname. Erasing in process."
Some cheerful elevator music played during this rather akward sequence.
"Done. Name Virgil is now...deleted. New source name?"
Virgil started to object, but a voice rang in over a speaker. "New source name is decided 'Winters.'"
Virgil blinked.
So that's what this is about. Knew it would be involved somehow, but this...clever. Or is it? "What's going on here!?"
"Oh, I suspect you are already fully away of what is commencing." Replied the voice over the speaker. "Winters' needs stage presence, which he, regretfully, lacks at this point in space and time. Dreadful, isn't it?"
"Now hold on a minute!" Virgil cried out.
"It really is a shame. So soon after entering the public eye, Winters will be struck down by politically correct divine lightning. Tsk tsk."
There was silence.
To Be Continued...