No, I'm not openly criticising this stuff, but that does not mean I like it, actually I believe the majority of that which has been mentioned is really quite sucktacular, but that's just my opinion. I wouldn't exactly say my views are mainstream, but you don't know me, so I can kinda understand.
I realise that I'm probably pontificating when I say things like "muse suck" but in all honesty I'm not able/bothered enough to articulate my feelings about their music in anything shorter than an essay on the subject. It's so hard to define some of these things. But in short I think I can sum it up by saying that their style is repeated in each song to the extent that they all shockingly similar (kinda like nickelback, only not all at the same tempo) almost to the point of self parody. Muse seem to follow a pretty strict whiney, annoying, melodramatic tone throughout all of their songs, and they quickly flit from rocking to laming. In summery, I think that their songs are overpopulated with bits/factors that I don't like, and I can't honestly say that I can define whether those bits annoy me because they are genuinely crap, or because they just annoy me. Everyone has their musical tastes, and I guess it's pretty hard for one person to comprehend how someone else can like something if that person cannot does not like it at all themselves.
Despite this, there are certainly a few things that I can pick up on as being the mark of a mediocre band. Their melodies, riffs, and whole songs are often quite uninspiring. While they may fit in with the laws of music, they don't ever really do anything interesting or moving, just the usual up and down of notes, scales, and pitch. They tend to be more of a listenable variation of chords rather than an actual premeditated or exploratory concept...
But I'm whittering on now, and I said I wouldn't.