I don't know who Nome Chomsky is, but he's apparently somebody famous and his name is kickin' wing.
Noam Chomsky is a left wing radical who should pull his head out.. *rest of sentence deleted for decency's sake, but may have included multiple mentions of cunts*
Thorn - my surname's
{surname redacted}- geddit?
Nate, Nath - not particularly original
Squishy - not too sure how this one came up. It may have had something to do with the time I had four drunk females in my car simultaneously yelling "BAD SQUISHY, BAD SQUISHY" (aka Finding Nemo) at me and apparently also I look like a character called Squishy from some tv show or book or something. I dunno.
Thankfully it's been a while since anyone actually called me nate-dog so that's a blessing.