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02-10-2005, 03:19 PM
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odd chick
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That was really funny with the guru running in circles and everything! And nerd-boy got a screwdriver in his head? That's pretty gruesome, but in a good way because it keeps things interesting-it makes you want the Guru dead even more. Nice work, BBS!
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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02-11-2005, 07:18 AM
Biggy Bro Slig's Avatar
Biggy Bro Slig
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I'm going away on monday, so this is the last one till I get back.

We watched the laser, in horror.
I ran outside with the others, and reached the desert.
Zigget was carrying Maniac.
One second there was a jungle infront of us, the next second, there wasn't.
All the trees had been disolved, and the only thing left was the laser, and the guru standing there on fire.
He ran away, and realised that Slim, the commander of the sumos was already half way across the desert.
He ran for miles, and fell into a puddle.
The heat was cooling now in the desert.
We followed the now half-burning guru.
The air was getting colder?
Were we going the wrong way?
No, we weren't, I said to myself as I looked at the electronic map with a red button counting as us.
I wacked it.
We WERE going the wrong way!
There had been a fault with the map, and we were going straight towards the sea!
Suddenly, there was a huge creak, and cracks started to appear.
Suddenly, a huge chunk of sand the size of britain broke off.
It sinked into a huge underwater cave.
I saw the guru and slim screaming, and plop in the sea.
It was our turn now.
We skidded into the blue sea...

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02-11-2005, 02:25 PM
odd chick's Avatar
odd chick
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Nice chapter, BBS. This story is becoming epic. Have fun while you're away!
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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02-18-2005, 10:40 PM
Biggy Bro Slig's Avatar
Biggy Bro Slig
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Biggy Bro Slig  (24)

We slipped in, and it was really warm.
Too warm.
In the distantce, I could see the guru and slim floating out to sea.
Then it happened.
A huge grey Sea-rex jumped up, and swallowed the two.
It rushed towards us.
It opened it's jaws, and swallowed...

I woke up, to find me in one peice.
The rest of the group were looking for the guru, so I joined in.
"There he is!" Richey said, trying to hold in his 2 litres worth of syliva in his mouth.
The guru was poking slim, and slim got up.
Then he saw us.
I read the guru's lips, and he said 'Oh Sh*t."
We ran up, and we all stared at him.
All exept M and R.

They had there stall set up.
I remebered on the last oddventure we had, with the Sirus project.
"Two bombs please." I asked.
Monty put the megatons on the table, and it collapsed.
I picked up the bombs, and set them up.
The Sea-rex shattered into a million pieces of flesh, and we went flying over mudos.
We landed with a thud, and we all got knocked out....

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02-19-2005, 02:12 PM
odd chick's Avatar
odd chick
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odd chick  (10)

That was a good chapter, BBS. Did that chapter tie in with your other story Raws, because part of it sounded an awful lot like something that happened in that story.
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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02-19-2005, 10:45 PM
Biggy Bro Slig's Avatar
Biggy Bro Slig
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Biggy Bro Slig  (24)

Yep, I tied up.

We slowly got up.
I stared at foot prints going into-
Slim was there, with a chunk of brick, I jolted up, and grabbed my gun.
I pulled the trigger.
Oh no! There was no ammo left!
Whinced with pain as I got beaten up and felt the trickling down me.
The rest of the group were trying there guns, no ammo.
I looked at the building.
It was Rupture farms.
Out of the six sligs in the group, me and Slug were the only ones who knew the way around Rupture Farms.
I stared at Slug, in a face saying, You know the way in, find the guru.
The group walked away into the darkness of rupture farms.

The five were walking down the main hall.
Slug could remeber the hole thing.
He can remember walking down with Molluck, to the Conference room.
Slug opened a side door, and peared in.
He was right, it was his office.
He switched on a light, and sat on his chair.
He switched on the computer, and while he was waiting for it to load, he rooted through his old stuff.
He picked up a Photo.
"Slug, you never told me you were married?!" Ziggy said.
"Wife and two kids, Wife's called Kathrine, the two boys are called Bogie and Slime." Slug said, with a tear in his eye.
"They got killed. All of them. While we were at the monosaic lines, there was a big battle against Splinterz, and that's when they got killed."
Slug burst into tears.
"Enough crying, cry-baby, I think it's time your Oddventures ended." Said the guru, he was just about to close the doors when I jumped in, punched him in the face, and opened the doors.
"Get out, Get out!" I screamed, listening to the horrible rumble dowwn the hall.
"Why?" Grunt asked as he ran.
"Because of that!" I said, pointing at a huge band of Scrabs, Paramites, Fleechs, Mudarchers, Tommahawkers and natives.
We ran for our lives, until we reached a tiny room to hide in.
I walked in, and stood on something.
I looked at it.
It was a Scrub.
"Please sir, don't hurt me, I've been scrubbing here forever because nobody told me to stop." The Scrub said.
"Well sorry to tell you, but Rupture farms is out of Buisness." I said.
The mudokon stared at the floor.
We made a fire, and we tried to compfot the Scrub.
I had a question ringing in my head, Where were the stampeed going?

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02-20-2005, 10:29 AM
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odd chick
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That was your best chapter yet, BBS! They just keep getting better and better! It was nice that you fit Rupturefarms into your story-it's one of my favorite environments in Oddworld. And poor Slug! That's so sad what happened to his family. It's also interesting that the sligs are trying to comfort a scrub, too considering Mudokons are their enemies. Nice work!
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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02-21-2005, 07:23 AM
Biggy Bro Slig's Avatar
Biggy Bro Slig
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Biggy Bro Slig  (24)


I knew why they were stampeeding.
"The stampeed, the guru's planning on another battle!" I shouted.
The scrub's eyes went big as he heard the name.
"The guru?"
I nodded.
"Before I was thrown in here, I was his Right hand man,"
We all listened as he told the story...

"Here me mudos." The Steef Guru said.
"Your queen, Sam, has been captured."
A million Mudokons stood underneath him in the Monosaic Lines.
The guru watched the shocked eyes.
"We will fight back." The guru said.
"Sam is located at a fortress," The guru pulled out a map, and pointed at a dot in Mudos.
"All Mudokons must fight!" He said, and signaled to the Mudarchers around him to take out the weapon carts.
The muds all walked over to them.
"And that includes you, my right hand man."
"There will be no Buts, you will fight." The guru said with an evil stare.

"While I was attacking the fort," The scrub said "I got pulled into Rupture farms, and I never left since."
"What's your name?" I asked him.
"Arthur" He replied.
My eyes widened.
"Well, I know who the slig was." I said.
"Who?" They all asked, all eyes turning to me.

The scrub jumped on me, and started to strangle me, I ran out of the little room, and into the corridor.
Suddenly, about 100,000 sligs marched around the corner.
A slig shooter with a velvet navy blue hat on, picked up his rifle, and shot the mud.
The mud fell to the floor.
"General Krakerz. We're going to the Monosaic lines to battle the guru. What rank are you?"
"Errr, five montths ago or now? 5 months ago I was a commander along with my other friends." I said, pointing to the group walking out.
"Well, are you coming or not?" General Krakerz said.
"Yes, we are going, to complete our mission; kill the Guru."

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02-21-2005, 03:55 PM
odd chick's Avatar
odd chick
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odd chick  (10)

Nice chapter, BBS. Wow, that scrub didn't last very long in the story! Keep it up because this story is really getting interesting.
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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02-22-2005, 09:41 AM
Biggy Bro Slig's Avatar
Biggy Bro Slig
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Biggy Bro Slig  (24)

The army ran down the corridor, and skidded down a huge piece of flooring, and got dropped off in the stockyards.
The hole army stepped back as they saw what had made a new home in the stockyards.
A slig walked forward and peered down into the first pen.
Suddenly a huge tongue wrapped around the sligs neck, pulled him down, and swallowed.
"Right, I've got a plan, if we-" Krakkerz was cut of by a large scream.
They all turned to face the back of the army.
Lying there, was a dead Big Bro Slig.
Suddenly, a scrab appeared, and poked Krakkerz in the rib-cage.
The generals reaction to that, was him pulling out a machine gun, and he shot at the scrab.
There was another scream, and we turned to face a slig, tied up in a web.
"Paramites." Grunt said under his breath.
Suddenly, Richy pulled out a weird little gun with a sticker on it saying 'Ripper'.
"Slice, dice, and do it twice!" Richey said.
He aimed at a long cable, and a blade spun out, chopped the cable in half, bringing down a huge pole.
It landed right over the fleech's home, and we stepped forward.
Saddly, the fleeches acted first.
They wrapped their wriggly tongues onto the pole and crawled to the sligs.
Krakkerz was the first to act.
He jumped up onto a cable, and climbed it like a monkey till he got to the other side.
He let go, and landed on a slurg.
The fleeches turned to Krakkerz.
Krakkerz gave us a face like Run!
We ran onto the bridge, and stopped.
The bridge started to creak.
I looked below, and saw the paramites gathering for the sligs.
I leaped, and the others did the same.
I landed on a fleech.
The fleeches turned to see us turning in on them.
They screeched, and they watched us take out our knives...

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02-22-2005, 03:20 PM
odd chick's Avatar
odd chick
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Woah, that was very entertaining, BBS. You just pack all of your stories with action, don't you? I love it-you did a great job with that chapter!
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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02-23-2005, 07:36 AM
Biggy Bro Slig's Avatar
Biggy Bro Slig
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Biggy Bro Slig  (24)

Mmmmmmmm...Grilled fleech.
Right now, me and slug were eating fleeches and making Paramite pies.
Monty was selling weapons, and richey was letting a river of drool pouring out of his mouth, but the sligs didn't realisee were it was coming from, so they filled up there mugs!
"Would you like to buy a Vomit gun 10,000?" Monty asked two sligs.
They both replied "P*ss off!"
Monty's reaction was squirting a blast of spew at one of the sligs, and the other laughed.
Suddenly, the slig wined, and he started to vomit, and Puke poured out of his eye sockets.
Another new feature, I thought.
Suddenly, a huge Paramite came down, and grabbed Grunt.
I through a pie at it, but it stayed there.
A slig called Dock slowly picked up a blowpipe and blew.
A dart fired into the paramite's neck, and it dropped dead.
Suddenly, a stampeed of paramites galloped out of nowhere.
All the sligs started running for their lives.
Then, we stopped.
Richey suddenly fired at every single cable around, with the ripper.
One by one, a pole fell down over the pens.
We ran for our lives once again.
Eventually, we skidded down a huge cliff.
We all crashed down on the ground, and looked around us.
There was a large rock in the centre of the bottom.
All around the stone, there were scorch marks.
We turned away, to see the monosaic lines...

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02-23-2005, 01:56 PM
odd chick's Avatar
odd chick
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That chapter was hilarious! Vomit pouring out of the slig's eye socket? That's so insane, it's funny! Nice job, BBS. I know I keep saying that, but this really is a good story.
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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02-24-2005, 07:29 AM
Biggy Bro Slig's Avatar
Biggy Bro Slig
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Biggy Bro Slig  (24)

We walked over to the cliff.
Suddenly, two robots rolled out of the temple, and unfolded.
They looked like enlarged robotic Woodlice enchanced with laser guns, and standing on two of their six legs.
"Freeze!" One shouted.
"The natives have got more futuristic." I whispered to Grunt.
They cave a chirping sound off and 3 more came out.
They circled the army, and Slim and the guru walked out of the temple.
"Like my new idea, Robolice?" The guru said.
The five 'Robolice' aimed their guns.
Suddenly, a hole army of Sligs parachuted out from nowhere and landed around the Robolice.
The robolice suddenly transformed into mobile mode and rolled to the guru.
"You are so out numbered!" Ziggy laughed.
"You may think that, Zigget, but you are the ones who are out numbered."
The hole army peared down the cliff.
About 1 million Mudarchers, tommahawkers and Robolice stood below us.
We parachuted into the valley.
The mudarchers were shooting at us like we were swarming wasps.
Sligs all around me were falling because their paracute had been shot.
But the sligs survived the fall.
Suddenly, a robolouse aimed, and fired.
Me, Monty, Richey, Grunt, Slug and Zigget stared at the blue ball of energy aiming for me.
It split up into six and hit our parachutes.
They vaporised, and we fell down onto the mud...

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02-24-2005, 04:18 PM
odd chick's Avatar
odd chick
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Robolice! That is a really cool idea that you came up with, BBS! I enjoy cool robot-fighting scenes in a story! That was a great chapter, BBS! Keep 'em coming!
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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02-25-2005, 09:19 AM
Biggy Bro Slig's Avatar
Biggy Bro Slig
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Biggy Bro Slig  (24)

We all landed with a thud.
I stumbled up, kicked a mudarcher in the stomach as he was shooting me.
Slim, the remaining and founder of the Sumo-Wrestling Mudokons was now walking towards me with 2 new sumos.
"I would like to introduce you too my new members; Chub and Squash." Slim said as he pointed at them.
I chuckled and pulled out a sharp Blade-like Boomerang.
I chucked it at Chub, who screamed, and it sliced his hole stomach off.
Monty walked up with some scales and pushed Chub on.
"You just lost 40 stone!" Monty chuckled, as he stabbed the mud in the chest with his razor-sharp Claws.
"He didn't last very long, did he?" Grunt laughed.
We ran off, and a deep grey mist came in.
Suddenly, a slig got pulled down into the mist.
I ran over to where the slig had been.
I put my hand down into the mist.
I held in my vomit as I touched a soft, squishy thing and felt a bone.
"The paramites! They're attacking!"
It was too late, sligs were disappearing fast.
"Two can play at this game." I said.
"Slug, take off your pants."
He took them off.
"Now slug, you go under the mist and find and kill all the Paramites! You do the same Grunt!" I said.
The two went under into the mist.

"I just saw something." Grunt panicked.
"Oh, relax. We've already just killed 5 Paramites." Slug said.
Suddenly, a paramite jumped from out of nowhere, and tried to attack.
"I told you!" Grunt screamed.
Slug grabbed his knife, and so did Grunt.
The paramite charged in, and fired some web at them.
Slug's arm got caugh in the piece, and was now stuck to the floor.
Grunt dropped his knife, and popped his head up.
He saw Slim running along.
Slim saw him, and went running towards him.
Grunt popped his head down, and lured the paramite next to a rock.
Suddenly, a huge stubby green foot stood on the paramite's back, and there was a snapping sound.
Grunt un-tied Slug, and they slithered back to Me...

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02-28-2005, 06:29 PM
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odd chick
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Nice work with that chapter, BBS. I wonder who the person that squashed the paramite with his foot was? I'm sure I'll find out in the next chapter.
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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03-01-2005, 08:41 AM
Biggy Bro Slig's Avatar
Biggy Bro Slig
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Marty & Timothy's return!

A huge stubby green foot, or 'Slim's huge stubby green foot!'
PM me if you want to know some info on the 3rd of Biggy Bro slig's oddventure.

The mist cleared away, revealing a big green sumo-mud lying on the muddy ground.
"Slim or Squash?" Grunt asked Slug.
Slug shrugged.
They both slithered over to the body.
It was slim, with cuts and slices all the way down him.
I walked up to them with the gang and their pants.
"Who did this?"
"That, would be me." A voice said.
We turned away from the carcas to face Marty and Timothy, Monty and Richy's doubles.
"Monty! How are you doing?" Marty asked.
"Fine, and you?"
I turned to see Richey and Timothy playing like dogs.
"You slaughtered him?" I asked.
"Oh, hello BBS, yes we slice him with my old vykker tools."
Suddenly, the army of Robolice rolled towards us.
"Brace yourselves, for the ultimate battle!" The guru cackled.
I aimed my Rope-gun at the standing guru on the cliff.
I blasted away, and the metal hook went through the guru.
I yanked him down, and he clanked onto the floor
He stood up, and ripped out the rope.
"Now it's my turn!" He laughed.
He pulled the rope, and I went flying foward towards the guru.
This is no peaceful native, I thought.

Last edited by Biggy Bro Slig; 03-01-2005 at 09:05 AM..
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03-01-2005, 02:47 PM
odd chick's Avatar
odd chick
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This is great, BBS. I thought it was quite funny when the two Vykkers started playing like dogs! And I'll PM you right now because I want to know more about your third story-these keep getting better and better each time you come up with a different story!
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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03-02-2005, 03:50 AM
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Biggy Bro Slig
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Biggy Bro Slig  (24)

I went flying towards the guru, and hit the floor.
"Biggy Bro Slig, I've been trying to get my hands on you for a very, long time!" He said.
"Why?" I asked im insanely.
"Why? Because I wanted to kill you before my brother does!" He said.
"What did I do to your brother?"
"You pulled out my heart, you've pushed me off a cliff, you've completely disindergrated me! And you turned me into a F*cking Robot!"
"Why is he upset about that?"
" In the words of Himself 'I won't let nobody push around my little brother!', and besides, you killed the sumo muds, and they weren't even mine! They were his!" He gasped.
"Anyway, back to buisness!" He said.
He grabbed me, and pushed me against the wall.
I winked at Marty, and he winked back, as he through a brick at the guru.
It landed on his head, and stars spun around his head.
He shook his head, and climbed up the cliff.

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03-02-2005, 04:34 AM
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I love the bit with the stars flying round the head, it's so original

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03-02-2005, 03:07 PM
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odd chick
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I love the bit with the stars flying round the head, it's so original
Yeah, I liked that too. It kind of gave a cartoony feel to the story. Nice work, BBS. I can't wait to read more of this!
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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03-03-2005, 07:33 AM
Biggy Bro Slig's Avatar
Biggy Bro Slig
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Biggy Bro Slig  (24)

I grabbed on the wall and chased the guru.
The guru grabbed the ledge, and climbed up onto the filthy Muddy floor of the Monosaic Lines.
He ran into the temple.
I looked down.
The others were making their way up.
I got up, and chased after the guru.
I walked into the temple.
There were hunderds of Computers everywhere, and the same old rusty chair in the middle of the room.
I stared into one corner.
There was a Tube full of Green goo, and inside, was Nitro, the slig who had saved them through the ice.
He was screaming, and pulling the finger at the guru.
"Stop worrying, you little scumbag!" The Guru barked.
He walked over to a control pannel, and fiddeld with the buttons.
Suddenly, nineteen Amps of electricity shot out and into the tube.
They hit Nitro, and he turned into a huge Slig, with a mind saying 'kil alll sligs'.
He walked over to me, and grabbed me.
He walked out.
"Nitro, kill the slig." The guru braked again.
"I never wanted to kill one of my own species but-" Suddenly, I pulled out a sword, slashed Nitro's arm off, and I ran off.
It was clear that Nitro couldn't take the pain, so he ran up to the cliff and jumped off.
There was a loud bang, and a couple of screams.
I looked down.
Nitro had just squashed 20 Robolice.
I chuckled, but didn't notice the figure behind me.
The guru stabbed a knife in the back of me, and pushed me off the cliff...

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03-03-2005, 05:19 PM
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odd chick
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Great chapter, BBS. The guru is completely insane with that machine he uses to turn sligs into killing machines. I can't wait to see more!
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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03-04-2005, 07:51 AM
Biggy Bro Slig's Avatar
Biggy Bro Slig
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The final words

I thank you all for these nice comments!

I fell to my death.
And I thought this was the final time.
I pulled out the knife, and dropped it.
I hit the bottom.
I was shocked, I had landed on Nitro.
I limped over to the gang.
"Are you Ok-" Marty wwas cut off as a bullet went right through his neck.
There was a splatter of blood from his mouth, and he fell down.
I tunred around to see a smiling Guru with a sniper-rifle on the cliff.
"Marty!" Monty Screamed "Why does everyone of my friends have to die or be completely stupid?"
Richy looked at him.
"No offence but-" Monty trailed off as he saw the guru's next action.
"Slug!" He shouted. "Move!".
Slug moved, and Timothy was just at the wrong place at the wrong time, as the bullet hit Timothy.
"I'll kill you shmuck!" Monty screamed.
"Give up and go, or Richy dies!"
"You wouldn't." I said.
"I would. Just watch me." The guru said, as he changed target to Grunt.
He fired.
The bullet went right into the sligs chest.
"GRUNT! NO!" I screamed.
The guru gave a little laugh, and ran away.
I ran over to slug.
"I want to go home." Grunt said.
"I don't think you will." I said.
"I want to talk to slug." Grunt whispered.
We turned to Slug, who was crying his eyes out.
"I know who to kill the Guru." He gasped.
"How?" Ziggy asked.
"You have to shoot him at his Core. Then you steel his chip." Grunt whispered again.
"It's been great knowing you all." Grunt trailed off and stopped.
He was dead.

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03-04-2005, 02:16 PM
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odd chick
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Awww, it sucks that Grunt died because he was one of the coolest characters in the story! It was a nice chapter and the only error that I found that sort of stuck out was this:
"I know who to kill the Guru." He gasped.
It should be "I know HOW to kill the Guru." But it's just a minor error. Other than that, it was a great chapter as usual, BBS.
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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03-05-2005, 09:44 AM
Biggy Bro Slig's Avatar
Biggy Bro Slig
Clakker Store Clerk
: Jun 2003
: Monsaic Lines
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Biggy Bro Slig  (24)

That was me typing to fast!

I turned away.
I climbed up the cliff again, and went into the temple.
There were rows of the containers now, and sligs in them.
The guru walked up to me.
"Still crying about your friend?" The guru said.
I punched him in the face.
He jolted backwards, smashing through the containers.
I pulled out my gun.
I fired at him.
The bullet went right into him, and he bounced right through the wall.
He stood up, and he looked no different.
Apart from his eyes.
They had changed from a bright Orange to a dark brown.
"You may have just about blinded me, but I can still see!" He cried.
He stumbled away, into the forrest.
"I will kill him. Even if it's the last thing I do!" I screamed.

We sat around the fire at camp watching the body of Grunt burn.
Suddenly, life returned to grunt's visor.
He jumped up, and ran around in circles.
I grabbed Richy, and squeased his belly as hard as I could.
Richy shot out sylivia, hitting the burning grunt.
"GRUNT! YOU'RE ALIVE!" I shouted.
"Who the hell are you?" Grunt asked.
"Ok, he's lost his memory. Me and Richy can fix that up." Monty said.
"You do that. I'm setting my plan up." I said, evily like the guru.

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03-06-2005, 04:37 PM
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odd chick
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: Nov 2004
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odd chick  (10)

That guru is pure evil! I hope he gets what he deserves! You know, you create some interesting villains, BBS-they have great characteristics that just make you love to hate them! And Grunt's alive? That's great! I hope something bad hasn't happened to him with his memory being gone and everything. Keep those chapters coming!
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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03-08-2005, 07:31 AM
Biggy Bro Slig's Avatar
Biggy Bro Slig
Clakker Store Clerk
: Jun 2003
: Monsaic Lines
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Rep Power: 22
Biggy Bro Slig  (24)

We walked towards the guru.
He was smiling.
Smiling his evil smile.
"I'm obsessed with the colour Chrome. Noticed? That's why i'm chrome, that's why the robo-lice are chrome. Change subject- I've had enough of you trying to kill me! This is the end-" The guru stopped as slug butted in saying "for you!"
The guru looked at the slig, and gave a little whistle.
Suddenly, out of the temple, came 10 Mega-sligs, like Nitro was like.
They all looked the same, except the one. It was general Krakkerz!
He had a rifle.
And he was about to use it.
Slig number two ran up to Ziggy.
"Do you want a taste of my Bazooka? Huh?" Zigget said.
He fired a missle at the bulk and repeated on the others.
The bodies rolled over the cliff for the sligs to catch and eat.
Only General Krakkerz was left.
"Krakkerz! You are on our side! Kill the guru!" I screamed.
The huge slig drooled a little, and realised who's side he was on.
He turned to the guru.
"No...no...no! We can be friends! And we could rule Mudos together! And we could-" There were no more words for the guru, as Krakkerz stamped his foot on the guru.
There was an explosion, and the choking smell of petrol polluted the area.
Krakkerz lifted his foot, and was so shocked of the smell, he tripped up over the cliff.
Gradually, the guru reformed.
I ran quickly ran away, and bumped into a weird robot.
"Hi! My names Chunky Fueller!" He said as he fired a bomb into the valley.
"Biggy Bro Slig." I replied.
"I've been huntin' down the Guru ever since he breached my factiry and blew it up!" Chunky said.
"Right, if you see a steef with a hat and a cross-bow, kill'em, 'cause he's after me!"
"You got any henchmen?" I asked Chunky.
"Hell yeah. Come out boys!"
About fifty outlaws popped out.
"I've got a plan. And this one can't fail."

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03-08-2005, 06:56 PM
odd chick's Avatar
odd chick
Outlaw Shooter
: Nov 2004
: United States
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odd chick  (10)

Nice chapter, BBS. I especially liked this part:

"I'm obsessed with the colour Chrome. Noticed? That's why i'm chrome, that's why the robo-lice are chrome. Change subject- I've had enough of you trying to kill me! This is the end-" The guru stopped as slug butted in saying "for you!"
The guru looked at the slig, and gave a little whistle.

That sort of reminded me of something Nefarious might say! Nice work, BBS. And I see you added a new character as well (Chunky).
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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