Cyber-Slig, we don't close threads, because there is no need to close mass hordes of threads. If members obeyed the rules properly, most threads would never have to be closed. And, by posting in a dead thread where the thread has been answered is considered spam. Because you're posting for no reason at all.
Well here's the actual clincher... you will actually find little to no spam even spam of your definition (anything that doesn't stick rigidly and anally to topic ) in the OddWorld boards and threads... The only "spam" by yours and mty definition is found in the off-topic... how that would effect OWH... I dunno?
There was a lot of spam in General Discussion. Just ask the Moderators of the said forum. As for our duty to Oddworld Inhabitants, that duty means keeping the entire forums in tact. One forum (in this case Off-Topic) allowed to go rampant can have a serious affect on the entire forums. We have the rules to protect each forum, and each member. These rules are applied to all forums.
Why bring Abe Babe into this?
You don't see her running around closing this, deleting that, posting grandiose reminders on "The rules"...
I personally see this as a one man crusade...
I didn't bring Abe Babe into this. I merely mentioned that she and I have the same passion for Oddworld. Not only that, but we share common ideas and opinions about matters such as these. The reason she hasn't been very active, is because up until a day or two ago, she was away at an Anime Convention.
One man crusade? I have the backing of every Moderator who has posted in this thread, bar one. As well as that, I've got members who believe this is the right thing as well. The actual truth is, that it is the same minority of members who disagree. Personally, I see your retaliation as a one woman, same small group opposition. It's been like that through most arguments too.