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12-04-2001, 01:05 AM
: Nov 2001
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oddite4456  (10)

Svag was intentily watching the scene. The cyborg looked crippled, but it still posed a threat, especially if it recovered. Svag had an urge to kill it now, but he decided not to. After all, he didn't know how Dementa would respond to him slaying it while it was weak. He'd just play it cool for now, there was no need to rush into anything yet.

His attention snapped to a noise he heard behind him. He peered over his shoulder and saw two mudokons, both of them armed. He turned his full body around, to make sure they saw his machine gun. He gazed at them like a hawk gazes at its prey, and waited for them to make the first move...

[ December 03, 2001: Message edited by: oddite4456 ]
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12-04-2001, 01:15 AM
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Dementa suddenly cocked her head and sniffed. An unfamiliar scent on the breeze.
Smells mainly mudakon...but not quite.. She thought to herself. Now she was getting a bit annoyed, all these people seem to be drawn like a magnet to her and Svag for some reason.
Her tail twitched in agitation, she could help that; her moods have always seemed to switch about, almost with out notice, mainly due to having lived a life of misery due to the curse on her.
She noticed Svag turn around and point his gun at something. Dementa turned her head to look over her shoulder and spotted two blue mudokons, both armed.
Just what we need... She thought, scowling slightly, To paranoid muds.
"You two muds in there." She called out, "Are you friend or foe? Best speak up quickly before we decide for ourselves."
She normally wasn't this harsh, it was just that all these unknown people around her was making her nervious...not that she had to worry about dieing...or at least...staying dead....

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12-04-2001, 01:24 AM
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(OOC: Okay, for those peeps who are wondering why I am still here, it's because MSN started working JUST before I was about to leave. Bloody thing.)

*Blue immediately activates her sheild, and Amphora hides behind her.*

Blue: "Whoa! Okay! Put the gun down! We pose no threat!"
- DH

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12-04-2001, 01:43 AM
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oddite4456  (10)

Svag lowered his gun. The mudokons showed fear. Svag liked that; he would rather intimidate them than have to kill them. He reached back to his ammo belt. He was OK on grenades, he had plenty of M-gun bullets, his knife was still there. Good. He had everything. He flicked the safety back on and leaned over to Dementa. "What do you propose we do now?" he asked. He felt that she had a great deal of experiance, perhaps it was just the way she spoke. He turned his head to look at the cyborg, but what he saw made even him nervous...

[ December 03, 2001: Message edited by: oddite4456 ]
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12-04-2001, 02:03 AM
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Dementa relaxed when the two new muds said that they weren't a threat. She believed them; she figured they were just curious about what was going on here and were armed as a precaution.
"What do you propose we do now?" she heard Svag ask her.
Dementa thought a moment. Normally if she was acting completely on her own she would slip out at the first oppertunity, not being the fighter type. But she was 'technically' working with Svag here, though they had only just formally introduced themselves to each other before all this happened. Her tail twitched in anxity as she thought.
She noticed Svag look back toward the cyborg and she got the feeling of uneasyness from his body language, slight but it was there. She got the sinking feeling it wasn't the cyborg he was nervous about.
"What's wrong?" she asked quietly as she looked in the direction he was looking in...

(ooc: last post for me tonight *yawns* me need bed...ZZZzzzZzZzZZzzz)

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12-04-2001, 09:30 AM
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oddite4456  (10)

Svag was hesitant for a moment, then he answered her question. "Vykkers," was all he said. Sure enough, coming over the horizon, was the infamous Vykkers Labs. What were the Vykkers doing out here? Svag thought to himself. Vykkers Labs kept coming closer at the same menacingly slow speed. Svag put a new clip in his machine gun. He didn't know what would happen next, but he'd be ready for it...
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12-04-2001, 04:15 PM
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*Blue deactivates her sheild. Amphora comes out from behind her. Both look up at the tree cover, and see one of the Vykkers Labs ships looming over head*

Blue: (Sighing) "Oh no. . ."

Amphora: "Ah, dammit. I've been out here all night picking fruit, we come across these. . . Strage people in the middle of a normally deserted forest, and then THESE guys show up?!"

Blue: "Quiet for a minute! Perhaps they'll just pass overhead and not stop. . ."

Amphora: "That's what you think! I'm sure those Vykkers would have spotted us by now, and since we're not all ordianry folk, I'm sure they'll be glad to get thier spindley hands on us!"

Blue: "Dad, be quiet! Ranting isn't going to help our situation!"

- DH

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12-04-2001, 05:56 PM
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*raznet has a flash back of when he was being created*"RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" scermed raznet then he got up and shot twenty rounds with his canon into the air"DAMM'IT!!!!"he yelled the fell to the ground mumbleing nosense about vykers then he awsered savgs qustion:"there looking for me,they want to make a army of me now comes your choice:kill me and they'll back off or keep me alive and see what happens next"he said"frankly...i think you should kill me."
just then a pod came down"DIE!!!!!!"he yelled and fired his canon at it,the pod was desroyed and the vykker body lay daed some intact on the ground

[ December 04, 2001: Message edited by: Abe's son ]
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12-04-2001, 08:40 PM
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"Vykkers..." Dementa growled as seh glared at the ship. She remembered the one time they had managed to catch her. They had tried in vain to figure out why individuals would scream in pain when they had skin to skin contact with her, apparently they had no concept of 'magic' which what was the curse was...a form of very ancient magic, now long forgotten. She shuddered brief at the memory of how the Vykks did find away around the curse effects...though they themselves had little use for it. Instead they let the guards have that knowledge and they in turn did 'unspeakable' things to her. It was by pure change she was able to escape....
"I don't kill unless I have no other option..." Dementa said, still growling at the ship, "and in my over 300 years of life I only had to kill a hand full of people. I don't want to add to that count if I can help it." She thought a moment. "Prehaps we can find a place to hide until they leave? You." she looked at the cyborg, "Do you have any kind of homing device on you that you know about? Something they may be tracking you by?"

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12-04-2001, 09:30 PM
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oddite4456  (10)

Svag stood by, listening to the almost one- sided conversation. Dementa had some problem with the Vykkers. Svag didn't know much about the Vykkers, because of the fact he lived alone, distant from most other civilization on Mudos. He did know, however, that Vykkers meant trouble. Dementa obviosly knew that; either from being told about them or from personal experiance.

Svag looked up at the ship to see that more pods were coming down. A few of them had already landed and were unloading Snoozers and BigBro sligs. "You there!" shouted one of the larger sligs. "Stand where you are!" Svag reluctantly turned the safety back off and shouldered his gun. He didn't want to kill his own kind but...
No, they're not my kind. Svag thought. My kind have been dead for a long time...
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12-04-2001, 09:46 PM
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Blue: "Oh man. . . Dad, I've never seen you actually fight things this big, but you better be good with that huge blade of yours. . ." *She gets out her staff*

Amphora: "Well. . . Beofre you were born, when I was young, I fought Vykkers and Big Bros with this very weapon. . . I was young, then. . . I don't think I have it in me. . . and if it's okay with you, I'm gonna go home now and get your bro. . ."

Blue: "Good idea. . . But hurry up!"

*Amphora runs off - but not very fast being an old man.*

Blue: *Looks at the rest of the group* "I hope you guys are good at fighting. . . Becausse we don't actually have a choice right now. . ."
- DH

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12-04-2001, 09:50 PM
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Dementa clenched her jaw and scrowled.
No they will not have me again.... she thought as she silently took off her gloves and tucked them into her belt for safe keeping.
"I'll distract them..." she said just loud enough for Svag and the others to hear as she stepped into the shadows, "You'll know when to shoot."
If I wasn't injured this would be easy... she thought, I'm going to feel this tonight...if we live through this...
She crept through the shadows, she knew the Big Bro's eyesight was poor so she counted on that. Soon she was close enough to the Big Bro to reach out to touch him and he was completely unaware of her presence. So she did. She reached out and touched a part of the Big Bro's uncovered arm and the BBS immediately doubled over in pain screaming in agony.
"What the..." One of the other BBS's said, "Over there!"
Dementa bolted out of the way just in time to avoid a hail of bullets...which turned the nearby shrub she was in into swiss cheese...

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12-04-2001, 10:27 PM
The Less-Than-Big Bro
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It was in this moment of pain that Kelp siezed the initiative. Rolling right, he empties one clip into the bigbro. As they said, terminate with extreme predjudice. sprining up again, he unloads another clip, nailing the next closest character, which happened to be the shooting bigbro. Even as he began to reload, Kili was moving, seeing everything that was happening, processing, and knowing what to do in a split second. Then the rest of that second consists of her tomahawk exploding into the head of the nearest bigbro, splitting it down the middle. By this point, Kelp is reloaded. Emptying his final clips, he mows down the area where the shrub-to-swiss-cheese bullets had come from. Three bigbros collapsed, blitzpackers hitting dirt.

"There are more where that came from! RUN!"

And both he and Kili take off, only stopping to pick up her tomahawk. Then a timid voice in the backround, the voice of a dying bigbro.

"He's goin' ther wrong way... Thats ter vykker labs..."
Want to stay for lunch? I think we're having MONEY!"-Gamepro's sorry insult to Lorne Lanning

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12-04-2001, 10:33 PM
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Blue: "Hey! Wait!! Come back here you two!"

*Blue starts shooting all the pods that are decending on them with her stun beams. Some of them damage and start flying awkwardly and slowly. Others crash to the ground.*

Blue: "Stick with us! We'll take you back to the nearest village!"

*She shoots down/damages more pods that are decending on them*
- DH

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12-04-2001, 11:33 PM
: Nov 2001
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oddite4456  (10)

The echo of gunshots rang off into the forest. Svag hurled a grenade at a pod that was about land. He saw BigBros leap from the cockpit seconds before the explosion shook the ground. The BBS's attempt to save themselves was in vain, however, as they hit the ground they were welcomed by a spray of bullets. He saw a snoozer approaching him, preparing to fire on him. Should have shot sooner, Svag thought as he riddled it with lead.

He saw Dementa approaching one of the sligs, unarmed, which he found very stange. Dementa touched the slig's arm and it fell over in agony. It was then shot by one of the mudokons; who seemed to be a feirce fighter, indeed. He stared awkwardly at Dementa for a moment, wondering how in Odd's name she did that.

He then put his attention back on the combat, which was dieing down as a result of most of the BigBros retreating back to the few operational pods. "Cowards," he muttered to himself, louder than he had intended.

He saw the Vykkers main ship flying off. In truth, he was almost disappointed with that fight. He also thought that the infamous BigBros would be just a little more infamous.

Now one question remained: Which one of them did the Vykkers want?

[ December 04, 2001: Message edited by: oddite4456 ]
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12-04-2001, 11:46 PM
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*Blue is now breathing heavily, and now uses her staff for support, having eaten up her own energy after shooting all those beams, and watches the Vykkers labs ship loom away obove the treeline. She amkes a rude gesture at them as they fly off, and leans against one of the undamaged pods.*
- DH

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12-04-2001, 11:49 PM
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Dementa pretty didn't really do anything else...other then draw fire and dodge bullets, which she was able to do easily dispite her injury. It did hurt but she was able to ignore it. Once the enemy had enough and retreated, she rejoined the others, putting her gloves back on as she approached them.
"That went easier then I thought it would." She commented, grinning slightly. "We make a good team. Oh does anyone need ammo refills?" She held up several clips she had swiped off the Big Bros during the fight and grinned mischieviously.

[ December 04, 2001: Message edited by: Dragadon ]

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12-04-2001, 11:55 PM
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Blue: "Ya know what?" *She bites into one of those green banna like friuts.* "Though we probably would make a good fighting team, we haven't introduced each other yet, have we?"
- DH

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12-04-2001, 11:58 PM
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oddite4456  (10)

Svag took a couple clips, as he was running low. He loaded one clip into his gun and stuck the others in his belt. As he wiped his gun off, he spoke to Dementa. "How did you inflict so much pain upon that slig by just touching him?" he inquired.
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12-05-2001, 12:33 AM
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Dementa frowned slightly when he asked that.
"I suppose I should tell you..." she said, fighting the memories that where threatening to overwhelm her again, "Basically...I am cursed. When ever anyone touches me or I touch them with skin to skin contact they double over in pain for a few seconds. That's why I warned you not to touch me before." She sighed sadly, "Its the same curse that has been keeping me alive for the past 300 years..." she hung her head, shedding a tear, "300 years of misery and having no choice but to make do with whatever the fates threw at me."
She shook herself off, regaining her composer(sp). She didn't mean to reveal that much..but it was too late now...

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12-05-2001, 09:30 AM
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oddite4456  (10)

Svag pondered for a moment on what Dementa had told him, then tried to think of something comforting to say. He was never much of a way with words. Her sadness almost made him wish he'd kept his mouth shut. But he never cared for other people. What was making him care now? Probably just a phase, it'll pass soon. Svag thought, not wanting to bear the fact that he was going soft.

"I am Svag," he said, responding to the stange mudokon's earlier question, " I come from the north." Maybe I should tell them more... thought the slig. Yes, a voice inside him seemed to answer. Tell them about the factory, about the mudokon, your father and how he treated you, the voice went on. tell them about the voice on the wind that called you. You ARE still following it... Svag shuttered. Where did that voice come from? It wasn't the same one that called him on this journey, this voice was harsher. No. Svag said, contradicting the voice. They will know when I am sure they can be trusted.
But when will that be? was the voice's final question. Svag himself actually wondered when he COULD actually trust these newcomers.

He shook off those thoughts and looked back up at the group; trying act as cool as possible...
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12-05-2001, 12:44 PM
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"How rude of me..." Dementa said when she remembered the Blue muds question. "I am Dementa...last of the Drakkics." She didn't know for sure if she really was the last, but she hasn't seen another of her kind since the Cartel attacked 3 years after she was cursed...so she was assuming that she was.

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12-05-2001, 05:30 PM
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"you know who they were looking for don't you?" said raznet"no"savg replied"no i don't"
"they were looking for me,you see i am nuber 12 and i gave my self the name raznet snice that was what the scrub called me,he was my only friend,but now you MUST chose,kill me and not draw ation or don't kill me and find out what happens." the group looked around "well you have to chose and i would think the beast time would be NOW!" he barked "even though you killed as many as you did they will keep looking for me,the vykkers wan't to make a evil race of killers based on my DNA there for they wan't me alive i don't know why they did'nt just go for me....have any of you ever been capured or teasted by them.....becuse they might wan't to use your DNA also".....

[ December 05, 2001: Message edited by: Abe's son ]

[ December 05, 2001: Message edited by: Abe's son ]
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12-05-2001, 06:16 PM
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OOC: um Abe's son...all the enemy sligs have retreated...they are long gone. Try to pay attention please.

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12-05-2001, 10:40 PM
The Less-Than-Big Bro
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meanwhile, Kelp and Kili had picked up one of the other pods. Kelp took his ammo back, and laughed.

"Made it! Now, to rearm. Excellent, they have pistol ammo."

He took the controls, and steered towards the cleering, checking his ammo supply. Then he wheels towards the clearing. As he lands, everyone looks towards him as he comes out, both pistols drawn. Kili is right behind him, with tommahawk ready.

"now, my sligly little runaway, we will see what my masters can think up as punishment for running away. Oh, and if the drakkic so much as moves, i will blow her frackin head off. the same goes for all of you. Kili, knock out the magic one..."

Kili moves forward, and suddenly swingning viciously at blue's head with the tomahawk.
Want to stay for lunch? I think we're having MONEY!"-Gamepro's sorry insult to Lorne Lanning

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12-05-2001, 11:04 PM
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"don't make me kill you"said raznet"me a savg could take you down no problem"he armed his arm canon and his net gun"now"said raznet aiming the wepons at them"do you wan't them dead or alive?"...
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12-05-2001, 11:32 PM
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"Looks like a made a slight error in judgement, sorry about that Svag." Dementa quietly. Then she looked at Kelp and chuckled. "You obviously didn't hear my tale before...." She grinned, almost evilly. Kelp did not know she was incapable of 'perament' death. And as a indirect side effect of that knowledge...the power of it can overwhelm her sometimes...like it is now. Her tail twitched in a preditor's fashion and suddenly she shoot forward...Too fast for Kelp to react. She dove, twisted around and kicked out with her feet, Striking his hands and knocking the pistols out of them. Then she rolled and lept onto Kelp's back, careful not to touch him skin to skin yet.
"Move jerk and you will feel the pain." she scowled. "I don't need my gloves off to hurt you with my harm touch...any part of my body will do..."

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12-06-2001, 12:05 AM
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(OOC: This was done after a rather confusing session on MSN Messenger)

Blue: *Has thrown her shield up just intime to block Kili's blow.*

Kili: *Makes a recovery swing, and aims it at Dementa.*

Dementa: *Hears the tomahawk just in time to dodge.*

*It hits Kelp full in the back, just missing his spine and hitting his metal ribs. He spins around and dives for the pistols.*

Kelp: (Yells) "You will die for this!" *Fires a clip in Blue and Dementa's direction. It bounces off Blue's sheild. Kelp has just enough time to swing his sniper rifle off his back, and take aim at Blue. He is thinking it will shatter the shield, being the equivalent of a 5.5 Caliber. He fires.*

Dementa: *Ducks, spins, and smacks Kelp in the face with her tail. Harm touch effects him.*

*Kelp screams, and rolls. Kelp's rifle bullet shattered the shield, but missed Blue on the other side. Blue simply re-activates the shield.*

Kelp: *Recovers, and is now panting.* "Ugh. . . Stalemate. . ."

*Blue deactivates her sheild, and takes careful aim at Kili with one of her stun beams. Kili dives behind a tree. Blue runs up and grabs Kili's tomahawk, stopping her from using it.*

Kili: "Hold! Back off and lets talk this out, I don't wanna kill nobody!

Blue: "Neither do I, but you're the one who started this fight. . ."

Dementa: *Growling* "You shouldn't assume all sligs are runaways. . ."

Kelp: "Fine, let's talk."

Dementa: *Wants to say something sarcastic but keeps her mouth shut. Instead she leans back against a tree.*

Kili: "Before we start talking, let's all throw our weapons down. . ."

*Kelp tosses his pistols and rifle towards Dementa.*

Blue: *Lets go of Kili's tomahawk, and puts her staff away.*

Kili: "Now, whaddaya know about the mudokon resistance leader, Asmitt?"

Blue: "Who?"

Dementa: *Raises a brow.* "Never heard of him."

Blue: "Me niether."

Kili: "The mudokon we are hunting, the one with the giant sword."

Dementa: *Shakes her head.*

Blue: "The only Mudokon I know with a weapon that's even close to a big sword is my dad, the mudkon that ran off a few minutes ago. He has this massive blade."

(OOC: We had to stop here. Oh yeah, Oddite? Why don't you get MSN Messenger?)
- DH

[ December 05, 2001: Message edited by: Dark Hood ]

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12-06-2001, 12:10 AM
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oddite4456  (10)

Svag smiled. He was beginning to like the drakkic. As Kelp was stuggling with Dementa, Svag aimed his machine gun right between his eyes. Svag grinned menacingly at the mudokon, daring him to make a move. As for Kelp's friend, Svag figured the magic one could take her, she seemed strong enough. "Surrender now, young fool. Or would you rather join the others?" Svag siad threateningly, as he motioned toward the bodies of BigBros that littered the ground. Svag kept a strong hold on his gun, still aiming it in the same spot on Kelp's head. He cocked his head as if to say, 'what are you gonna do now?'. Svag began to move the barrel of his gun around from the mudokon's forehead, to his throat, to his chest, to his stomach, and back to his head. He staed at his target malevolently and said,


Edit OOC- *sighs* I started writing this before DH's post. Just insert this in between Dragadon's and Dark Hood's posts.)

[ December 05, 2001: Message edited by: oddite4456 ]
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12-06-2001, 12:40 AM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
: No I am not telling you so :P
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Rep Power: 25
Sl'askia  (10)

Dementa frowned when she remembered that Kili said that they were 'hunting' a mudokon resitence leader.
"So you two are bounty hunters..." Dementa said casually, hiding her distaste, "Working for the Cartel no doubt."
She had no love for anyone that willingly worked for the Cartel. They didn't know that she had helped the mudokon resistence whenever she could...as well as the slig revolution. It was a way she could 'pay back' the Cartel for destroying her kind.
Now her disgust showed, her face tentacles folding up and her lips curling into a sneer. She also didn't like mudokons that willingly helped the Cartel and she glared at Kili.
"What made you turn against your own kind mud?" she asked, plainly, "What made you hate them so much that you want them to stay as slaves and a source of food for the main destroyers of Oddworld: The Magtog Cartel?"
Dementa silent moved their weapons behind her with her tail and feet, just in case they decide to rush to grab them.

[ December 05, 2001: Message edited by: Dragadon ]

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