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06-15-2002, 07:27 PM
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(ooc: aye I do...*evil grin*)

Dementa's eyes widened and she instinctively pulled away.
"Don't touch me!" she cried.
But it was already too late, he had touched her and she could tell he wasn't wearing any gloves. She waited for the enviditable scream of pain.
But it didn't come...
No reaction...no reaction at all, other then the look of surprise he gave her when she recoiled away from his touch.
Can't be... she thought, her breath coming rapidly and her emotions overwhelming her. Can it?
She remember the old saying: 'If it's too good to be true...then it is.' Dementa didn't want to believe for a second he was immune to her harm touch.
Must be doped up on pain killers or something... she thought...trying to think of an explantion. But no...that didn't fit. Due to the magical nature of the curse it didn't matter how much pain killer you had in your system, the curse still affected them. Only something like clothing would ward off the effects. Besides...even if he was doped up on pain killers...the other side effects she would have noticed by now.
Added to her own confusion, his musk was like a drug to her, strengthening that feeling she felt before. Shaking her head she staggered backward a couple of paces. She felt like she was going to faint.
"How..." she muttered, "How is it you are immune to my harm touch? How is it you are immune to part of the curse that prevented me from finding happiness for so long?"

(ooc: *laughs evily*

Dementa: cruel dragons! *hides behind Hunter*)

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06-15-2002, 07:39 PM
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Hunter's eyes widened in confusion as Dementa backed away. He instinctively scolded himself, covering his head with the Elum-skin cloak once more.

Yer dumbarse, why'd yer go an' do that?!

"I'm sory, miss, didn' mean to scare ya," he muttered, his eyes tinted with fear and shame.

It was so peculiar that he felt this way. Never had an emotion so powerful surge through him like this. It felt as if massive tidal waves were being thrown against him. Pain and immense joy ran through his innards like two dominant Scrabs on a rampage. What was going on?

"Harm... touch? Immune? Wha-?" he exclaimed, blinking his reptilian eyes in confusion.

(OOC: So short, bleh!!

Hunter: Let me at 'er!! Let me get 'er!!

Voltian: *Desperately tries to subdue Hunter* O.O)
-Black Dragon

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06-15-2002, 07:54 PM
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She sank to her knees then, her breathes coming in quick and heavy.
"When I was an adolsent drakk...I was forced to try to steal a something from a mudokons hunt or be accussed of a crime I didn't comment. But this mudokon was a powerful dark sorcerus...and she put this curse on me." She didn't know why she was being so open with her past with someone she didn't even know...but at that moment she didn't care. "The curse was that anytime I came into contact with someone via skin to skin, willingly or not...they would be thrown into a state of intense pain for a few seconds. Another part of it was that whenever I died...it would bring me back to life....so I am partically immortal."
She covered her face with her hands, sobbing now. "It made me more of an outcast then I already was...and for 300 years I have suffered...denied both true happiness and death."
She looked up at him then, tears running down her face.
"That's why I reacted the way I did...no one before was uneffected by the curse without having gloves or other covering on their skin. I am confused...I don't know whether to accept this sudden 'gift' or shun it...for it seems too good to be true..."

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06-15-2002, 09:23 PM
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(OOC: Someone help!! They're taking over and they're filling the topic with moosh! Ahhh!! *Runs around in circles*

Blue: *Stops Dark Hood* "Be quiet and post something!!"

Yes ma'am! *Saloutes Blue and gets to work*)

The Cellar, Arims

Blue sits in a corner amoungst some of the crates of food, huddled up in her sleeping bag and a blanket, watching the flame inside her lamp which she flitched from the shack. The sound of the storm outside makes her happy that she's inside a cellar instead of back in that old leaky shack. This feeling of snugness and warmth makes her feel kind of glad that the shack was destroyed, and that she and the rest of the group were forced to move on.
"Ahhhhhh. . ." She sighs happily as she reclines in her little pile of crates. She then has a thought.
"Dementa's taking her time, isn't she?" Blue tells Spider and Olm. However, only Spider hears, since Olm is asleep in the other corner of the room.
"I'm sure she'll be fine." Spider says. "She must be good at this type of thing, having had 300 years of experiance an' all. . ."
"Yeah, I suppose you're right. . . But still, she is taking-"
Suddenly, the lamp goes out. The room turns to pitch blackness. Only a flash of lighting comming from the vents at the top of one of the cellar walls illuminates the room for a brief second afterwards.
"Ahh, sod it! It's run out of parafin!" Blue exclamates.
"Not suprised." Spider says. "That lamp has probably been in that shack for a long while."
"Oh well." Blue says as she gets out a flashlight from her pocket, and jumps out of her 'nest' of boxes and blankets. "This is a cellar. I'm sure Arim won't mind if I take a bit of parafin from him. . ."
Blue begins searching.
"You sure thats a good idea?" Spider asks.
"No." Blue replies. "But I don't have any candels on me."
Blue rumages through an open wooden box containing various bits and bobs.
"I must remember to stock up on some next time I go home. . ."
"That's if you ever get to go home at any point, Blue. Those sligs might be patroling Camp Biros incase we come back."
Blue stops rumaging through the contents of the crate and sighs.
"Yes. . ." She looks at the floor. "But you know what?" She looks at Spider.
"What?" He replies.
"That's just another one of the reasons to get the mayor out of his position." She gets back to searching through the crate. A little later, she closes it with a sigh.
"No luck?" Spider asks her.
"No. . . But whats this?" Blue goes over to a box near where Spider is. As she opens it, she finds that it's full of parafin cans - Probably for the light fittings in Arim's inn.
"Ah! I knew there was some down here somewhere!" Blue says as she takes out one of the cans, goes over to her lamp and begins filling it up.
"Thats a bit dangerous, innit?" Spider says. "Keeping a big box full of parafin cans all like that in a small room. . ."
"Probably." Blue says as she puts the can back and closes the box. "Perhaps we ought to sugest something to Teb in the morning, but oh well."
She pulls out a box of matches, opens the lamp and lights it.
"Let there be light!" She says with a smile.

(OOC: BTW, I thought Blue told Dementa about the hunter getting Seltin? Blue saw it lead Seltin away and then she told everyone after getting Dementa's- Oh wait, thats right. Dementa was dead and therefore didn't hear! Silly me. In that case, make sure the when Dementa mentions Seltin to the others, that Blue tells her about the hunter leading him away towards Pyke. And don't get them confused with Emily's Magar the Hunter!)
- DH

Last edited by DarkHoodness; 06-15-2002 at 01:44 PM..
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06-15-2002, 11:21 PM
Jacob's Avatar
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Stepping up the stairs quickly, Tobias closes in on his room. He grumbled to himself, he had wanted to leave this place, leave everything but now he was forced to crawl back. His sense of smell was damaged as was his ability to regenerate. He could heal, but not as quickly as usual. However, his smell was practicly all but gone. The only things he could smell were the things that he could see, and he was starting to think that was due to the 'Labido effect'. He came to his room and pushed the door open, thankfully there was no key needed to get in. Yawning he stepped upto the bed and slumped down on it, throwing himself back onto the comfort of the matress. He sighed wearily but then sat up again. He felt his shoulder length black hair. It was greasy and not very nice to touch. The underside of his nails were also full of dirt and grime.
I need a shower(!)
Tobias thought to himself tiredly. Looking around the room Tobias realised there was no shower in his room. He could not remember one being in his old room either for that matter. Standing to his, aching, feet, Tobias wandered to the door and opened it.
Hmmm...I wonder if Arim just has one public one?
Tobias rubbed his left eye with the palm of his hand, trying to keep himself awake. He wandered down the hallway, his body getting goose pimples. He still hadn't found his T-shirt or jacket, which reminded him of another thing to talk to Arim about. Slowly he made his way up the hallway, trying to find the door that said 'Landlord' or something to that nature. Unfortunatly he found nothing of the sort and decided to trek back down the corridor and try in the restaurant.

Tobias: "Ugh...i wish i found out were everything was earlier."

He cursed himself and growled lowly under his breath. He passed his old room again but this time he was to tired to even notice it and continued down the stairs.


He rested his head on the counter, cushioned by his arms. He had spent 5 minutes looking for Arim and had, had no luck. Now he was planted on a bar stool, fatiqued and injured. If things had gone to plan he could of been doing some more jobs; Assassination, Burglary, Framing etc. Alas, none of it went to plan and now he was here...still.
Tobias perked up. His eyes were getting heavy but a noise from somewhere had caused him to be awake and alert, at least for a brief moment. He mumbled something inaudible about Arim and climbed off of the stool and wandered to the back of the bar. Alcohol lined the main shelves and small refridgerators were holding the shelves up. Tobias mused over the thought of taking one or two but came to the conclusion that it wouldn't do him much good. Gradually he crept into the cold, slate kitchen switching on one of the parafin lamps on the walls.
The sound of something someone/thing raiding utencils sounded below him. He now realised that it was coming from a cellar and could see the wooden door in the floor. He walked over to it and fumbled with the steel handle. Finally getting a good grip of it he yanked hard, his muscles tensing as he proceeded to open the cellar entrance. After what seemed like minutes but was merely seconds he gave up. It had seemed to lift a tiny bit but had then dropped shut once more and he was too shattered to try again. If it was Arim then he would have to catch up with him later, if it wasn't then they're trapped. As he turned to go back to his room Tobias noticed a small sink, it had dishes in and other dirty cups and saucepans but he was not one to fuss over minor things and stepped over to it. Taking out all the cuttelry the Orkhid bowed his head underneathe the taps and turned the hot water on full blast. After soaking his tattered hair for a good 3 minutes he then soaped it up with washing up liquid and then continued to clean himself...losing track of where he was due to his desperation and tiredness.

(OOC: Drag, Em you can have your characters walk in on Tobias or nearly bump into him...anything. Just dont fight him again...he is close to death as it is :S)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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06-16-2002, 03:50 AM
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Blue stands in the center of the cellar, holding on to the bottom of the trap door to make sure that it wasn't opened again. She listens carefully, and hears someone walking over to the side of the kitchen above. Quickley, she whips out a bit of old rope which had been sitting in her pocket for quite a while, and proceeds to tie the handel on the bottom of the trap door to the ladder in the center of the cellar. While she is doing this, the sound of running water is heard.
"Who the hell would snoop around in the kitchens at this time of night?!" She whispers to Spider, angrily.
"I dunno. . ." Spider whispers back.
Blue double checks that the knot in the rope is tight, and whispers a question to Spider.
"Hey, your sence of smell is good, isn't it Spide? Did you manage to catch a whiff of them?"

(OOC: Your turn, Rach. I don't know what Spider would say here.)
- DH

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06-16-2002, 11:59 AM
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(OOC: While we're waiting fer Rach, I'll try to help end the little 'love at first site' scene... then we'll make things a bit... eh heh, interesting. *Eyes flash dangerously*

Hunter: Uh oh...)

The lightning flashed once more. Hunter could not believe what he was hearing. Curses? Sorcery? What the hell? He found it hard to believe in his scarred, plagued mind that a creature this beautiful could be the result of a dark curse. The thought refused to enter his mind and he blocked it from his all of his thoughts.
Once again, he reacted to instinct. His eyes had now lost some of their usual glow as he bent down beside her, revealing his powerful legs through the now seemingly small cloak. Gently, he put a large, clawed hand underneath her chin again, lifting her field of vision to meet his own. With the other hand, he wiped away her tears and gazed into her violet eyes intensely.

"Dun worry, it'll be alright in the end, it always turns out that way fer the good at heart. I learned that the hard way..." Magar turned his head for a second, "I was Drippik's favorite... kinda like school children are teacher's pets, ya know? But when that damn bastard killed him, my days were numbered as well. The new general hated me fer actually having a mind 'a my own. He sent me ter the labs... oh Odd it was horrible!! Ter fall asleep terrified and ter wake up with such a horrible feeling in yer being that yer wanna curl up an' die!"
Hunter looked away, closing his eyes tightly as the memories began to sting his spirit.
"An' when I broke out... I had to learn how ter fend fer myself... it was horrible. But then I found a group 'a others, like myself and we learned how to deal with it together."

There was a moment of silence between the two as Hunter returned his eyes to her form. The rain was coming down in heavy sheets now, soaking both of them.

"Come... let's find a spot ter go ter... it's gettin' awfully damp in here," Hunter said softly, pulling her underneath his cloak.

(OOC: Meep! )
-Black Dragon

Last edited by Black Dragon; 06-16-2002 at 04:04 AM..
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06-16-2002, 12:26 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
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(ooc: oy...two parter....)

Damn bastard? she thought, breaking out of her grief for the moment, He must be talking about Abe... She decided not to ask about it...for it was obviously a sour note for him. Dementa had noticed he touched her again, she flitched but didn't pull away this time. As she looked in his eyes she could see the warmth and kindness in them, but deep within she could also see the pain, the pain he had suffered through himself.
When he had mentioned getting out of the rain, she rmembered just why she was out in this weather.
"Oh! That's right!" she said standing up, "I need to get back to Spider and the others...to tell them what I found out." Seeing his confused look, she said, "I'll explain on the way...things are not what they seem to be here anymore..."


Spider thought a moment, sniffing the air trying to catch the scent of the one that tried to come down into the celler. After a moment he caught it...it was very faint but he recogized it.
"Tobias!" he growled quietly, every muscle in his body tensing, "He is up there..."
"Him!?" Blue hissed, "I'll go deal with..."
"No...let him be."
Blue looked at Spider in surprise.
"I don't think he knows we are down here..." Spider explained, "Normally an Orkhid would have opened that door the first time without trouble...he must be down on his luck and isn't a threat. Besides...we can't afford to do something that would attract attention to our presence here..."
Blue nodded. "Your right..."

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Last edited by Sl'askia; 06-16-2002 at 04:29 AM..
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06-16-2002, 12:55 PM
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(OOC: Well, here goes nothing....)

Hunter blinked rather dumbly. So, Spider was still here, eh? Interesting. The mutant shook himself once and nodded, following the Drakkic's lead.
Dementa ran ahead, her steps light and agile on her small feet while Hunter jogged behind her, his large strides allowing him to travel at her pace much easier. Through alleyways and around huts they swerved, and Magar soon lost track of where they were. Dementa, on the other hand, knew exactly where she was. Just a few more turns....
The came to a complete halt outside of a large building.

"Quickly, come on!" Dementa said in a hushed voice as she turned to Hunter. With that, she carefuly disappeared through the unlocked door.

Hunter, in turn said not a word but followed her closely.

The inside revealed the building to be a bar, and it well appeared to be after closing time. Dementa was a few paces ahead of him, her violet eyes searching every inch of the place. After a few moments, she motioned him to follow. Carefully, the Drakkic made her way toward the bar istelf. She turned and revealed a wooden door embedded in the floor... but she picked up the scent of something as well.

"What is it?" Hunter whispered in her ear when he noticed the look of shock on her face.

"Tobias,"she replied, her expression and gaze not changing the least bit.

"Who?" Hunter asked, but he recieve no repsonse.

Dementa sprang to her feet and carefully made her way to the opposite side of the room, her head glancing to the left and right constantly. Hunter bent down and sniffed the door, taking in this peculiar scent that she had mentioned. Gruffing slightly, he raised himself up once more and carefully plodded after Dementa.

Everything seemed to quiet and still: apparently everyone was asleep. It was then that her ears caught the sound of running water and various other noises that she couldn't make out. It seemed to be coming from a room on her right, and, thinking it may be one of her comrades she carefully creapt to the other side of the room once more, Hunter at her heels. With extreme caution, Dementa poked her head around the corner, glancing in through the doorway and stifled a gasp of surprise.

(OOC: Anyone else wanna give it a go? Rach? Chris?)
-Black Dragon

Last edited by Black Dragon; 06-16-2002 at 08:38 AM..
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06-16-2002, 01:58 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
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(ooc: merk...some probs with your post kin
For one...Dementa has come into contact with Tobias before...so she would recognize his scent...second thing is that Tobias is washing himself in the bar sink...so he is right next to the trap door...)

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06-16-2002, 05:22 PM
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There washing himself in the sink, was Tobias and he looked like shit.
Why is he here? she thought as she watched him, her tail twitching.
While she hated him, she could tell from his condiction that he was no threat to her or Hunter at the moment, so she decided to leave him be...for now.
She motioned for Hunter to follow and the pair of them moved to the darknest corner of the room and waited. Weak or not...she knew she couldn't risk Tobias finding out where Spider was hiding, so it was best to wait until he left.
Soon enough, Tobias staggered out of the kitchen, dripping wet and wandered back toward where the inns rooms were. Dementa waited a moment, to make sure he was out of ear shot, then moved back to the trap door. She tried to lift it but got a shock as it was stuck.
Snorting with annoyance she knocked on the door. No response. She knocked again, a bit more ergent this time.
"Hey!" she growled as quietly as could through one of the cracks of the door, "You no longer like my company or something?"
At that point there was the sound of someone rushing over to the trap door, some mumbling about tieing knots too well and then the door opened. Blue's head sticking out.
"Dementa..." Blue said happily, "About time you came back...we were getting worried." Blue spotted Hunter behind Dementa and startled, "Hunter...you're back!"
"Shhh! Not so loud." Dementa hissed softly, "Let us in and I'll explain."
Blue nodded and disappeared, clearly the way. Dementa nodded to Hunter and climbed down, Hunter following after her.
"Hunt o'buddy!" Spider said happily, his tail wagging, "Good to see you again!"
"Quiet!" Dementa barked, "Tobias is still up there."
Spider's face darkened. "Does he know we are here?"
"I don't think so...he looks like shit."
"Good...so what did you find out."
"Well for starters...the only 'hard' evidence I found was that the Mayor's office now sports a lab a lot like Olm's here."
"Most likely due to the Vykker being here." Spider said with a nod.
"The only other thing was that I saw and overheard the Mayor and the head of hte slig guard here arguing. Sounded bad...someone killed a few sligs and stole grenades...powerful ones at that, ones that can level this town."
"Eep." Blue squeaked.
"There's more...the slig captain...Trey I believe his name was, wanted to pull out of town due to that insident, but the Mayor said no. Trey said he was going to leave anyway with his sligs and then the Mayor killed him!"
"Oh Odd...oh Thunder Moon..." Spider mumbled, it wasn't often something caused him to utter the names of gods, "We have to stop him...and stop the one that stole those grenades..."
"Hold on a mo..." Hunter piped up, "Just what the heck is going on here?"
Dementa looked at Spider and they nodded.
"Long story old friend.." Spider said with a sigh, "One that starts back when Malice was still here..." At that Spider proceeded to tell Hunter all that had gone on since Hunter was last in Pyke....

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06-16-2002, 06:23 PM
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[OOC: Don't waste any time, guys. Jesus, I never knew Dementa was so easy...

If only real relationships were as easy as that... ]

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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06-16-2002, 06:51 PM
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He stopped. His hair was damp but squeaky clean, as it were. Tobias felt his lips, they were dry and chapped. He was halfway up the stairs and eager to get to bed, but he knew he wouldn't be able to get to sleep until he got a decent drink down him. Cracking his neck he turned, this was the longest night he had ever had. His body clock was going to be ruined. Lightening struck outside and the Orkhid looked up, listening to the patter of rain on the roof. He remembered when he was a child and his mother and father used to 'play' with him in the rain, teaching him how it had its 'advantages' and 'disadvantages'. He lived on the Orkhid army base. Like all army bases the housing for the active soldiers was in the barracks, wereas the housing for the in-active troops was in these little houses. Around 75 houses in total, all guarded by the advanced technology there was. He remembered the feeling of safety when the lights were out and was going to be a General...but that was ended in his battle against the Reptilians. Sighing Tobias wandered around the back of the bar and got a drink of pure Orange juice from the refridgerator. Closing the door he turned and opened the top with the bottle opener that was on the side of the counter. He then proceeded to walk back to his room. But as he took his steps he stepped in something...something watery. A puddle. A low snarl came from his throat and water from his hair trickled down his back, making him shiver a little. His eyes shot downwards...footprints. Watery footprints. Big ones. Tobias could have sworn they weren't his, infact he knew they weren't. There were two sets...one larger than the other and both lead to the Kitchen. Downing his juice the suspicious creature crept into the Kitchen. He was still knackered but also incredibly suspicious.
The thought crossed his mind. They must have broken into Arims and then gone out with the stolen items. Coming back in to gather some more. Tobias smirked, he could probably get his jacket and shirt back if he caught them and retrieved the goods. Aswell as getting free board. In his weakened state he could not do much, but scare them...and that was all he intended to do...scare. He raised the glass bottle over a wooden cupboard and brought it down, shattering the bottom of it, but still keeping the top. Now he was relativly dangerous. Halting his eyes continued to follow the footprints, right upto the trapdoor.
I knew it...
Thinking twice, Tobias also equipped his over hand with a carving knife that was rested near the sink. Two thieves...two weapons. He smiled to himself, maybe his luck was picking up...

(OOC: Blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, any queries ask me please. Im on MSN)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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06-16-2002, 07:42 PM
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Meanwhile in the cellar, Spider has almost finished telling Hunter what had happend while he was away.
". . .and we came down 'ere-"
"Shh! Did you hear that?" Blue whipsers to the group.
"Huh?" Hunter whipsers.
Footsteps are now heard comming across the kitchen.
"Bollocks! He's come back!" Blue hisses.
And sure enough, the footsteps come closer to the trap door.
"Don't just sit there! Do something!" Hisses Spider.
"We'll ambush the bugger! Quick! Get to near the trap door and hide!" Blue whispers.
Blue quickley covers Olm in his Blanket, before rushign over to the center of the room and hiding behind a box. Dementa and Hunter also find a box to hide behind. Spider hides under one of Blue's blankets.
Tobias begins to open the trap door with a lot of effort. Blue, Dementa and Hunter wait patently(SP) while he sticks his head through the cellar door. Looking around and seeing no-one, he growls, before climbling down the ladder.
"I know you're here somewhere. . ."
Blue, Dementa and Hunter jump onto Tobias. He only has time to turn around towards Blue, and unfortunately, Blue lands on Tobias's broken bottle, and gets it in her arm.
Blue falls over and nurses her arm, while Hunter pins Tobias.
"Blue!" Dementa rushes over to her after seeing her accidently impale herself on one of Tobias's weapons.

(OOC: Next!)
- DH

Last edited by DarkHoodness; 06-16-2002 at 11:46 AM..
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06-16-2002, 07:56 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
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"You ok?" Dementa asked Blue.
"It's not serious...I'll live." she replied.
Dementa noded and turned back to Tobias.
"You just don't give up do you?" she growled. She pressed a point on the back of Tobias' neck...rendering him unconscious. "Alright...let's tie him up and gag him."
After disarming, tieing and gaging Tobias the put him (rather roughly) in one of the corners.
"Jus' want are we going to do with him? I don't want to lug him around with us..." Spider said, growing hatefully at Tobias' unconscious form.
"I don't know...he knows we are here...and if we are not careful he will most likely tell others where we are..." Dementa grumbled, her tail thumping on the ground with annoyance...

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06-16-2002, 08:19 PM
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His eyes opened. Blinked. And then closed. He had a thumping headache and was un-impressed. His eyes opened again, just realising he was gagged and tied up. He struggled abit, trying to work his way out of the knots but failed. He then tried to call for help, but all that came out was muffled words...not words even. He stared through the blackness, his eyes adjusting to the lack of light rapidly. He could see forms...moving silouettes. Again he tried to struggle out of his retraints and yet again failed.

Dementa: "Heh, you won't be able to get out. We have you right were we want you."

The voice seemed to get closer and Tobias could barely see the figure. A muffled sound came from the Orkhid, that closely resembled the word "You!?" The cursed Drakkic bent down, her face closing in on his.

Dementa: "What do you want with us...with Spider? Why are you following us around when you know full well your in no state to confront us in such an aggressive manner?"

The carefully took the gag from Tobias mouth with a gloved paw. Tobias spat on the ground and lifted his head, his eyes penetrating hers which sent a slight chill down Dementa's back.

Tobias: "I look for retribution...heh...you think your all so perfect."

His voice was weak and yet full of confidence. It seemed as if he knew he was certain about something, something that deserved what he was attempting to bring them.

Dementa: "Well you seemed to have failed finding it."

A sly smirk came from the Orkhid and he rolled his neck.

Tobias: "Not yet...So long as i li..."

Hunter: "Then we'll kill yer."

The muscular body of a creature Tobias had never seen before came into view. Its voice powerful and dominant it cut through Tobias' speech like a sword through a fleshy lump. Tobias then realised that he was out-numbered, sighing his eyes then went to the new creature.

Tobias: "Its a shame, all of you have gotten involved in a battle that wasn't yours to participate in."

The Slig-crossbreed bent down, his powerful claws wrapping around Tobias neck, he then proceeded to lift him off the ground. The Orkhids face went red and the veins in his forehead became more and more apparent.

Hunter: "Anythin' to do with er friend, is to do with us."

Tobias: "A...And w-what if t-that fr-riend is a...a..."

Hunter loosened his grip and Spider became more and more intrigued by were this was going, interested in what he was being accused of.


Hunter dropped the tied up thing to the ground and backed away, Demeta's eyes widened, shocked by what this cretin was saying. The Orkhid coughed a while and tried to gather his breath. Before looking back up at both of them.

Tobias: "Yeh, thats right...a murderer."

(OOC: Feel free to conclude but i'll do the part were he explains if it isn't too much bother.)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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06-16-2002, 08:37 PM
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Dementa looked back at Spider, who shrugged, a look of confusion on his face. She could tell her was just as puzzled by this as the rest of them.
"I don't know what the frack you are talking about creep." Spider said, growling softly, "Yes I have killed...but only when I had no other option, to save myself and those I cared for. If I was a 'cold blooded killer' Thunder Moon wouldn't have shown me my true protental." He pointed at the silver dragon tattoo on his chest.
"Right..." Dementa said, nodded, " and Thunder Moon is one of the gods of light...so I think you have some explaining to do..." She leaned close to Tobias, putting her face in front of his, "Just what is it that makes Spider a 'cold blooded killer'?"

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06-16-2002, 09:17 PM
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Tobias' head turned away from Dementa and he looked directly at the Spider.

Tobias: "You can deny it, but i know for a fact what you did. The cliff...around...what? 1, 2 years ago?"

Spider tried to back track, as did Dementa. But she then realised she had not met them then and so couldn't protest to the happenings back then.

Spider: "What do yer mean 2 years ago?"

He was puzzled now and closing in on the Orkhid, his fists clenched. Hunter growled and knocked the Orkhids leg with his foot. Tobias smirked looking at all of them, all so shocked that some creature had a special tattoo and thus couldn't be evil.

Tobias: "Just because you have a tattoo doesn't mean your special Spider, you killed out of pure hatred that night. I have seen it, felt it all...its amazing what Psychics can do once they have a possession of a missing loved one...isn't it?"

Spider slowly started piecing things together...the time span, it went right back to when the Orkhids were around. The cliff...the hatred.

Spider: "Cyrus...yer wer a close one of Cyrus'!?"

He was shocked and surprised, Tobias didn't seem to resemble that bastard.

Tobias: "Cyrus? That freak...NO...I'm talking about Corrack...MY FATHER!!"

Tobias snarled the last words, struggling to try and lash out at Spider. Spider backed away, stunned. Dementa looked up at Hunter and mouthed the words "Who?" Hunter shrugged and looked back the the Orkhid, not saying a word. Thinking back Spider began to remember who Tobias was talking about, he then realised Tobias looked alot like Corrack, the black hair, the physique.

Spider: "Cyrus' second in command!? He killed 'imself...i had nothing ter do with it!!"

After saying this he realised he had just hit a sore note, Tobias eyes filled with rage and fury. So much so that tears began filling up in his eyes.


With these harsh words he squirmed, his hands clenching and un-clenching.

Spider: "No...no it wasn't like that. Corrack saved me, he threw Cyrus over the cliff, going over himself."


Tobias seemed to get more and more enraged as he remembered the images the Psychic recieved and then passed onto him. They were disturbing images, images of hate and despair. Feeling his fathers pain as he went over the cliff and died. Spider grabbed hold of Tobias' hair with one strong clenched fist and tugged it slightly, trying to shut Tobias up. He held Tobias' head on a slant whilst speaking to him.

Spider: "Now yer listen to me...Corrack saved my life. He sacrificed 'imself fer some strange, obscure reason. They both hurtled into the waterfall and then got dragged over the edge...i had nothing ter do with it!! I was ter damn weak!!"

Tobias face was a picture of hatred. His teeth clenched he breathed heavily inbetween them.

Tobias: "Liar...I saw everything...F*cking everything!! You cant lie to me...you cant!!"

Dementa: "Obviously you can if you believe that tripe that the phoney Psyc gave you."

With a quick turn of the head, Tobias managed to turn his head getting out of the grasp of Spider and concentrating his eyes on Dementa.

Tobias: "What the f*ck would you know? Eh?...You weren't even there. You don't even know each other that well...you sicken me. Especially you."

His eyes once again flicked to Spider.

Tobias: "Thinking you can lie to somebody who already knows the truth...i will get you Spider...and if i fail, i'll make sure somebody gets you...sooner or later(!)"

His voice filled with pure Malice Tobias rested his head on the wall, his rage slowly subdueing and droplets of tears rolling down his cheeks. Spider sighed and backed away, Tobias was wrong...he knew he was. But he also knew that he wouldn't believe him. Not even if he got all the civies in this village who witnessed it to say. Tobias had been conned and screwed around with. Made to believe a obvious lie. But how do you help somebody who doesn't want to be helped? Do you even help them?

(OOC: So many questions...so little time.)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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06-16-2002, 09:57 PM
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Spider shook his head at the sorry Orkhid and Dementa snorted.
"You don't know me creep..." Dementa said, fuming slightly, "I have been around far longer then I look. Over 300 years in fact...but not exactly by choice. You don't know what it is like to watch your people all get slaughtered in front of you and you thinking you are the only one left of your kind, wanting to die but unable...due to a curse. I should have just offed you when I saw you in the..."
"Enough Dementa." Spider barked suddenly. Dementa shut up and moved away, grumbling to her self. Spider looked back at Tobias and sighed.
"I know what it is like to lost a father Tobias...so for that much you have my sympathy." Spider said calmly and with surprising gentleness, dispite how much he hated the guy, "But placing blame where it doesn't belong...doesn't help you accept what has happened." Spider reached up with a hand foot and wiped away Tobias tears, a gesture that surprised everyone. "I know the truth of what happened that day...and something tells me you do to. But if you ever want to heal, you need to accept the truth and move on. It is the only way. Now..." Spider backed up again, "We'll leave you ungagged unless you start making too much noise. I am willing to help you Tobias...to listen at least, to comfort if you want it." Spider turned and laid back down in his spot, watching Tobias expectedly.


Spider: GAH! You got to be kidding me! Me!? Comfort HIM!?

*whistles innocently* Oh the plot twists....*evil grin*)

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06-17-2002, 05:38 PM
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Tobias looked up from his restraints and saw Spider staring at him. The Orkhid uttered a low growl and then rested his head back on the wall and closed his eyes. He breathed in deeply, trying to calm his nerves and flush all memories of the psychic out of his system. If Spider was right then Tobias couldn't seek retribution no more. He was going to have to leave, go back to his mother. He remembered his mother, her sleek dark brown hair, her greyish eyes. At least he still had one parent. Although he didn't believe he deserved her...his crimes he had commited in the past were, to Orkhid standards, disturbing to say the least. After what seemed like hours of pondering Tobias finally realised Spider was not the cause for his anguish. The Psychic was. He, however, still held a resentment for Spider. Spider had still witnessed it, still could have saved his fathers life, saved his mother from the pain she felt when the troops came and told her that her husband was M.I.A. Possibly dead. Having the councel say that he didn't deserve to have a funeral because he had commited treason. Tobias remembered that day, that day when his mum was sat down crying. That was going to be the day he was going to tell her about what he had done during the Reptilian war...but decided she was having a rough time as it was and so comforted her.



The three soldiers were running through a dense woodland, screeching could be heard behind them and the gunshots of their comrades as they tried to prevent the Reptile scum from getting any closer. Tobias could see the white, bloodstained walls of the Labratory. His breathing was hard, rapid. He could feel that one of the Reptilians had him in his sights and wanted his blood. Tobias' gun seemed to get heavier, it was a black machine gun. Capable of firing 5 rounds in 1 second. Tobias turned, his red bandana slipping slightly. There was nothing behind him but he could still hear it, closing in on him, calling for him.

Troop: "Jesus T, hurry the f*ck up, man(!)"

His army friend tugged on his arm, urging him to hurry up. Mcgreal had a black flak jacket on and sweaty brown hair. He was tanned, something rare for for a Orkhid to be. His leg had a bandage around it, black blood could be seen partially.
Tobias looked up, the Reptile was falling from the tree's, its claws out and its heavy body being pulled quickly downwards by gravity. It was alive...it was his hunter.

Mcgreal: "T...T!! Tobias!! Tobiaaaaas(!)"

*End Flashback*

Spider: "Tobias...Tobias?"

The Orkhid was squirming, sweat pouring off of him...his condition was worsening. He was edging closer and closer to death, just because of false infomation.

(OOC: Rach, Em, Danny, DH anyone? You can take over from here)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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06-18-2002, 01:57 PM
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(OOC: People can take liberties with my character for a while as i am not going to be on (The thrills and spills of alcohol!!) But i would appreciate it if his condition was shown to worsen (Not to much mind) or something like that. I dont want him getting nice either...riteo, ta ta!!)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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06-21-2002, 08:47 PM
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(ooc: sorry it took so long!)

“He’s burning up….” Blue said, putting a hand on Tobias’ forehead, “Olm could you look him over?”
Olm nodded and gave Tobias a quick check up.
“He is burning with fever and some of these wounds are infected.” Old said after a few minutes, “I can help him…but all the stuff I need is back in my hut.”
“We’ll have to send someone to get it then…” Spider said, “and the best one to do that is…”
“I am not helping him.” Dementa said coldly, her arms folded across her chest, eyes burning with fury, “Why the sudden compassion toward him anyway Spider? He tried to kill you.”
“He was going by info that was false Dementa. He was lied to about who killed his father and most likely they were using him to get me. Perhaps the other Orkhids didn’t trust him to begin with and thought the best way to get rid of him was to give him false info about his fathers death so he would want to try to avenge him by killing me. So in that event…he is as much of a victim as me.”
“Besides…” Olm added, “Spider’s bandages need to be changed out…and we don’t have any with us currently. You would need to go there anyway Dementa.”
“Alright!” Dementa snorted, “Tell me what you need and I’ll go get it….”
A few minutes later, Dementa found herself out in the rain again, heading toward the secret tunnel to Olm. She was a tad agitated, both at Spider for his unexpected compassion toward an enemy and the fact that she had to out got in the wet again…away from Hunter. She still wasn’t sure what to make of the whole situation between them(her and Hunter); it was so sudden. She had accepted long ago that she would never find someone naturally immune to the curse on her, but now that she found someone and it was taking a while for her to accept it. She shook her head and turned her attention back to the task at hand.
It took her a little bit to relocate the tunnel entrance, as the rain had washed away the physical and scent trails to it, but she eventually did. As she trotted down the tunnel she froze; there was a slig guarding the room at the end.
Damn they are not taking any chances are they? she thought as she carefully made her way toward the slig, keeping to the shadows. Once she had gotten as close as the shadows allowed, roughly five feet away from where the slig stood (and looking pretty board too), she stopped and thought a moment. Then picking up a small rock, she tossed it against the wall behind the slig. Predictably the slig turned around to see what made the sound and Dementa rushed it, landing a nerve strike on it’s neck, knocking it out.
He’ll be out for about an hour. Dementa thought with satisfaction, Plenty of time for me to do what I need to do.
She immediately started looking through the crates, looking for what Olm needed. In no time she found the items she needed and stuffed them carefully in a plastic bag to keep them dry. Then she headed back out without a second thought.

The slig woke up about an hour after Dementa left. He rubbed his head and sat up, then jumped up to see that the room he was guarding was robbed.
“Oh frack…I am going to get it now…” he muttered.
“Bad night for you eh?” a cool, calm voice said.
The slig whirled around in the direction of the voice, but saw nothing but darkness in the tunnel beyond.
“Are you the one that knocked me out?” the slig demanded, looking for where his weapon had fallen when he was knocked out.
“No.” the voice replied, “I just happened to find you like this, when I entered the cave to use as shelter from the storm.”
“Well…” the slig found his weapon and he aimed it in the direction of the tunnel, “This is a restricted area. I suggest you leave before I am forced ta arrest ya.” He struggled too see what it was that was speaking to him in the darkness, but his slig eyes weren’t made for nightvision.
“Hmm…interesting…” the voice said, sounding thoughtful, “A place that is in a rather secluded area, fill of medical supplies, a restricted area…”
“How did you know there were medical supplies here?” the slig said hotly.
“I can smell it from here.” The voice said ‘matter-of-factly’, “My kind’s sense of smell is as good as your own…if not better.”
“Oh yeah?” the slig said with a sniff, “How come I don’ smell anythin’ other then blood comin’ from you?”
“I ate recently. That’s why.” The voice explained, “So why is this place restricted?”
“Humph…” the slig snorted, “Don’ you know?”
“I am new to this area.”
“This place is connected to a medical hut that is owned by the towns former healer.”
“What happened to him? Was it murder?”
The slig didn’t know why he felt so comfortable talking to this ‘voice’, he just did. He even lowered his weapon.
“I don’ know all the details, but he had a bunch of Vykker type stuff that he was usin’ ta heal the residents in his care secretly from what I heard.”
“Yeah…apparently he was involved with the murder of another resident, ‘long with a crossbreed that the Vykks want back pretty badly.”
“Crossbreed? I think I have heard of those…a mix of different creatures am I correct?” the voice inquired.
“Yeah, this one is pretty well known.” The slig explained, lighting a cigarette, “Spider is his name. Bumped off the Vykkers that had him in their care durin’ his escape a few years back and eluded bounty hunters ever since. He is runnin’ ‘round here somewhere, he is one of the ones we were…er…’hired’ to find and capture. Got ‘em a couple of times but he escaped.”
“Hired? Who hired you?” the voice said with sudden interest, but the slig didn’t really notice.
“The Mayor of this town.”
“Do you think he would be interested in an additional ‘helper’? I am sure my abilities would be of use to him…”
“Ya would have ta ask him. He lives in the big building on the north side of town.”
“Then I shall…thank you for the info.”
“Needed someone ta talk to anyway…this post is boring…”
But there wasn’t any further response from the voice…it was gone….

(ooc: *whistles and walks away innocently*)

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07-09-2002, 09:24 PM
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(OOC: Ok...i'll have a shot...)

Blood stained the white walls, the smell of open wounds and decaying meat floated in the air, making the pressence of the deceased known. Tobias grunted and rubbed the back of his head, he was sweating heavily. This was one of his first real warfare type battles. The one's he had been involved in previous were either training or minor feuds between different specie.

Radio: "X-Team, be very aware of some un-identifiable movement coming from your sector. Repeat, there is some un-identifiable movement coming from your sectorl. Over."

Tobias grunted. He was in the 'Y-Team'. His squad were based to the South of the Labratory, well away from that of the other Squads.

Radio: "This is X-Team. Investigating the suspicious movement now. Repeat, we are investigating the suspicious movement now. Over."

There was a brief moment of static before a quick reply that seemed to bark from the radio.

Radio: "Roger that."


Olm was sat next to the Orkhid, monitering his condition and checking his temp every couple of minutes. At the moment the creature was relativly stable, although it is very unlikely he was to stay like that.

Tobias: "Damn Command...w-why...X-Team."

The creature started muttering something under its breath. Olm put his ear close to Tobias to try and catch what he was saying but mostly got insignificant rambling.

Blue: "Whats he saying?"

Olm shook his head and shrugged.

Olm: "I dont know, something about a team and Command. Thats all i got."


The Reptile had the Orkhid by the throat. It was pushing the Soldier up against the wall and had him raised off the ground by about 2-3 inches, the Orkhid was weaponless and thus incapable of fighting back. The attacker was sleek and black, standing on its hind legs it was a good 6.5 - 7 ft in height. Its scales glistening in the bright light of the Medical room. Its tail swished from side to side and its green eyes oozed brutality. Slowly its right paw tightened around its prey's neck. Its left paw was free and slowly moved up to the Orkhid' stomach, claws slowly being drawn as it drawed ever closer to the skin of its prey.

Troop: "H-Helpsh m...m..."

The victim tried to call for help, but all it could muster was a mere gurgle.

Voice: "I'm back(!)"

Tobias looked around, puzzled by who had just said those words.


Dementa: "I'm back(!)"

Olm stood up quickly and made a hastey bee-line for Dementa.

Olm: "Good, and i presume you have everything needed?"

The Drakkic nodded and handed over the utensils to Olm.

Olm: "Good. Lets get started then shall we?"

(OOC: Blaaaaaaaahhhhhh...n e critism?)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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07-10-2002, 02:35 PM
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Deep in a forest outside Pyke


Meanwhile, while all this was happening, life was being made in the forest!
An Almighty Raisin, named Raisin Jr. had run away with her lover, a lone glockstar and had a wild romp in the woods.

Since the baby system in Oddworld is extremely quick, within a few seconds, the baby had arrived. A crossbreed, a new life, a threat!

Little did the parents know that this new creature of life, named Nirtagie (nir-tar-jee), which had the body of a raisin, but the head and legs of a glukkon (which gave it a height advantage over other raisins) not only would make this being the tallest being in the Oddworld, but also the most deadly...

This creature had a destiny... and it was at the expense of other creatures. This Rais-Gluck was to become the Gluk King!

*scary music*

Tobias and friends now had a new foe. Little did they know that by the next plot pf the story, this rising dark horse of a monster, would be nearly fully grown.

Until then, Nirtagee would be raised in the forest... lying low. In fact, he won't be mentioned again in this plot.

You have been warned...

Last edited by Iantiger; 07-10-2002 at 06:44 AM..
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07-10-2002, 04:13 PM
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(OOC: As much as i would love to praise you, and dont get me wrong, your grammer and spelling skills are exellent. Its just your creature...its...interesting and unique...just scarily...disturbing. Carry on anyways.)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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07-10-2002, 05:13 PM
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Originally posted by Jacob
(OOC: As much as i would love to praise you, and dont get me wrong, your grammer and spelling skills are exellent. Its just your creature...its...interesting and unique...just scarily...disturbing. Carry on anyways.)
Thankyou, thankyou!
I.. er...
I thought up the most mentally powerful (Glukkon has mind power over sligs) and most physically powerful (Raisin could crush anything just by sitting on it, lol) creatures and just mixed and matched. Read my character profile for a full run down on Nirtagie.

Anyway, don't let this discussion interfere with the story...
Carry on...

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07-10-2002, 05:23 PM
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(OOC: There is currently no story, despite my efforts to un-stall it. *Sigh*)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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07-10-2002, 07:39 PM
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[OOC: What to say, what to say... Your character seems, well, interesting, to say the least. But perhaps (without wishing to sound like a spoilsport) it might be better, shall we say, in a more comical RPG that this one? Maybe in a separate add-on or something? Just a thought...]

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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07-11-2002, 04:27 AM
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*racks brains*

Ok then, let's make a new plot,

I'm not good at starting stories, so can someone start a new thread called something like "The Threat of Nirtagie" or whatever you like, then I'll join in.

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07-13-2002, 06:57 PM
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(OOC: *Sings*)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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