(OOC: While we're waiting fer Rach, I'll try to help end the little 'love at first site' scene... then we'll make things a bit... eh heh, interesting. *Eyes flash dangerously*
Hunter: Uh oh...)
The lightning flashed once more. Hunter could not believe what he was hearing.
Curses? Sorcery? What the hell? He found it hard to believe in his scarred, plagued mind that a creature this beautiful could be the result of a dark curse. The thought refused to enter his mind and he blocked it from his all of his thoughts.
Once again, he reacted to instinct. His eyes had now lost some of their usual glow as he bent down beside her, revealing his powerful legs through the now seemingly small cloak. Gently, he put a large, clawed hand underneath her chin again, lifting her field of vision to meet his own. With the other hand, he wiped away her tears and gazed into her violet eyes intensely.
"Dun worry, it'll be alright in the end, it always turns out that way fer the good at heart. I learned that the hard way..." Magar turned his head for a second, "I was Drippik's favorite... kinda like school children are teacher's pets, ya know? But when that damn bastard killed him, my days were numbered as well. The new general hated me fer actually having a mind 'a my own. He sent me ter the labs... oh Odd it was horrible!! Ter fall asleep terrified and ter wake up with such a horrible feeling in yer being that yer wanna curl up an' die!"
Hunter looked away, closing his eyes tightly as the memories began to sting his spirit.
"An' when I broke out... I had to learn how ter fend fer myself... it was horrible. But then I found a group 'a others, like myself and we learned how to deal with it together."
There was a moment of silence between the two as Hunter returned his eyes to her form. The rain was coming down in heavy sheets now, soaking both of them.
"Come... let's find a spot ter go ter... it's gettin' awfully damp in here," Hunter said softly, pulling her underneath his cloak.
(OOC: Meep!
