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04-09-2009, 09:50 PM
Chronicler's Avatar
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OOC: I AM SO LATE AND SORRY. Remember when I said I had more free time? Turns out I don't ..... I'll still be active tho.

IC: Wapi took a smoke of the cigar ... 'Oh my friggin' Odd' the Bigbro inwardly swore to himself. Has it been a long while since he smoked, or is this cigar not satisying enough? Wapi had the feeling to toss away the thing. Where to? Into the water? ... Good idea. I mean, what little could some drugs to the environment? The chief slig twitched a finger and eyelid as he was about to toss away the stick of smokes ... NO! He can't quit on such pleasure! By pleasure, he means both the environment AND the tasty cigar. Wapi puffed out the swirls of flavor. Nice. Ahem. Wapi then remembered. Fishing time. First however, he will go see a shaman of the village, a quite trusted one, Agronack. Perhaps the shaman can reveal any blessings to come. With that, Wapi harshly bit onto his cigar and dragged his body rather quickly towards the village.

Meanwhile ..... Hydra was in the shadows, secretly watching the new slig, Nimol. He was hanging out with Typo, an already known villager slig. Hydra glared at Nimol with impatience. Perhaps it wasn't so much of a grudge, but babysitting this guy would waste so much of her precious time. Well, it seems as though she had enough of hiding. Hydra almost jumped as she remembered something. She had been practicing the world of "special effects" to further enhance any future ceremonies she would have in healing people. Right now, it was appearing and disappearing. Perhaps she could test something out here, Hydra thought to herself with her toothy smile. She began her dramatic entrance. A puff of purple smoke erupted from the ground and exploded outwards. Hydra then emerged from the puff of smoke with small fangs jutting out of her smirk. "Hiya!" she forced herself to say.

Last edited by Chronicler; 04-09-2009 at 09:54 PM..
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04-10-2009, 01:16 AM
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Just as Nimol was about to finish asking a question to Typo, a fairly loud noise was heard. Nimol slipped backwards off the chair with a "Wha?!", his armor making a clanging noise as he fell. He looked around the hut, trying to discover the cause of the noise. He saw some kind of smokescreen coming from the hut entrance. He looked at Typo, who shrugged. He was about to put a hand on his right pistol when he heard a girly sounding "Hiya!", coming from the entrance.

The first thing that went into his head when he heard the loud noise was "Flash-bang", but then... how many people would throw a flash-bang grenade into a hut and then announce their presense afterwards? He rubbed his visor a bit and then noticed the female Grubb in the doorway. He smiled, "Oh, Hi again, miss. You gave me a bit of a shock there". He stood up and looked towards the entrance of the hut. "Well, natives have a habit of being full of surprises... I know Wapi's name, but what is your name?".

As Nimol awaited the answer of the female Grubb, his pants started moving in strange ways, “Oh darn, not this again…”, he took out a screwdriver and began to check all of the screws. A few seconds later one of the screws came loose and the entire pants collapsed into a hunk of metal on the floor. He got up and walked around, placing each section of the pants onto a seperate pile. He was now checking each of the joints and making sure every screw was in the right place. A minute later the pants were repaired. He put them on, walking a few steps. “Well, seems to be fine now”. He put his screwdriver away and sighed.

He was thinking about going down the river to get some clean water so he could wash himself, or treat visitors to his hut with some non-alcoholic beverage. Maybe he could even scrounge some Big Bro pants for Wapi, as a gift... that would probably make Wapi have a better impression of him.

I stream games and art now!

Last edited by AlexFili; 04-10-2009 at 01:20 AM..
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04-10-2009, 01:38 AM
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IC: Typo Spun around to face the sudden falsh of smoke. It wwas Hydra. Big surprise. Sighing, Typo said "Nimol this is Hydra." "She does that kind of thing a lot. Get used to it." Typo added under his breath. Then Nimol's pants seemed to go all strange. Then it all collapsed into one big heap. "Does that uh... Happen often?" Typo asked. Nimol didn't seem to need his help, as whatever was wrong with them was fixed within a minute or so. 'Must be good with his hands to do that.'

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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04-10-2009, 02:46 AM
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"Hydra... nice name", He screwed on the final bolt to his pants and chuckled, "Not often, it's just that I haven't had time to fix them recently".

Nimol walked over to the Slig photograph he found earlier and handed it to Hydra. "I don't suppose you know who this was? Seems like he left in a hurry, didn't even take his gun with him..."

Nimol walked to the doorway, "I'm gonna go fetch some clean water from the river, want to come with me?". He looked towards Typo and Hydra.

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04-11-2009, 05:31 AM
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IC: "Yeah, sure." Said Typo automatically. 'As if I could really say anything else.' He thought. He crawled out of the dusty wreck that was going to be Nimol's place. 'This is going to take a lot of work...' He thought.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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04-11-2009, 01:11 PM
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OCC: just to let you all know, I’m on vacation and I have limited internet access but I will try to post when I can, which should not be very long.
IC: Khain walked toward the river on his way he noticed the new Slig (Nimol) and Typo Seem to be talking to each other. And hydra was there as well. ‘I wonder what’s going on over there?’ new to the village and it seems that he already met the locals and found a new home by the looks of it. ‘I guess I should say I and see if they could help me out a bit with Agronacks mysterious new project.’ Khain walked up and introduced himself. “ well, well, it seems this old hut found itself a new owner.” Khain put down his gun and held out his hand. “allow me to introduce myself, my name is Khain. I guess you could say I help out the local shaman, in fact I was just heading down the river for some clean water maybe you could help.”
Agronack and Fawkes were still cleaning out the junk in Agronack’s hut. Fawkes finally said “what’s all this junk for any way?” Agronack stopped and said “This “junk” as you call it, is for a ritual I must complete.” Fawkes shook her head “maybe you should through some of it out” Agronack was shocked at the very thought of it. “why I can’t just get rid of this stuff. I need it, with out this I couldn’t properly conduct my experiments, or my rituals.” Agronack then continued to ravage through the pile of trinkets. Fawkes still continued standing, refusing to touch another piece of garbage. “well it least reorganize some of this crap so we don’t kill our selves just trying to walk in here.” Agronack then stopped a moment then with a loud “finally” he then began to pick something out of the pile and started to set it up on a table. Fawkes sighed “what are you doing now?” Agronack started to put together some strange contraption. He began to laugh with joy. “okay now we can put away what’s left.” Fawkes picked up the big pile and threw it into a large chest by the table and walked away. Agronack sighed then opened up the chest and began to put everything himself.
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04-11-2009, 05:26 PM
Chronicler's Avatar
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OOC: It's okay. We'll hopefully try our best not to swarm the thread with too many posts in your absenses.

IC: Cheif Wapi dragged his own massive body with him at a steady pace, heading towards the hut of the village shaman, Agronack. The Mudokon seemed very cooky with his experimenting and rituals, but still was okay by cheif Wapi's watch. Although he would never say this directly, but Wapi does view the shaman as somewhat .... insane .... Weirdos are always the ones that greatly affect Oddworld's ways of life. Industrial leaders and stupid native rebels are great examples of it.
The BigBro chief made his way to Agronack's hut. He saw the young Fawkes make her way out of the hut. Wapi took his big body frame into the home of Agronack, accidently bumping his head into the ceiling. The cheif gave a big sarcastic "ouch" afterwards. "Wassup Agro?"

Hydra allowed Typo to introduce her to the newbie slig. Meanwhile, she was busy looking at the black & white pic of the slig. She looked back at Nimol for a second and immediatley set her eyes on the picture. Hydra felt already felt annoyed by the newcomer. Well, it should only take a couple hijinks to drive this guy away from the village. If there's one thing that had ticked off Hydra, it was getting to know the new guys of the village. She then turned her attention back to Nimol, who was apparently looking for clean water. Gee, what help. Hydra reluctantly agreed with a head shake as Khain the slig came to the scene.
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04-12-2009, 12:38 AM
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Nimol was surprised to see another newcomer, not to mention another Slig. He was starting to think this was like some kind of Utopia for abandoned Sligs. Nimol smiled, "Wow, I really didn't expect to get visitors while it's still so messy in here!" He shook the newcomer's hand. "Nice to meet you Khain, I'm Nimol". Nimol would have made a comment about the armor that Khain wore, but then he remembered what happened the last time he commented on another Slig's armor while in the factory; he got a nasty hit in the head with a rifle. "Well... looks like we ALL need water. Let's go get some!".

Nimol started walking out of the hut. On the way out of the village, he spotted some barrels which were not being used. He passed one to each of his followers. He looked at Khain, "So, where did you grow up? Are you an ex-industrialist or a native?". He continued walking and then looked at Hydra. "Hydra, I wanted to ask you... Do you think Wapi would like to wear some Big Bro pants? I could probably find some near this wreckage... think it would make a nice welcome gift?". He half-heartedly raised his eyebrow in a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

I stream games and art now!

Last edited by AlexFili; 04-12-2009 at 12:42 AM..
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04-12-2009, 10:32 AM
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Typo crawled a little faster so as not to lag behind and grabbed the barrel given to him. "What wapi in Big-Bro pants? That'd be even rarer than he is in himself. Maybe he'd like some though." Typo said, overhearing Nimol talking to Hydra. "I don't know, but it'd be worth a try." He continued, smiling as he imagined Wapi in a pair of those things.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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04-12-2009, 11:22 AM
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Nimol looked at Typo and smiled, "Hmmm, Well I guess it's up to him. Personally I think that the enhanced mobility and having your hands free is probably better in the long run... Hey, maybe I can russle up a pair for you as well?!". Nimol chuckled and continued walking, noticing a newspaper lying on the ground. He picked it up and looked at the headline; "Corruption in Slig Factories". He sighed, and put it in his pocket for later.

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04-12-2009, 11:29 AM
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OOC: Sligs have pockets?

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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04-12-2009, 12:08 PM
Chronicler's Avatar
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OOC: Oddey, I'm no mod but please refrein yourself from posting pointless OOC things like that. Especially when there's no IC things in the same post.

IC: Hydra rolled her eyes at Nimol's question, her sharp teeth revealed themselves again. Wapi wearing slig pants? Yeah right. That's a sight as rare as seeing a friggin' Meech in the wild. Hydra told a fact of life. "Big cheif Wapi used to work in factories himself. Don't ya think that if he wanted slig pants, he would've brought them with him as well?" Hydra scoffed, but reluctantly cooled down. "No. The cheif doesn't want to wear slig pants out here. He claims they go against how sligs are supposed to naturally live." She rather much hugged the barrel in a mocking sense to the group of sligs. "Plus, pants mixed with his own mammoth weight would only help him slip and slide on the mud around this place." So far, she's not enjoying the ignorance of newbies. It sucks to have to watch this Nimol guy, especially since Wapi could've hired some other villagers to keep their eyes on him. Pfft. A new guy would mean lotsa explaining to do. Which also means .... a long day.

Last edited by Chronicler; 04-12-2009 at 12:10 PM..
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04-12-2009, 02:28 PM
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OCC: today I got lucky, ill try to post tomorrow.
IC: as Nimol and Typo began to talk to hydra, Khain noticed some rope right by were the barrels once stood. He set down the barrel and took a piece of rope and tied the both barrel and the bucket to the back of his armor. He then picked up his rifle and listened to the conversation. ‘Wapi in big bro pant’s would indeed be a sight, but it wasn’t the strangest thing that could come to mind.’ Khain also noticed that Hydra seem to be in a irritated mood today, he wondered why she even bothered with the newcomer. Maybe she didn’t trust him, what ever the reason. “well… we should get going, I will tell you my story on the way.”
Agronack was still organizing his shelf when he heard a big *thud* behind him followed by a "Wassup Agro?" Agronack turned to find chief Wapi standing in the doorway of his hut, he wondered why the unsuspecting visit. “ chief Wapi, good to see you.” Agronack closed the chest and pushed it under the table so he could finish later. “Now how can I help you?”
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04-12-2009, 03:43 PM
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Nimol gave Hydra a skeptical view, "Naturally live? So you're saying it's natural for a Slig to be dumped in the middle of nowhere, no pants, no weapon, left to fend for themselves? A normal-sized pantless Slig stands no chance out here, not with Scrabs and Paramites everywhere...", Nimol took a few deep breaths and settled down. He hadn't gotten really angry, just a bit annoyed. He looked at Hydra , "You'd be surprised how stable Slig pants are... when they aren't breaking down". He tapped his pants leg, just for effect.

Nimol started thinking to himself, "Doesn't matter what she says, I'm going to find some Big Bro pants for Wapi... the worst he can do is say no, and he'll probably thank me anyway". He looked at Khain, his focus shifting. "Oh right, I'm all ears mate".

I stream games and art now!

Last edited by AlexFili; 04-13-2009 at 01:25 AM..
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04-14-2009, 01:39 PM
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OOC: well I’m back home.
IC: Khain followed Nimol up the river telling him a bit of his history. “well, I grew up like most Sligs, I was born in a barracks, I worked for many factory’s as security. I guess I’m just you average Slig… Well I did get into a mercenary group but that’s a story for another day.” Khain did not like to talk about the mercenaries, he only told Fawkes and Agronack. The fact that he mostly killed people for a living depressed him, and he could not tell any one of his failure, not even Fawkes or Agronack.
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04-14-2009, 02:06 PM
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Nimol wasn't used to seeing another Slig on the verge of depression like this. "Whoa whoa mate, that's alright... Here, you could use one of these". He handed out a cig to Khain. "No offense Ty, but I didn't think you'd like cigs, if you don't like booze". He showed Typo the cig packet. "These aren't the proper cigs we used to smoke in the barracks anyway, only 20% tar cigs... a lot less toxic, cheaper too". He sighed and continued his way to clean water.

After a minute of walking he stopped, the river was much clearer down this path... an ideal place to pick up some fresh water. "Alright everyone, it's filling up time. Hydra, Typo, Khain, I assume you've done this before". He smiled and lowered his bucket into the water. After the bucket was full, he started walking towards his hut.

He was looking at the others, "So, is there any other locals around here I should know about? Is it only Sligs here or some other species too?".

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04-14-2009, 07:44 PM
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IC: When the group stopped for water Khain un-hooked the barrel and the bucket from his back, he then filled the barrel up with the bucket. After he filled the barrel Khain then headed back to Nimol’s hut. “well, Fawkes and Agronack are muds. Fawkes is a bit interested in the industrial world and is okay with Sligs. Agronack is the village shaman he is well… a bit off, but he’s not completely crazy. Lately he has been trying to find a way to clean up the water, but we’ve have ran into some… complications.” Khain wondered what Agronack was up to now. Khain also wondered how this water fit into it. Khain pulled out the cig Nimol handed to him, he was about to light it but he remembered that he was wearing armor, his helmet made it difficult to smoke.
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04-15-2009, 12:44 AM
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IC: Nimol placed the bucket into his hut, he walked back outside to talk with Khain. "Thanks for coming with me to get some water. I guess if this Agronack feller is trying to clean the water, that's where you'll be taking your bucket right?". Nimol smiled, "Good luck... you can keep the cig until you need it. See you round mate".

Nimol looked around the outside of his hut, but he couldn't see Typo or Hydra anywhere. Either they stayed at the river or they were just slow carrying the water back. Nimol had forgotten that both Hydra and Typo were smaller and weaker than the two male worker Sligs... Typo didn't have pants either.

Nimol sighed and walked into the hut. After about fifteen minutes, Nimol finally finished the cleaning in order to restore his hut to it's former glory... or at least, most of it. His back and arms were aching now, he wasn't used to physical work. "Man, that was tiring". He decided to take off his pants, activating Zapper mode and then crashing out on the bed. He never removed his mask, both out of habit and for identification purposes. It wasn't too hot now, so he kept his armor on. It was light armor so it rarely troubled him at all, not like that heavy Big Bro type. Within a few seconds he was fast asleep, some light snoring could be heard from outside of the hut.

Nimol was dreaming about his old security days. He could hear the voice of his Slig Captain. "Lose your mask, Lose your rank, Lose your life... You got that rookies?". The crowd of Sligs shouted "Yes Sir". The Slig Captain smiled, "I'll give you a crash course in security, listen well... Shoot on sight, Never sleep, Never show mercy, Think fast. If it looks like a Slig will point his gun at you, shoot him in the smeggin head and laugh". The crowd of Sligs were cheering now, their hands in the air. "CAPTAIN VASK, CAPTAIN VASK". Nimol mumbled, "What a Smeghead...", he drifted into a deep sleep.

OOC: I think many fanfics write that Sligs have some kind of pocket. Besides, where would they keep their Moolah/Ammo/Cigs?

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Last edited by AlexFili; 04-15-2009 at 04:13 AM..
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04-15-2009, 03:29 AM
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OOC: Sorry. I really couldn't resist pointing out that fault.
IC: Typo was having some dificulty getting the barrel into the water. Of course he had done this before, but it didn't make it any easier. Maybe if he sort of scooped it rather than dropping it in, which was his usual solution. Nah, that didn't work. 'Looks like it's going to be the hard way. Dropping the barrel right into the water, he waited for it to fill up. Now came the bad part about this. Pulling it back up. Reaching for it, he seemed to be lucky today, because he could just reach it. Pulling it up with all his might, it emerged from the water slowly. Then came the unavoidable. Bringing it back. 'Urgh.' though Typo. Dragging it in an awkward manner, he got halfway back before having to take a breather. 'I should've taken a smaller barrel. Khain and Nimol must be way ahead.'

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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04-15-2009, 01:34 PM
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OOC: Speaking of fanfics, I might post one about Khain. Maybe… well see if I can think of anything.
IC: After Khain and Nimol departed ways, Khain took both the barrel and the bucket up to the shaman’s hut. When he arrived he saw The chief and Agronack discussing something, Khain left the barrel and took the bucket with him back to his hut. From there on he left the bucket by the doorway and grabbed a fishing pole he made out of the scrap metal he found outside the village, He thought just incase he couldn’t find anything to hunt he might as well go fishing. After all cant go home empty handed. He then made his way out side the village, he crossed the river and was heading toward a lake he think might contain life (hopefully).
Fawkes made her way to the entrance of the village, she then headed down the river to see if she could find Khain. On the way she instead found Typo struggling with a barrel, she walked up to offer some help. “need a hand?”
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04-15-2009, 10:47 PM
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IC: "Yeah. Maybe if you took one side, then I could take the other." Said Typo, grateful for the help. Taking up his side, he waited for Fawkes to pick up the other.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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04-16-2009, 11:39 PM
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Nimol was shifting uneasily in his sleep. He was remembering something from his past. He was running down a corridor, being pestered by a group of Sligs, they had bags of powder in their hands, an eager smile on their faces. The dealer walked up to him and whispered in his ear; "I'm giving you some out of my own personal stash", Nimol didn't want anything that they had and tried to run faster, but didn't manage to get away. He muttered out loud, "No, I don't want any Splatterbrain, go away". After a few minutes, his erratic movements stopped and he went back into a deep sleep.

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04-18-2009, 09:05 AM
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IC: Khain continued walking toward the lake, he began wondering what the chief and Agronack were talking about. ‘maybe he finally got tired of his experimenting. Or maybe he just wanted to talk to him about the polluted water situation.’ What ever the reason, Khain continued walking till he reached the lake. When he got there he sat up against a rock and cast his line into the water, he also kept his gun at hand incase any of the wild like decides to eat him.
Fawkes picked up the other end of the barrel and began walk toward the village. “so what’s with the barrel of water, also did you find out who’s the newcomer?"
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04-19-2009, 02:38 PM
Chronicler's Avatar
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OOC: Once again, I ask for forgiveness. Obviously for being so late. I'm ... busy. Don't have the time that I promised I would .... but I'm still posting.

IC: Hydra scoffed when Nimol and Khain went off. She knows it's her job to spy on the newcomer slig, but what's the point? Khain was following him. Heck, both sligs should be able to do fine together. Well, Hydra dusted off her blue robe (tends to do that) and dumped the bucket into the river, allowing some water to fill it all in. She began humming a tune that sounded a bit like .... punk metal? Meh. Damn music these days .... Hydra gasped when she remembered Typo. She put aside her anger towards her "job" and looked to help out Typo. "My god! What was I thinking? Typo?" The little pantsless slig wouldn't be able to do such work by himself without taking so long and getting tired. Hydra ran full speed, appearing as nothing more than a blue blurr, she then stopped in place as she realized Typo already recieved help. Help from Fawkes the Mudokon girl. Hydra swore to herself, all that running for nothing? Oh well. Mineaswell check up on Nimol.

Meanwhile, Cheif Wapi gave Agronack a friendly slig tentacle twitch. "Good to see you shaman." The Bigbro slig examined Agronack's little junky mess. Good odd, not another cooky experiment. Wapi sighed, but gave off a respecting look on his face. After all, healers were mighty important to the village. "Agro, I'd like to know, Akuafobeea is already going through this water disaster, but do we still contain good medicine in our spirits?" Leave the job of animal medicine, totems, and spirits, to a shaman.
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04-19-2009, 10:24 PM
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OOC: Would have posted earlier, but I had to get my recovery disks finished.
IC: "Yeah he's Nimol. He's a nice guy so far. Looks like he can fix just about anything." said Typo as he carried his half of the barrel, "Oh and this water's for me mostly. Hydra and Khain also got some. Khain probrably needs it for some experiment of Agronack's. Thanks for helping me out with this by the way."
They were nearing the village. "I think I can take it the rest of the way." Said Typo.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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04-23-2009, 11:15 AM
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Nimol woke up with a stretch and a squawk. He lazily scratched his back and then stood up. He made his way to the exit of his hut, before remembering to go back and pick up his pack of cigs. "Time to find some pants for Wapi". He left the hut, humming to himself cheerfully. It was still light outside so he thought he'd look somewhere in the opposite direction to where they got the water from.

"Oh, here comes that pesky little Grubb again", he thought to himself. He could see Hydra walking towards him. She hadn't noticed him. "Time to make a quick escape". He broke into a run in the opposite direction, not quite ready for another trick from a little female Grubb. "Now, where to find some pants... Big Bro size...", he looked at the map he had in his hands... it was only a basic map, but it still told him enough. "Hmmm, an abandoned factory nearby, I'll try there". He walked off in the direction of the abandoned factory, hoping to find a couple of pairs of pants for Typo and the guys.

I stream games and art now!

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04-24-2009, 04:42 PM
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Hydra was just trotting along her way, with her bucket of water, towards Nimol's new home. She looked into the rippling transparent liquid .... It still had some .... murk about it. But it was still more clean than the water nearby the place. She almost got caught by looking at her own reflection in the bucket, when she realized Nimol was around. He didn't seem to happy though. The pesky slig quickly ran off when he saw her. "Well what's his damn problem?" Hydra impatiently asked herself. She put down her bucket of water and quickly sped after the slig. She was fast enough to become a mere blue blurr, but not fast enough to catch up to the stranger slig. She hit the brakes and went to an immediate stop, tired. Hydra began complaining in her head again. WHY was it supposed to be her own fate to babysit such an annoyance. If she's gonna go on another marathon after this guy, she'd quit her job and spit in Wapi's face .... like she's threatened to him before .... Thankfully for herself, Hydra managed to spot Nimol from a distance. She had no clue what he was doing. But she'll find out. After some catching up to him "Hey Nimol dude! What're ya doin'?"
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04-25-2009, 01:19 AM
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Nimol was performing a brisk jog. "Did I lose her?", he looked behind him and saw Hydra. "She's persistent... let's see if she can keep up". Nimol broke into a run and tried to lose her as fast as he could. Once Nimol thought he lost her, he stopped and leaned against a tree. He looked around, nothing yet. He sat down and lay against the tree when he heard a noise from nearby.

"Hey Nimol dude! What're ya doin'?". Nimol thought to himself, "Darn, busted...". Nimol thought it would probably be best to just smile and act nice to her anyway. "Hello Hydra!", he gave a wave to her and beckoned her over, "You're pretty fast huh? I guess Wapi must have trained you well".

Nimol looked at the clouds, watching them for a moment. He looked back to Hydra. "I'm going to an abandoned factory to find some spare pants... Even if Wapi doesn't need any, I can always find some for Typo and myself... it's always good to have a spare, in case we need extra parts or anything".

He looked at Hydra, "I know it's kinda confusing, but most of us Sligs are really at home with technology, we're not used to this jungle stuff... Look, we may not be the best of friends or anything, but since we could be living in the same area for a while, maybe we could share our knowledge about creatures and things. For one thing, I could tell you why Wapi had that look of longing in his eyes when he took that cig from me".

Nimol stood up, "I'll leave it up to you. I'm going to look for that factory, should be somewhere nearby, come if you like". Nimol looked at the map, there was a short dirt road near to the factory. He walked up the nearest hill to try and get a better view of the surroundings. Was that a Scrab howl he could hear nearby? He put his hand on one of his pistols.

I stream games and art now!

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04-25-2009, 11:33 AM
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IC: Khain sat and waited for an hour(it least that's what it felt like) and did not get a nibble, he then heard the faint howl. Khain listened for a moment and it sounded Scrabish, He then took his pole out of the water and sat it down by the rock. The howl sounded close, Khain followed the source of the sound through a small patch of trees, the howl stopped. He then saw track’s leading out of the trees, it was definitely a Scrab. Following the tracks, Khain came to small clearing with no sight of the Scrab or anymore tracks.
Fawkes dropped the barrel. “ok, if you insist.” She then walked ahead back into the village, she then Wondered what to do now. She headed back toward her hut to see if there was anything that needed to be tended to.
Agronack pondered chief Wapi’s question, It has been awhile since any body needed help. Although he has been sensing some disturbances with oddworld and the spirit world. Finally Agronack responded. “hmm.. I’m sensing people are healthy but I also Sense An angry spirit near the village, I’m not sure what it is for sure but I think we should act soon.

Last edited by mr.odd; 04-25-2009 at 06:29 PM..
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04-26-2009, 09:34 AM
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Hydra found her flattered feeling after Nimol had remarked on her speed and training with Wapi. Maybe this dude aint so bad .... But then .... he had to go against her very own orders of NOT finding a pair of those robo-pants for the chief. Her mind clouded with more impatience when he questioned their possible "friendship". He dares call her a bad friend? What kind of a slig is this guy? Well. She better hold in her anger and be more friendly towards Nimol. After all, Wapi would probably get into another drunk fist-throwing frenzy if she disobeys him .... again. Hydra sighed and tilted her head back. She had noticed Nimol almost reactively reach for his gun when he heard the ever reaching howls of a Scrab. Gee, are all sligs so dependant on tech? Well, she'd better give Nimol some info on the creatures, like he requested. "Hey, ya don't hafta be scared of a simple Scrab. Keep your distance, and they won't bother ya." Well, that was a friendly suggestion, and it felt so wierd .... it sucked. Oh well. "Well. I have better things to do right now." The grubb once again dusted off her blue, lightly-built robe. "I'm gone." She placed her hands on her hips and winked at Nimol. Then, while calmly standing in that exact position, purple smoke erupted around Hydra. It swirled around her body, and then covered up her flat lizard head. Hydra kept to her word, when the smoke cleared, she was gone. She vanished in a puff of purple smoke.
Wapi stroke his flabby tentacles, he seemed .... chilled by the sound of an angry medicine taking hold over the village. The chief slig had encountered strange things in this world, many oddities were of the spirit world. But he had never experienced ill omen such as this. "Agronack .... the Spirit world is out of my reach, but perhaps, it is time we take a smoke?" If a slig could smile, this is what Wapi was doing. The shamanistic art of smote was in mind. "And perhaps your tinkering will prove useful for our water supply?"

Last edited by Chronicler; 04-26-2009 at 09:37 AM..
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