Whats the deal with negreps? That's some serious bullshit. There's nothing fun or productive about it, it's just one more way to be a nazi. The idea that demerits can be doled out by anyone and not exclusively by those in charge disgusts me.
If you don't have anything nice to say, then stfu. I've only ever given negrep like... twice? Maybe once actually, and I regret it. What's the good in it? So that person can have a permanent red stain on their record for some fleeting indiscretion that will be forgotten and forgiven in a few days anyway?
Although I dislike rep, on the whole I think negrep is required. With the introduction of rep I noticed a rise in in trollishness aorund the forums. It appears people were being dickheads to score themselves some rep. If it weren't for the risk of negrep people would be doing bigger and more annoying things and these forums would be alot more spammy.
But I personally think rep is completely and utterly stupid. To many people are desperate for rep and try pulling of crude, insulting jokes. What is the real point of rep anyway? To tell people how awesome one is? This is such a small community we all know who's cool and who's a fag anyway.