Another dubble-bubble post!
I got a fairly decent amount of it done just now and so I am able to compile a test version of the new ASCII fangame. This time, absolute ASCII inside a command console. Oh and a new style.
I seriously recommend reading through the How to Play section otherwise you will be stuck! I even made it a nice colour for you!
I'll be working on this a whole lot more now, pretty much everythin for school is done, only one Financial Awareness thingy left and then it's just fun, fun, fun!
Also, I think it may be the most code I've written for one part. Usually Visual Basic tends to generate code for you on the forms thing. This is console, so I have to do it myself, I sort of prefer it that way.
Please tell me of any bugs as usual, and I'll update the code counter again.
Sorry about having to use the external download site by the way, the file is too big for OWFs limit.