It's a WIP, the final mudokons will have dreadlocks.
You have no idea how badly I want that to be a thing
....I do too now, kinda.
As far as I'm aware it's the finished thing. Not sure why, though.
It was brought up before, but it could be so the player could more easily recognized which mud was Abe
Even though that doesn't make much sense because given the games general set up it should be obvious which one is Abe the entire time.
Hm...in Munch, the native and more shamanistic Muds had more feathers than the enslaved and newly liberated Muds. That's actually a really cool visual metaphor now that I think about it. Freedom, feathers, birds, flight, all that stuff...anyway, if they decided the feathers were symbolic of a Mudokon's spirituality, it would kind of make sense to go back and make Abe the only one in the factory who had some, since he's the one who winds up being able to tap into his traditional Mudokon mind powers and save them all.
Course it could all be just a goof, but I like to over think things.