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09-30-2007, 10:48 AM
Splat's Avatar
Chameleonic Lifeforms, No Thanks!
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Good to see you back MM! That's fine about Sturg, but don't forget Anni!

Can anyone who hasn't already please post thier character profiles in the new W@RF profile thread?
Apart from Chubfish who's elected not to come back, is there anyone from W@RF 7 who hasn't appeared yet? If anyone can think of anyone say so.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

10-03-2007, 04:42 PM
Splat's Avatar
Chameleonic Lifeforms, No Thanks!
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I'm sure you'll all excuse my double post. I have a few things to announce.

Firstly, as of an hour and 10 minutes ago it became (according to GMT) the 4th of October, which means today is W@RF's fifth birthday! So yeah, everyone yell happy birthday W@RF and congratulate Dripik for creating such a long-lasting RPG!

(And yes, it's 1:15 in the morning. I'm a uni student now and I don't have any lectures tomorrow so time means nothing!)

So yeah, all together now...
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday Work at Rupture Farms!
Happy birthday to you!

A cookie to everyone who actually sang that out loud.

And since this is such a special occasion, (I promise you you won't find many five-years-old forum RPGs around the internet) it seems the perfect time to open the curtains on W@RF 8 and say:

IC: (Woo, I've been waiting so long to type those two little letters! I've missed RPGing, I tell you now).

It was the middle of the night when Jim awoke, though a faint glow illuminated the R+R. Around him sligs and mudokons alike breathed the same air as they slept. For the first time since arriving here, Jim had not picked a bed up against the edge of the room, but had chosen one near the middle, beside the in which Anni had collapsed yesterday after her operation. Kix slept the opposite side of her and Jim was fairly sure Dean was somewhere nearby too, though he couldn't see him in the darkness.
Oddly, Jim did not feel afraid of the sligs then. He silently slid out of his bed and crept over to Anni's. She was breathing peacefully, for which he was relieved. The three mudokons had had a busy afternoon yesterday with Somi's help of course, setting up the hose Kix and Dean had found the day before, and the electric pump they had found rusting away in an old storeroom, to create a device that would allow Anni to water her garden without having to carry butckets in and out of the factory, but every hour one of them had come back up here to check up on her.
He reached under her blanket and felt for her wrist to check her pulse. Her hands were very cold, so he returned to his bed and took his blanket and laid it over her as well. Then he curled up on his bunk and laid there until sleep washed over him.

The room was much lighter when cold woke him up. He glanced at the now-visible clock and saw that it would probably be about half an hour before anyone else started waking up. His fearlessness from the night was almost gone, but he made himself slip out of bed and move over to Anni's side. She was still breathing steadily, and her hands felt warmer.
Awake now, he knew there was little point in going back to bed as he wouldn't sleep, so he sat down on the floor beside her bed, his hands wrapped around his knees and his eyes down so as not to remind himself of all the sligs surrounding them. He sat like that for some time until he heard her shift on the bed. He knelt up quickly as her eyes flickered open. For a second they seemed strange, dark, "Anni?" He asked cautiously, quietly.
She groaned and focussed her eyes on his face. "Jim? What happened?"
He hesitated, "Do you remember you were shot, by some crazy slig? Me and Kix had to take you to the vykkers cus you were losing a lot of blood, and they stitched you up and you woke up and we helped you back here and then you just fell asleep on the bed." He said, hurrying quickly to brush over the fact that she had been taken to the hated vykkers. He felt almost as if he had betrayed her in doing that, but it had saved her life.
"Where's Kix? And Somi?" She asked.
"Somi went back to the other paramites. Kix is just behind you."
Anni looked back over her shoulder at Kix, just as the other inhabitants in the room began to stir.

ooc: Aaaaand that's the cue for everyone else to wake up and start the day. I'll post as Dionysia after I find out what Venks is doing with Doe.

It's once again time to start work at Rupture Farms!

(Also, as a side note, I just updated my story (about time) about my W@RF characters and it's currently on display in fancorner . So if you're an old fan, check it out! If you're not, well, you should be! No cookie for you!)

Please excuse the shameless advertising in the above post.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 10-03-2007 at 04:50 PM..
10-03-2007, 05:02 PM
WaterMelody's Avatar
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OC: HALLELUIAH! ive been waiting for this *does extreamly happy dance* happy birthday W@RF, may you last untill the end of time.

IC: Scri rolled over in her bed, groaning as the light woke her up. She slowly slid over the side of her bed, sitting on the edge and holding her head. Yesterdays shinanigans had taken their toll on her. The mudokon stretched , her vertebre and joints clicking back into their rightfull postitions. Scri scanned the room, no-one seemed to be up yet except for one lone mudokon, kneeling over anothers bed. Scri yawned and decided to go for a walk, there wasnt anything better to do. Scri yawned and slowly made her way out of the R+R and walked down the hallway, thinking about what happened yesterday...and..doe.. Scri blushed, but shook it off. no-one had the right to make her feel like that, she told herself.
Again, i'm still not dead! I'm like a final boss!

10-04-2007, 02:14 AM
Marvak's Avatar
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OC: Yes, I did actually sing that out loud. But there was nobody else around me, so I get free cookie :P

IC: Wic sat upon his bed, looking around at the other inhabitants in the room. He'd had very little sleep that night, as he wasn't used to these new surroundings.
He thought back to when he had run into Cal on his way in, he had been so glad to see him, see that he was alright, only for him to run off again. Wic missed Cal's prescence, and wondered what he was doing now.
Looking around, he saw that a few others had woken up, and one had walked out of the room. Wic, wondering if she was actually allowed to do that, decided to follow her. Jumping off the bed, he put the faded cap back on his featherless head and moved towards the door.

10-04-2007, 02:15 AM
Venks's Avatar
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OOC: Tsk tsk Watermelody so impatient. I'll just do this hope it's still okay. If not just say so and I'll change it.

IC: "Doe that armor is against everything you stand for! How will you ever achieve balance wearing that!?" A familiar voice asked.
Doe looked down at his own body it was covered in some dark green armor. It looked so heavy but was so surprisingly light it would be easy to forget he was wearing it. "Don't you see Ugai?" Doe started to say, "This armor is a gift not a curse. The Elder Shamans were fools to shun the Mudomo tribe's greatest creation. With this I will save my people. I don't care if I obtain balance anymore I know this is what I'm destined to do!"
Ugai just looked at the ground too ashamed to look at his friend. "So eager to become what you set out to kill."
What Ugai caught Doe off guard and made his anger rise. Doe was just about to teach that puny Slig a lesson when he woke up.
Doe had returned from the realm of dreams and found himself in a small, not so comfortable, bed. Doe realized he was hugging something big and warm. The Mudokon warrior just stared at the dark object while his eyes adjusted to the tenebrous room. His eyes widened and heart quickened when he realized what he was holding so tightly as if a coveted jewel. What Doe had his arms wrapped around was none other then the Mudokon Scri. She looked to be sleeping quite peacefully.. she actually looked happy. Then she slightly started moving it seemed as if she were about to wake up. Doe quickly stopped hugging her and feigned sleep on his side of the small bed. Doe inwardly cursed his bed for being so tiny. Despite how he tried to move away the left side of his body was touching Scri. The feeling of their bodies touching made Doe feel very... well he didn't know what that feeling was. Instead Doe pretended to be asleep and hoped that Scri wouldn't notice him.

#9 woke up from his nightmare startled. #10, who had died the previous day, had visited #9 in his dreams and showed him something very important. #9 wasn't sure what to do but he couldn't stop but to think about the girl he had seen in his sleep. "Agent..." #9 said her name ,or at least what she went by, to himself. #9 knew he had to help her. He didn't know how or from what but he had to. Just then #9 saw a shadow(Jim) moving around in the dark room. #9 couldn't help but to be scared, he didn't know what this Mudokon was doing up this early but he didn't feel like finding out. #9 got up from the floor, as he always sleeps on it so he can still be in his pants, and tried to sneak out of the room.
Those stupid pants and their infernal noises! #9 stopped moving as his heart stopped.. just waiting in the dark room that looked a dark shade of red to his vision. He didn't see anyone move so he ran out of the room as quickly as he could not caring if anyone heard him. #9 ran until he got tired. He was in some hall but he wasn't sure which... he had just ran until he felt some what safe. He started thinking about Agent again... he had to help her, but first he would have to find her.

Chris fell to the ground exhausted. He had spent all night patching up the female Slig(Agent) and watching her vital signs. The Vykker had earned some rest but couldn't tear himself from the patient's table. He felt that the second he looked away from the Slig she would die. Chris just remained their staring at her, but his eye lids were so heavy so he would 'rest his eyes' here and there. Slowly Chris fell asleep while standing.
10-04-2007, 06:16 AM
Splat's Avatar
Chameleonic Lifeforms, No Thanks!
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ooc: Just talked this over with Dripik...
Getcher wall o' text here!

Anni and Jim glanced up at the noise of #9's pants. Jim saw the slig and quickly looked down again until he heard the R+R door open and then close again. He looked up and saw Anni staring at the door. Her eyes seemed oddly dark again and she looked to be in a trance. "Anni, are you ok?" He asked.
She blinked a few times and looked at him. "Sorry, I felt a little wierd then. Who was that slig?"
"I dunno, just a slig..." Jim answered unhappily. He wished Dean would wake up, cus then they would have an excuse to go down to the cafeteria and make breakfast or something. Jim wanted a reason to leave the R+R now, but he didn't want to leave Anni, or go wondering the factory before most people were awake.


Dionysia was feeling somewhat bad tempered after having had a miserable and fairly sleepless night, sleeping in two-hour shifts taking turns with #7 Slig watching that Nat guy. She reflected surlily that in a properly run factory any mud would be shot the moment anyone suspected him of being a terrorist, and she wouldn't have to stay up half the night.
The second night in just a few days she had stayed awake guarding a terrorist! She thought of that first one that she and Gappiqu had caught and locked in a storeroom overnight, only to have him escape and flee the factory the next day. Stupid Gappiqu, couldn't even look after a renegade mud for half an hour. They were lucky that the mud hadn't stuck around just long enough to murder them all. Then there he went and told Krik a load of stuff about how he felt for her, even after she warned him about keeping his secrets to himself. Oh Odd, Krik! He'd be coming today to check on her, and after she exploded at him like that when he went before what would he do to her? Damn that stupid Gappiqu!

Nat suddenly shifted and rolled over as that girl he was for some Odd-known reason sharing a bed with began to stir. She laid down quickly and pretended to be asleep, her dark skin making her hard to see so he probably wouldn't notice her moving.
Oh great, this meant another day pretending to be an air-head just to keep him happy. At least this meant Krik would have to leave her alone so as not to blow her cover. She grinned suddenly; Maybe Krik would have some creative way of taking care of the native! That would be worth watching!
Someone walked past her bed. She looked around sharply and saw it was just the girl Nat had been sharing a bunk with. She was slightly annoyed now cus Nat was facing her having rolled over and probably would have seen her move and would therefore know she was awake. Cursing mentally, she slid out of her bunk and followed the mud out of the door, trying not to look as tired as she felt.

ooc: #9 Slig of course being the one who accidentally shot Anni the previous morning.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 10-04-2007 at 06:24 AM..
10-04-2007, 07:57 AM
Carnix's Avatar
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ooc: terrible start from me but that was before the 4th so it's discluded, Yay! And to top that I got a free cookie!

My profile now:

Name: Krett

Race: Mudokon

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Appearance: Grey skinned mudokon, tomahawker hairstyle.

Personality: Cheery, kind, thoughtful.

Equipment: Toolbox, junk/scrap bag full of junk/scrap.

From a young age Krett was taken to ruptur farms and enslaved and through the labour and torment he became fascinated in the industrial technology and began designing machines of his own. As soon as ruptur farms went under and Krett was free he began construction on his machines using scrap pieces of anything as base material. He started with simply redesigning slig pants and giving them the extra suspension they needed to allow the wearer to jump. Soon after he started on bigger things... but was unable to finish them due to lack of supplies.
Then Krett heard that ruptur farms had reopened to be "mudokon friendly" and thus he set off to ruptur farms once more, not to become a slave, but to become an inventor!


Krett stepped off the train when it arrived at ruptur farms. He would have been tired after the long trip had he not just embarked on the what he anticipated to be the adventure of his life. He stepped up to the great entrance of Ruptur Farms, holding his breath as he passed into the world's most profitable food processing plant and immediately set to the task of finding Arnie, the new owner of Ruptur Farms... But where to look?
"Maybe if I was to invent an auto Arnie locater!" Krett thought. But he quickly rejected the idea since he had not the equipment to do it with and wasn't quite sure he could track Arnie without first somehow attaching a tracking devise to him. So instead he just walked randomly around the processing plant.
After an hour or so of wondering about and randomly walking through doors he came to a stop. And decided that he would actually look were he was going to avoid fatalities such as walking blindly into a meat grinder. It was at that point he noticed that within the room he was standing there was another character. He quickly identified it as a vykker and started backward before realizing that though it was standing and apparently looking strait at him, the vykker was asleep. Also within the room was a slig lying on what seemed to be a medical table of some sort.
"I didn't know there were medical facilities within Ruptur Farms" Krett thought out loud before jumping back as the vykker made a strange grunting noise. Luckily it stayed in slumber. Krett considered all this before deciding that since Vykkers knew quite a lot he would wait for the slumberer to awake and then ask for directions. He took a seat on the floor and began to wait. Suddenly the tiredness swept over him and Krett quickly drifted into slumber himself.

10-04-2007, 08:22 AM
dripik's Avatar
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OOC: Right-o, let's get back into action. No, not literally, so don't go rampage or Splat will cancel all your cookie contracts.


#7 Slig woke up suddenly. He raised his hand and rubbed his forehead slowly. As he did this, he remembered that he had removed his mask before he fell asleep. He stared into the darkness for a while, trying to organise his thoughts.

He was lying in his bed in the R+R, among the others who made it to the room before passing out in the hallways. He had faint memories of events from the previous day. The Cafeteria... Lots of new people... A group of Sligs, following his commands... All of this would have been OK, but #7 Slig had a feeling that there was more to it than that.

Then he recalled more. Wild animals in the corridors... No, there was a brawl before that... Then the animals... An explosion... Or two, he didn't count... Intruders... And one of them was particularly important... It had to do something with Dionysia... But what?...

Then he remembered. Dion and he were suspecting that a new Mudokon called Nat was a terrorist. They agreed to watch over him in shifts, which explained why was #7 Slig so slow. Slower than usual, that is. He had little sleep over the night, which was quite a feat after all he'd been through the previous day.

He raised his head, then got up quietly. He saw silhouettes of people walking towards the exit. He turned around to see Dionysia's bed, which was empty, by the looks of it. #7 Slig put his mask on, grabbed his gun and went after them. It was brighter outside, so he was able to tell them appart. He spotted Dionysia walking not too far ahead. He cathed up with her and spoke. "Morning. Seen anything suspicious about him in the end?" he asked. "Only thing I noticed was that he had some company." he added.

10-04-2007, 09:03 AM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Zozo the Zrilufet
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OOC: (Cartwheels into distance) ! And Carnix, no godmoddling plz, you can't say what another character does if the person didn't say what they did first.

(Dek's lab)
Agent lay peacefully on the hospital bed. Her chest that had been cut open, lifted as she breathed slowly. Her black eyes under her red visors flicked open. She had no idea what was going on. A mask with anaesthetic covered her tentacled mouth, and her shirt had been sliced open by the doctor (Chris) to save time in surgery.

She was now awake for some reason. Her eyes swivelled around the room. She could only see to her sides, and not see the sleeping mudokon (Krett) and vykker medic (Chris) behind her. A small high pitched whine escaped her throat.

Tiny was fast asleep like a baby, lying on the floor (he was too big a bigbro for a bed) and hugging a pillow. He mumbled as two little green feet pranced on his body. The four year old mudokon Tiro was jumping on him.
"It's morning!" He cheered, before dashing over to another bed. As he lifted himself onto it, freezing as he recognised the slig there. Scarface, the older moody mean slig he held a grudge against. Grinning slyly, he 'borrowed' his heavy gun quickly and hurried off the bed. Tiny had drifted back to sleep. Scarface didn't even stir, with no idea a mudokon child had just stolen his weapon.

Next, Tiro ran and pounced on Cylepso's bed.
"Wakey wakey!" He cried.

Dimitrio on the other hand, had sat up awake all night. He was worried sick about Agent since she had just vanished with no word. She had gone after a wanted criminal, and never returned. He had asked, but no one seemed to know where she went. His eyes twitching, he heard a slig (#9) run out in a hurry. Desperation overcame his shyness and fatique as he ran out after him.

"Wait!" He gasped, ribs moving in and out. "Have you seen a female slig anywhere?!"
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

Last edited by Zozo the Zrilufet; 10-05-2007 at 03:58 AM.. : Soooo much to type plz, I type bit by bit
10-04-2007, 09:09 AM
Carnix's Avatar
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ooc: I don't think it's fair to declare a grunt as godmoding but fair enough... wait that makes no sense.

10-04-2007, 09:24 AM
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OOC: Well, practically that was not much of godmoding, but still, it was an action which you dedicated to the Vykker (Chris, I take it?) and not the owner. And you should point out who the Vykker or the other character is. At first, I had the impression that it's an NPC (which, for those who don't know, is also not allowed).

10-04-2007, 09:28 AM
Carnix's Avatar
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Within the narrative I made it pretty clear where I was and who was there as best I could. I couldn't say who the other characters were because Krett didn't know them. And OK OK OK! I wont so much as say someone else's character blinked!

10-04-2007, 09:51 AM
Venks's Avatar
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ooc: I don't think it's fair to declare a grunt as godmoding but fair enough... wait that makes no sense.
Well you have to think of the owner of that character. It may be something simple but it is still unfair to the creator of said character. Like I personally do not want Chris grunting in his sleep as that would be out of character. Chris would die before being caught making unlady like sounds in his sleep. He has gone through much training to prevent ever such an occurrence.
10-04-2007, 09:56 AM
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Point taken now DROP IT!

10-04-2007, 10:22 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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OOC: Ignore my last Sturg post.

IC: Sturg slowly came into consciousness. Guuuuh...he felt terrible. But then he saw his own body...that didn't help much, though he seemed a bit better than he had been. He lay his head back and scanned the room. Creatures on beds, with pipes and things...the lab. Yesterday. After the events, the Vykkers had decided to save him, but in return they had wanted to use him to make more Meeches...he'd have to discuss it more thoroughly later, and so they could help him also...for now, however, he needed to rest, and let his body repair itself...

Slash began to stir, seeing others moving around. What a night that had been...absolute chaos. He stretched his arms out, groaning, and then lay back. He remembered last nights doodles...he felt for his gun and picked it up, and took up his wrench and began unscrewing the handle. Good wake up exercise...forcing yourself to concentrate.
10-04-2007, 11:28 AM
Slig 7665's Avatar
Slig 7665
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OOC: Its started praise the odd any way can we say my charicter Slax talked to arnie and got the job.

IC: Slax woke up in his bed he had noticed that Dimitrio did'nt get much sleep the other night as he woke up he saw Dimitrio running out of the room hmmm better go with him just incase scarface gets any ideas he thought "yo Dimi wait up" running after him.

Jaws lay on the end of Slaxs bed and was woken up by Trio saying wakey wakey he continued lay on the bed looking around.

Jhonny got on the feeco train for his new job he was excited but kinda nervous and worried about what other people thought about him when he was nearly to rupture farms he looked out the window and saw the huge structure that was rupture farms when he arrived he got of the train and walked through the doors and looked around wondering were to go.

Thankyou Carnix for the sig

10-04-2007, 02:05 PM
WaterMelody's Avatar
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After scri walked down and admittedly small part of the hall, she slid down the side of the wall and sat, closing her eyes. She recalled something, something just before she woke up...she was being held by someone.. Scri shook her head, there was no-one sharing her bed..at last she didnt see anyone. Scri sighed and looked back at the door to the R+R, daring herself to go back and sort this mystery out. Someone emerged from the room, just as she was going to investigate. It was the dark skinned mudokon that doe had warned her about. Possible scenarios whirled in Scri's head as the mudokon came closer. Scri just thought if she played it cool, she wouldn't get into any strife. Scri looked up at the mudokon and greeted, somewhat quietly "hey, why are you up so early?"

NOTE: i may not be here for a while, my computer will be taken for fixing this afternoon, so dont be surprised if you dont hear from me. I may try to go on the net at the library, though.
Again, i'm still not dead! I'm like a final boss!

Last edited by WaterMelody; 10-04-2007 at 07:33 PM..
10-04-2007, 02:14 PM
Patrick Vykkers's Avatar
Patrick Vykkers
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IC: Praetyre silently awoke. The first sight of today happened to be the ceiling, expectedly, lit by the orange glow of his helmet's eyepieces. He wrenched himself up from his bed and, ignoring the activities of the others in the room, walked up to the R&R door. He grasped it's doorknob with one of his metallically gloved, sharply clawed hands and turned it with calculated precision, the steel door slowly flying open.
Arrack felt the first sliver of light hit his eye and recoiled into his pillow. He then restraightened his organ bag mask and grasped the edges of the bed he had slept upon. His tail providing him support, he awkardly thudded to the soft carpet of the R&R and waddled over to see the armoured Praetyre opening the R&R door and waited for it to slide open.
Domino lay asleep dreaming of dancing meep, but at the moment the 50th meep had finally crossed the fence all of his dream dissolved into blackness. Then lay the horrid, grinning head of his former master Malarkey and several other strange Vykkers, two of which seemed to be brothers. He then tried to run away, but found himself unable to do anymore than run rooted on the spot as the heads circled around and taunted him. He then screamed, and then awoke.

Domino found himself mildly bruised in the face, for he had fell from quite a lofty bed and hit the carpet of the R&R. His helmet had absorbed most of the blow, but he still felt like his chin had been whacked with a Slig's blunderbuss. He then stood up and waddled over next to Praetyre.
Economic Left/Right: 8.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.21

10-04-2007, 08:21 PM
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OOC: happy b-day rapture farms! Lets assume that my characters actions take place after the Fracture thread, as they are currently still in the thread, and I'm exiting them, for now however, I'll just assume they escaped the facility, and they caught a train to rapture farms.
IC: Jakka and Charlie are standing at the feeco depot train station entrance to Rapture farms.
Jakka: I can't believe we've just gone to more work!
Charlie: But you need to be part of our world in order to be something.
Jakka: But... couldn't we have a vacation or something at least?
Charlie: We don't have any money remember, we weren't exactly in a situation to ask for money, we barely got out alive.
Jakka: But here? I thought this place exploded, after they rulers were caught using the natives bones and tears.
Charlie: No, you're thinking of Soulstorm brewery, this place was merely run down for a while, I mean, the boss did try to turn all of his slaves.. er... workers into...
Jakka: food! You mean this is rapture farms!
Charlie: As you can tell by the huge menacing sign, yes!
Jakka: That's disgusting, we're leaving now!
Charlie: But it never happened! Common, you don't even like mudokons anyway!
Jakka: That's not the point! What if the boss tries to turn us into mush!
Charlie: You into mush, not me, but that won't happen, there is a new boss, he apparently treats mudokons very kindly now.
Jakka: Yes well, that's all very well untill you consider the point that I'm not a mudokon! Do I look like a bloody bird to you?
Charlie: That's beside the point!
Jakka: Look, let's just go inside, I'm sure we can find this.. boss, whoever he is somewhere.

10-05-2007, 02:20 AM
Splat's Avatar
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Dionysia had been vaguely following the mud girl, but when she sat down she thought for a moment about changing direction to avoid her. Howeve, the girl spoke and left her little choice.
"Hey, why are you up so early?"

"Wuh? Oh, couldn't sleep," She said, then remembered she was supposed to be acting like a real mud and said in the cheeriest voice she could manage after half a nights sleep, swinging her arms a little, "Thought I'd get a little walk in before breakfast." She smiled at the girl and then glanced back as the R+R door opened and #7 Slig came out. "Well, maybe talk to ya in the cafeteria later," She said and kept walking.
#7 Slig caught up with her once they were out of earshot of the girl,
"Morning. Seen anything suspicious about him in the end?" he asked. "Only thing I noticed was that he had some company."

eah, he got in bed with that girl over there some time last night. Then when she moved I thought it might be him so I looked over. He was awake, so I decided it would be best to move. He didn't go anywhere in the night when I was watching so I don't think he'll try anything now when everyone's just moving."

ooc: Slaveless? MM? I need Kix and/or Dean!
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

10-05-2007, 04:27 AM
skillyaslig's Avatar
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OOC: back in action baby...
IC: Cylepso gave a snort and rolled over onto her back and eased herself up. She yawned and rubbed the side of her head, and snapped, “Jezz, these beds are like friggin’ bricks! I’ve sleep on better rocks then-”
“Mmm hnmma mnhh hnmma mnnha.” Seb, who had already been awake, commented dryly.
“Did I? Huh, no wonder I slept like a broke-backed mud on a unicycle…” Cylepso stood up, now remembering she had just falling asleep on the floor instead of the bed. Seb just looked annoyed but didn’t bother to talk. Cylepso yawned again, and said, “So, whats the plan, ol’ Sebbie?”
“mhnm hmma?”
“Oh, cranky are we? Ah well, I suppose I would be too if I had such grey skin…”
“mnhma. Mhn, mnahan hmama?”
“Okay…cant think of anything’ else tha do.”
Cylepso then trotted off towards the R&R door, almost falling over Lenny who was curled up on the floor like a deranged slog.
“Whoopsie!” Cylepso yelped as she grabbed the bed rails to stop tripping. Lenny blinked and glanced up and beamed,
“Hello! Nice to met you!”
“What ya doin’ down there? Like some slurg or somethin’…”
“You know, just lying around.” Lenny chirped.
Seb gave him the thumbs down.
“Right…so you wanna come with? Or do you-” Cylepso suddenly had a funny seizer like jerking fit as Vester suddenly decided to add his voice in, “That would be nice.”
“Good Odd cheese ball! What the hell ya trying to do, give me a heart attack?!” Cylepso hissed angrily. Seb signed then said, “mhnm mhnama hnggnam hnmma?”
“Okay then. Sooo….some people still sleepin’ so we better scat eh?”
“that would be nice! More friends for me!”
Cylepso grinned and strode from the room, followed by Seb, then Vester, who paused briefly to pick up Lenny before exiting the R&R.
Jatt growled and sat up as Vester, Cylepso, Seb and Lenny went past. He sniffed and muttered, “morning already…?” He signed and heaved his bulk back into his four-legged pants, then glanced over at Jutt, who was still peacefully sleeping. Jatt scowled but didn’t wake his brother, just folded his arms and glowered.
As God is my rabbit, I'll never be hungry again.

10-05-2007, 08:05 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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OOC: Sry guys, I'm gonna be away all the weekend D:
10-05-2007, 08:09 AM
dripik's Avatar
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OOC: Slig 7665, more punctuation please. That was hard to understand, especially the last paragraph.


People tend to dream when they are tired or under stress and strain. While they are asleep, their brain keeps on working, focusing on ideas and problems met that day. Arnie was not an exception from this. As he was lying in his bed in the Executive R+R, his face kept twitching occasionaly. Apparently, the things he saw were not exactly pleasant.

First, he saw Otto in the Executive Office, surrounded by a pack of Slig guards. He seemed taller, and was wearing a designer suit. All the desks were removed from the room, except an oval, black one in front of the Glukkon. Arnie tried to call at him, but it seemed that he was hovering there like a ghost, unheard and unseen by anyone. Then the picture changed.

He saw himself talking with a wierd Slig in a dimly lit corridor. It seemed that his alterego didn’t find it strange that the Slig had four, rather strong legs. He couldn’t understand what they were talking about, but he reckoned they agreed on a matter the Slig proposed. The picture changed again.

He saw the same Sligs backing up to a wall, his body shaking from terror. Someone was approaching him, casting a long shadow over the Slig. A metallic being, almost like a skeleton, with glowing eyes and sharp edges was walking slowly towards the Slig. Arnie knew subconciously that they couldn’t see him, but he couldn’t run away even if they did. The creature was terrifying. The four-legged Slig raised his arms as protection from him. No use. The creature raised his gun and thrusted the bayonet into the Slig’s chest.

At this moment, Arnie felt a cold object prodding his arm underneath his suit, and jerked awake. He was breathing fast while he tried to make out who was standing next to his bed, with one arm stretching towards Arnie. He was very much like the creature he just saw in his dream. Then, he recognised him as RG-49. The robot was standing there, looking at the Glukkon questioningly. "I apologise for waking you up, Boss of Rupture Farms, but you showed signs of mental discomfort."

Arnie tried to calm down. It was just RG. He was safe. Although he noticed that RG had his gun with him, he remembered that the robot had always shown respect towards Glukkons, especially him. "It’s alright, RG. Just a nightmare. It happens." said Arnie, putting his head back on the bed again, staring at the ceiling of the room.

"I am not too familiar with that term, nor organic activities and habits such as sleeping. I know the definition, of course. But I am ot expecting you to explain in detail. I will leave you to rest." said RG.

"No need, I’m getting up." said Arnie, sitting up again. He jumped out from his bed, stretching a bit. "You should wake Otto while you’re at it, RG."

The robot nodded, and walked to Otto’s bed. He was snoring peacefully, as always. RG started prodding his arm too, while Arnie walked towards the Executive R+R’s door. "What is it? Leave me alone." he heard his Asisstant’s voice from behind.

"Cannot do. I’m acting on orders of your Boss. He asked me to wake you up, he is about to leave and wanted you to join him as he makes his way…"

"Geez, cut it out, will you?" moaned Otto, turning over in his bed, but RG carried on with his monologue. "OK, you win, alright?" said the Glukkon finally, jumping out of his bed, annoyed. He caught up with Arnie, and noted quietly. "He’s talkative as always, eh?"

"There’s nothing changing him." Said Arnie with a grin, but as he remembered his nightmare, his smile faded. He shrugged slightly as they all made their way out of the Executive promises.


#7 Slig listened to Dionysia."...He didn't go anywhere in the night when I was watching so I don't think he'll try anything now when everyone's just moving."

"Not when someone's watching him, but we can't always keep an eye on him. Well... except if he's assigned to a place which is usually well guarded." said #7 Slig, his thoughts trailing of a bit.

10-05-2007, 04:11 PM
WaterMelody's Avatar
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OC: library computers suck! also, sleeping in the halls is fun, try it sometime.

IC: Scri was a but suspicious of the dark skinned mudokons reply. She was obviously tired, and trying hard to hide it. Scri sighed "yeah, see you" she said, waving at the strange mudokon. Scri closed her eyes and leand back against the wall, it wasnt worth worrying about things now, she was still tired. The mudokon sighed again and let sleep come over her.
Again, i'm still not dead! I'm like a final boss!

10-05-2007, 04:15 PM
mudling's Avatar
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IC: Jakka and Charlie walk through the entrance hall, Charlie is holding a brochure.

Charlie: They say we should head towards Arnie, the boss of rapture farms, or his assistant, Otto for registration, I guess they would be in there office, but I wonder if there is an infomation office or secretary that could lead us towards it.
Jakka: Hey genius, aren't you holding a map?
Charlie: Yeah, but... I heard there have been some changes, I was wondering if someone could give us a heads up on the current situation.
Jakka: Then who better to see than the boss? Isn't there an information office on the map?
Charlie: I can't see one... maybe the Boss is our best bet, let's go to his office then.

IC: The two head towards Arnie's office, then knock.

Charlie: I have a bad feeling about this.

10-05-2007, 07:54 PM
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IC: Wic was startled as more Inhabitants came walking out the door, apparently too tall to notice the child. Stumbling to the side, he watched as the adults passed by him.
Tummy rumbling, he decided to make his way to the cafeteria. Moving around seemed to feel better than staying in one spot, for some reason. Taking one last look at the R&R door, he sort of skipped-scuffled down the hall.

10-06-2007, 01:36 AM
dripik's Avatar
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OOC: mudling, you don't need to add 'IC' to every action your characters make. You can use '*' instead (both at beginning and end of the line), like this:
*they walked along the corridors*
Well, only if you want to use the script-like RPing style instead of the story-telling style, that is.


Arnie and Otto were walking towards the door of the Executive entry hall, closely followed by RG, when they heard a knock from the door. They stopped, wondering who that could be. RG moved swiftly to the door. "I will open the door if you do not mind, Boss." he said, with his hand at the door's control panel.

"Sure, RG. But I don't think you should be so cautious, at this of the day. No one would come up here so early. Do you expect someone to attack us?" said Arnie sarcastically.

"It is a basic tactical advantage if you strike when the target is least expecting it. I believe that is enough to be suspicious, Boss. But no disrespect." said RG, turning his head towards Arnie.

"Just open it, will you? Or is this a tactic of yours? Making the enemy bore to death or something?" said Otto impatiently.

RG turned back to face the door and pulled a slider upwards, making the door open. There stood an armored female Grubb (PJ) and a young Clakker (Charlie). Apparently, RG found the former more interesting, since she looked like a warrior. The robot raised his rifle, and took a defensive stance, trying to shield the Glukkons behind him. "State your business. And explain why are you equipped with weapons. Quite obvious, though I would like to hear your version." he adressed the Grubb.

Arnie leant sideways to see the newcomers. "I don't know, RG. Do you really think they are here to hurt anybody?"


Rick was woken by the light soaring in the Cafeteria through a high window. He didn't open his eyes, but he noticed that his back hurt. He felt he was lying on the floor. His eyelids opened, and he saw that he was lying behind the kitchen counters. "It would be time for a good snooze in my own bed for a change." he thought as he scrambled to his feet and stretched. "Well, time for some breakfast, I suppose."

He brought the usual amount of Scrab Legs from the freezer in the storage room which was behind the kitchen area. He put the tray of Scrab Legs into the oven and turned it on. After he finished this, he grabbed a rag and started cleaning the counter.

10-06-2007, 03:32 AM
mudling's Avatar
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OOC: Sorry for disrupting your characters current pbjectives dripkik, and thanks for the advice, I'll try the story telling way for now, sounds like a better way to RPG for me.
*edit* I've edited my post to make more sence, sorry about that.

IC: Charlie and Jakka remain at the door, there appears to be no sign of change.
"I don't think this is such a good idea!" Charlie mummered. "Oh common, there's nothing these industraliasts can do that I can't, look, this is what I'd do if They came!" Jakka pulls the ugliest face she can and thrusts her spear in the air, the door opens.
" Well, actually there's alot- Oh ODD!" Charlie notices Two gluckons (Arnie and Otto) and a robotic guard (RG) and freezes, Jakka does the same, hiding her spear behind her back, and breathing through an akward grin.
On answer to the robot's (RG's) question question, Charlie grabbs Jakka and covers her mouth.
"Oh she doesn't speak mudosian, or anything realy, um, grubbs communicate through clicking, and she's death... and mute.. so don't try with that"
Jakka wrenches herself away, Charlie pleads to her through his glances. "You can't understand me, can you PJ?"
"No I can't!" Jakka replies.
"You idiot" Charlie shakes his head. "She's not much of a warrior, she and I just stumbled upon each other, I needed a job, she needed a job, and well, she kind of doesn't know our world... your.. the industrial world."
Jakka sighs. "Put that weapon away, I've had enough weith you inudustralists!" With sudden agreesion she flings her spear downwards, so it is poiting towards RG, Charlie immidiatly grabbs the spear, and grabs hold of her.
"We come in peace, we assure you, we mearly want a job, I heard you were the biggest meating packing plant in oddworld, we were eager to join" Charlie gasps, his eyes locking into RG's pleading for mercy.
With a few more desperate glances, Jakka gives in. " I apologize, we just had trouble the last time were in an industralist facility, I mean you, and everyone no harm, I am but a simple shepard amougnst my people, gone to adventure with my freind, yet I, we feel the urge to work here, to be amougnst this place, it is it's history that summons me. I have my weapons because it was difficult to get here, but I ask to keep my armour and spear, as it is not what they do, but their significicane to me, as they have been passed through generations, so I ask to keep them."
Charlie sighs with relief, Jakka extends an arm to Arnie, and another to Otto to shake, avoiding RG completly, Charlie quickly pushes her arm saway politely.
"You can call me Charlie, and my Grubb freind here Jakka, I have a few work experiances, such as fast food industries, so I have minimal skills in processing food, my freind here would to prefer staying away from this area, as she is kind of... in touch with these animals? What other jobs do you offer?"

Last edited by mudling; 10-07-2007 at 03:03 PM..
10-06-2007, 08:31 PM
Patrick Vykkers's Avatar
Patrick Vykkers
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Praetyre walked through the open door and through the halls of Rupture Farms, soon reaching the laboratory door. He reached forth with a metallic claw and tapped gently on the door's steel face.
Arrack waddled towards a couch in the R&R room and wrenched himself onto it, laying his hand on a remote control to push as soon as all had risen.
Domino followed Arrack and sat next to him on the couch, waiting for all to rise.
Economic Left/Right: 8.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.21

10-07-2007, 12:42 AM
Gretin's Avatar
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OOC: Right, I'm back. So everyone better run for cover XD


As he'd done the night before, Ralph went to bed with everyone else despite being physically unable to sleep. He didn't want anyone asking questions. But now he noticed others in the room getting up, so he decided it was about time he got up too.

He looked around the room slowly. It seemed most of Rupture Farms' personnel were still in bed, but some had definately already left the room. He noticed Jim and the mudokon who had been shot yesterday seemed to be talking, so he moved over to them.

"How is she?" he said quietly to Jim. A normal mudokon probably would have asked Anni directly, but Ralph was not a normal mudokon

OOC: I'll post as Hembar later... There's not much for her to do yet.

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