Ryan, please check the date of the most recent post in a thread before posting in it; you'll notice that the last post in this thread was created four years ago. Many of the members (including the thread-started) who participated in this discussion haven't been online for years.
Thread Necromancy (posting in really old threads) is generally frowned on on Oddworld Forums as a whole.
Fan Corner has it's own rules about thread necromancy that you might like to check out.
Again, this is another rules which we allow you to bend in FC and FC alone; you may revive an old thread if: - You made it and wish to continue using it to post art and/or literature of the same theme that it was used for before (so to continue posting a story, etc.). This way you will only need one 'My Oddworld Art Thread' and will not have to keep posting new ones.
- If you wish to give feedback to an old thread, and the original poster is still an active poster in Oddworld Forums. If the person who posted the thread has been inactive for two months, please don't bother reviving the thread. The easiest way to check this is to look at their profile and look under their rep score to the line starting 'Last Activity:' which will tell you when they last visited the forums.
- Any threads linked to directly from the ‘Useful Fancorner links’ thread can be necromanced freely.
Generally if a thread isn't on the first (or maybe second) page then it's probably inactive and you should check the dates before posting in it.
Wario, don't tell me you never did it when you were a n00b! I know I did!
Everyone else, funny, but please don't spam in this thread any more.
This is what comes of listening to 'The Killers'.