what's that TOGG folder?
I need those images to make wallpapers.
To SSP: I got those from the Abe's Oddysee CD. I explained how to get them in this little dead thread in the OW Help Forum entitled "switching music on computer reboot".
Except the logo, I had to do that one myself.
There was another icon that was on my desktop that didn't make it to the screenshot. Just when I had my computer all organized, I booted it up one day, and it tells me that the file [long path name]blah blah blah[/long path name] is corrupt or missing. So I took out my hard drive and screwed it into my parents' computer, copied all the files that I needed, then I stuck it back into my computer and reset the system.
Then I had to decorate everything over again.
But anyway, the original desktop had a fuzzle instead of the 'My Documents' icon.
Dripik: You play Heroes III?