I did too, but that tower and all does kinda represent bablyon. maybe that was the only pic of nolyblab, and the others are just fangus clot references. looking back at the pics though, they appear to distantly represent some characters (vykers, wolvarks, slegs, etc.) so maybe they are just old concept art pics.
but now I'm thinking that now the babylon reference is just a reference to the industeriest to be godless and arogant with their amazing technology for their time, like how in the bible, the balyonians tried to build a power to the heavens, because of their arrogance, and therefore maybe nolyblab didn't actually have a tower at all, but if the other pics were in fact old concept pics, not fangus clot pics, then this could have very well have been nolyblab, the first oddworldian city to be shown.