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05-24-2002, 08:19 PM
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Blue whips out her staff. "Shhh!" She says quietly. Carefully, she sneaks underneath to where she thinks the creature fell. She holds her staff up to the ceiling, and after a breif pause, she thrusts the blade on the end of her staff through the ceiling.

*Slice!* *Tink!*

"Huh?! What the?!"
She pulls her staff out of the celing. The tip of the blade is damaged a little bit. Blue looks very shocked.
"Oh crap. . . It's one of them!"
- DH

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05-24-2002, 08:26 PM
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"Oh smart move Blue!" Spider growled softly, "I was hoping that thing didn't know there were peeps in here...now it does thanks to you!"
"Oops..." Blue said sheepishly.
"Just get yourself ready in case it decides to 'drop in'..."

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05-24-2002, 11:30 PM
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(OOC: Oh yeh, thats right taunt my creature by poking him. Yeh...poking him, very mature im sure. *Stares bemused at Drag and DH* Tut-tut-tut)

The Hunter was vaguely amused by this effort to stop it. Standing up straight it noted a small dint in its armoured shell. Gently it growled and rubbed a single claw over the mark. After inspecting the damage the loner then backflipped landing on its feet, in a crouching position. Its metallic claws shooting out. Smirking to itself the Bounty Hunter stepped up to one of the wooden walls, purring softly and rubbing its right paw over the hard surface it pulled back its left arm, and hurled it towards the wall. The metallic claws pierced the wood, shattering the other side and going straight through. The creature heard gasps of shock from the inside of the hut as the claws slowly drew out and back into the night. Stepping around the shed, the Hunter shoved its claws into the next smooth piece of wood. Marking that with small holes, hearing the gasps the creature sneered. Getting some kind of sick, sadistic arousal from it. One of the voices inside was more dominant and informative. Telling the others to get to the ground and stay low. Smirking the Hunter carried onto make holes right away around the hut, some large and some small. Every given chance Blue would stand up and check through one from a fair distance. Noting were their attacker was and yet making sure she wouldn't get stabbed in the process. But then the attacks on the hut halted, and the Hunter made no effort to break in and attack them. Instead it just waited, they heared it purring to itself up on the roof. Eerily.


Cutting one of its paws the creature squeezed out its blood. Dripping it on the roof and then splashing it around a bit, as if it were gasoline. Upon doing so it then leapt off and into the dirt, rubbed its cut palm into the ground and then jumped into a tree. Disappearing from view. Clambering to the top of the tree it was in at the time, it hissed and cursed to itself. Calling out into the night sky. Being lonely this was one of the ways a Hunter would entertain itself...attract other Predators to its prey and then watch the onslaught begin. When it ended...kill the survivors. Simple.
Venturing out on a branch the Hunter knew what the Predators were...Parathons. And they came in swarms.

(OOC: Hope you dint mind me using one of your ideas Drag.)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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05-24-2002, 11:39 PM
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(ooc: Actually Parathons are Black Dragon's critters...*shrug*)

After a few very tense moments, tensions eased within the hut. Spider sniffed the air and looked out of the holes the creature made, he caught it's scent...and made sure to remember it in case he smelled it again.
"I think its gone...it's scent is fading..." He said quietly, letting himself relax somewhat.
"Thank goodness..." Blue muttered.

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05-26-2002, 08:34 PM
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(OOC: Humph. *Can't wait for Em any longer* I'm gonna have to make a guess on how these creatures behave. Rach explained what they look like.)

Suddenly. . .
"You spoke too soon, Spide! It's. . ."
Blue sees a Parathon through the hole in the side of the shack.
". . . A totally different creature all together. . ." Blue finishes.
"Oh no! Parathons!" Olm exclamates.
"Shit!" Blue whips out her staff, and an old rusty sword which she hands to Olm.
"Olm, take this and stop them getting into the shack through the sides or anything!"
"Yes, Blue!"
"I'll stop them getting in through the door!"
Blue activates her sheild and goes to the door.
"Spider, just sit there and cheer us on! Only use your powers as a last resort!"
"Alright. . ."

(OOC: Fight scene. . . *Will try to make it as interesting as possible*)

Blue sees Parathons by the swarm, decending from the trees, grouping together, and heading toward the shack. She braces herself, before one charges at her sheild. It hits the sheild and bounces off, before falling over.
Blue is sent back by the force, and her sheild now has a crack running along the middle of it. She sees that the other parathons behind the one which hit her sheild are tripping over it, giving her time to recover.
She de-activates her sheild, and moves into a fighting stance. As Parathons try to enter the shack through the door, she swipes and stabs at them, injuring or killing them with the blade on the end of her staff.

Meanwhile, Olm is having difficulty trying to stop Parathons widening the hole in the side of the shack which the hunter made. They keep sticking thier heads through it, making it wider, trying to get in.
Suprisingly, and fortunately for Olm, the rusty and rather weak looking sword seems to work well against these critters. As yet another Parathon sticks it's dinosaur-like head through the hole, Olm de-capitates it with a hefty swing of his sword.

Back at the shack door, there seems to be a little pile up of dead and dying Parathons, making harder for other Parathons to get to the door. Blue seems to be having no problem at keeping the at bay, when suddenly a crack is heard from the roof.
Blue looks up as the celing begins to give way. . .
"Oh crap!!"
- DH

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05-26-2002, 08:42 PM
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When the roof fell in, about 10 parathons fell in with it, three near Spider, which spotted him and moved toward him. Spider, even in his weakened state, was strong enough to fight back. He reached out and grabbed one with a hand foot, just under its head so it couldn't bite. Then with a single bite of his jaws it broke it's spine. The other two rushed him, so he smacked one with his free hand and the other he batted away with this tail.
He noticed one was about to pounce on Blue and her back was turned toward it. So the threw the dead body of the parathon he had at it...knocking it away from her.

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05-26-2002, 09:38 PM
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"Thanks!" Blue yells to Spider when she notices what he did out the corner of her eye. Spider doesn't have time to smile back at Blue as he manages to disembowel another Parathon.

Meanwhile, Olm has managed to block up the hole in the side of the shack with the dead body of a parathon. He somehow has wedged it infront of the hole between two bits of debris and the wall. He begins fighting off the Parathons which are comming through the hole in the ceiling.

Blue has had an idea, and now is carefully proping up Dementa's body against the door frame of the shack. Knowing that her pain touch is still active, she just hopes that she won't get too damaged.
She turns around after she manages to do this, and starts firing her stun beams at the incoming Parathons. She stops firing stun beams when she gets to the hole, points her staff upwards, and begins swishing it about.
The parathons just simply start to land on her staff's blade, and get killed as a result. Some still manage to get past Blue, however, so she activates her sheild, which has had time to repair itself when it wasn't being used.

Olm meanwhile is busy killing all the parathons that Blue stunned earlier. Spider is now resting on his bed, unable to fight anymore. However, he keeps alert, and swats away any Parathons that get close enough.

Blue is now getting confused by doing two things at once: swiping the ceiling with her staff in one hand, and defending against the ones who got in with her sheild in her other hand. Confuson and tiredness eventaully get the better of her, and she begins to take minor injuries. . .

Olm steps in and assists Blue in killing the remainder of the Parathons, who are still comming through the hole in the ceiling. About 11 more Parathons die at Blue and Olms hands, before the onslaught eventaully stops.

"I think we've managed to fend them all off. . . Good work!" Spider says.
"Thanks for saving my life back there." Blue says, as she half sits, half collapses to the floor. "Ugh. . ."
"Blue? You okay?" Olm aks her. Blue is covered in nicks and scratches.
"No. . . I hurt all over. . . I feel weak. . ." She lies down. Olm and Spider both look worried. "Don't worry, all I need is a rest. . . I'm too tired to do anything now."
"You sure you'll be fine?" Spider asks.
"Yes. . . What about you two?"
"I'm okay, just a bit tired." Olm says.
"I'm fine, just tired." Spider says.
"Good. . ." Blue sits up. "Olm, could you do me some favours?"
"What favours?"
"First, go check Dementa's body and check how much damage has been done to it. . . BUT, try not to touch her skin, okay?"
"Okay." Olm replies.
"Then check around outside to make sure everything is clear."
"Alright then." Olm says, and begins to carry out his tasks.
"Thankyou. . ." Blue says as she lies back down.

Dementa's body came out of it's ordeal with just a couple of scratches. A couple of the Parathons outside lay on the floor, paralysed with pain. Olm puts them out of thier misery, and glances around to reveal that the cost is indeed clear. . .
- DH

Last edited by DarkHoodness; 05-26-2002 at 01:43 PM..
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05-27-2002, 08:02 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
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Jagger awoke to the sound of frantic knocking from the front door. Pulling on some robes, he ran from his bedroom and down the staircase. In the hall, he ran into Trey, running in from the Barracks. The two paused for a minute, watching each other. Then Trey sighed.

"What're yer waitin fer? 'S your house..."

Hesitiating a second, Jagger strode up to the door, and swung back a panel in it, looking out into the night. He recognised Selten, the old captain of the guard, but something seemed wrong. "What do you want?"

Selten was sweating profusely. "I need to speak to Tobias."

Jagger was about to say that there wasn't a Tobias there, but then he realised that it could be one of the soldiers. "You'll want the Barracks. Round the back, where the warehouse used to be..."

He saw an expression of something approaching relief as he slammed the panel shut.

Turning to Trey, he saw that the slig was frowning. "None of my guys'd have a poncy name like that..."

Jagger nodded. "There's something up."

Trey pulled open the panel, and craned his neck to look at the retreating figure. "Hey, there's someone else out there!"

Jagger moved forward to join him. "Who?"

"Don't recognise 'im. Looks heavily armed, though..." He turned to Jagger. "Should we let 'em in?"

Jagger hesitated, but nodded. "Better get some of the troops up and ready for trouble, though."

Nodding, Trey ran upstairs to the dormitories, while Jagger went to the back door.

Selten was outside when he opened the door, but the stranger was nowhere to be seen. "Trey is just getting Tobias. You want to come in?"

Selten sighed with relief, and couldn't get inside fast enough. As he crossed the threshold, however, a shadowy figure dropped down from above the doorway, knocking Selten to the ground...


The Hunter was getting impatient. It hadn't smelt Tobias for several minutes, and there was certainly no scent here. The scent had been much stronger a quarter of an hour back. This mudokon was misleading it, trying to guide it away from its goal. It had had enough. This pathetic creature would learn the error of its ways, then it would get back to Tobias...

Leaping from its vantage point on the doorframe, it raked its claws across its unwilling guide's back, before grasping its arm, and twisting it behind its back. As it felt the dull snap of the bones, it heard the rattle of gunfire. Turning angrily, it saw a small group of sligs gathered inside the building. Tossing the mudokon aside angrily, it charged into the building, ignoring the bullets that ricocheted off its armour. Grabbing the first slig, it picked it up and pulled it from its pants. The flesh around the join tore, and the slig screamed as it was flung against the wall. Extending its claws, the Hunter raked them across the face of two other sligs, before plunging them into their stomachs.

Suddenly it felt a feeling it was unfamiliar with. Pain. The bullets were beginning to wear through its armour, and scratching its flesh. Looking up, it saw more and more sligs emerging, firing at it. Growling, it realised that it might be overwhelmed by sheer firepower. Opting to pursue its appointed task instead of this diversion, the Hunter turned, snarling, gave the mudokon one last kick, and disappeared into the night...

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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05-27-2002, 09:08 PM
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Injured and frustrated the Bounty Hunter ran its index finger over the holes that had hacked away at its armour.

"Its the Pinnacle of metal...mined and altered to be strong enough to withstand a Nuclear blast(!)"

The Hunter grunted whilst recolecting the words of the Glukkon. It was bemused by the fact that it had risked its life, thinking it was invulnerable and yet having this happen. It reached its index finger inside one of the holes and felt around...it was bleeding. Not much however, just enough to feel the twinge of pain if it manuvered around too fast. Finally it cracked its neck and darted into the shadow of a small hut, it then clambered up and sniffed the air. Hoping to get a lead on Tobias.
A low rumble escaped the beast and it threw its head up towards the night sky, holding its chest out it inhaled the sweet air. And then the call of lonelyness echoed through the nightsky. It was hoarse and gruff but long and consistant in its tone. Finally it crouched down, heart pounding it waited for a reply from its cohort.


The Hunter was watching its victims from the trees, crouched down on the limb of a tree, it was surprised by how well they fort the Predators that had rushed in for them. One of the prey even had the nerve to wander outside and kill a remaining few. The Hunter shook its head in discontent, wanting to see the blood of its true prey spilt the Bounty Hunter realised it had to do it itself. It seemed to sigh a disappointed sigh and drew out its claws. Looking down at the area of corpses it cracked its neck and prepared itself for dropping down on the un-weary sods. However, it was interupted by the calling of its breed. It slowly turned its head into the direction the sounds were coming from and seemingly tutted. The claws retracted and the Hunter stood up on the branch and turned in its partners direction. Blasting single reply from its vocal cords the Hunter then leapt to a different tree. Turning to the corpse ridden shack one last time the Hunter growled, thinking of what could have been. Before he finally made its way towards Pyke...tree hopping.


Tobias' eyes shot open. He was lying down a bed in the inn he had been staying at. He was content in his dream like state until he heard it...the call of Death. It echoed in his ears, it seemed as if it was slowly infecting his brain...killing it. But that could not be so, still, he had to escape the village. That or...confront them.

(OOC: Poozie!!)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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05-27-2002, 09:24 PM
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Originally posted by Jacob
"Its the Pinnacle of metal...mined and altered to be strong enough to withstand a Nuclear blast(!)"
[OOC: Looks like you've been ripped off, mate...]

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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05-27-2002, 10:01 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
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"Hopefully that will be enough excitment for one night..." Spider mumbled. Then, he grabbed one of the parathon corpses and started eating it.
"Ew..." Blue and Olm said in unison.
"What?" Spider said looking up at them, "I am a carnivor and I am hungry...this" he held up the carcass, "to me is food..."
Shaking his head he went back to eating...

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05-29-2002, 05:14 PM
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(OOC: ARGH!!! Alright, people, let's get this straightened out. I happened to be digging through the RPG this morning to find out where we are plot-wise and I find this. Number one: As Rach said, I created the 'Parathons'. They were just a casual thing form my mind that eventually faded into the wood-working soon after I drew about... let's say a whopping amount of three pics of them.

Originally posted by Dark Hood
(OOC: Humph. *Can't wait for Em any longer* I'm gonna have to make a guess on how these creatures behave. Rach explained what they look like.)
Number two. This is what probably what succeeded in sparking my fuse a bit. HOW the hell can I respond when no one even bothered to inform me of this?!! I know all of you quite well and if I saw that one of your creations were being used, I'd tell you A.S.A.P. I especially would tell you right away if people were requesting that you post in a certain topic. I mean... UGH! I mean ya didn't even TELL ME! *Sigh*

Side Note To Jacob: I will allow you to use the Parathons for the RPG. Thought I'd throw that in to lessen the confusion around here.)
-Black Dragon

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05-29-2002, 05:58 PM
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(OOC: I would of told you but i dont know your email, if you could i'll add you and keep you informed and shtuff.)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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05-29-2002, 06:37 PM
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(OOC: Oops. . . Sorry Em. I would of told you if I came online, but you never did, and if you did then I forgot to tell you. . . Oops. . .
*Braces himself for a clout round the head*
However, I would of waited longer if Rach didn't push me to go ahead with the RPG. . .)
- DH

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05-29-2002, 08:19 PM
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(ooc: Yes I am partly to blame...but I was peeved that Chris didn't seem to get it in his head that they weren't mine. I was going to tell you yesterday Em...but it completely slipped my mind and by the time I did remember it you had gone for the day. And of course...once I saw you again this morning you found out about it yourself...I was about to explain but you left too fast...*sigh*

And Chris...you could have PMed her ya know...

Now lets stop this bickering...what's done is done...we cannot undo it...lets just move on)

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Last edited by Sl'askia; 05-29-2002 at 12:29 PM..
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05-29-2002, 08:55 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
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[OOC: Damn you, Rach... The Blame Game is always fun to watch, but you had to put a stop to it, didn't you? ]

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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05-30-2002, 05:48 PM
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(OOC: Indeed it is...but to come onto the RPG and reply just to tell people off for one mistake is a bit out of order.)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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05-30-2002, 08:01 PM
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(OOC: Sorry about blaming Rach there. . . It was my fault, too. However, Em has forgiven us, I think (Well, she's forgiven me over MSN anyway), so lets leave it behind us and carry on. And yes, I did get the Parathon's behaviour right.

Storme says:
They are pack creatures. They prefer high places and attack in groups.
They decended from the trees and attacked in a massive heard. . .)

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05-30-2002, 08:15 PM
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(OOC: Yeh...so thats all good. Anyway...RPG?)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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