*Grabs everyone, shoves them into a big truck and drives to Munch's .....crib.*
Ok people! Lets get this together! Lights! Camera! MAKE-UP!!!!
*Grabs a microphone and walks over the Munch's door.*
Why is there a door in front of a lake anyway? It's not even attached to anything!! Watch!
*Walks around to the other side of the door and waves an arm where the wall should be.*
Munch: Why don't cha knock next time?!
Munch: So what do you want?
Kes: Uh...we're here for the interview? You organised it with Kai....
Munch: I have 150 baby Gabbits running around my house, and you wanna interview me?!
Kes: wow....that's alot of Gabbits.....
Munch: And no one is helping me look after em!! I don't even get single parent allowance!!!
Kes: So...no interview?
Munch: No! .....wait a minute...there's something else you can do for me.....
*a few moments later*
Kes: Do you guys have to film this? It's embarresing....
*looks around at the huge amount of baby Gabbits, newly hatched, hopping around, crawling all over her, runing into things...... and the crew trying to keep them under control.*
Kes: Baby Gabbits would be much cuter if the did make so much mess! Munch'll be back soon...right? Right?!