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12-15-2006, 02:05 PM
mitsur's Avatar
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Thanks for the comments, guys. And Splat, this is for you:


Anyways, here we go with ch.3!



"Mitsur's gone."


I should be as subtle as possible so they don't find me Mitsur thought.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he screamed, running down the hallways at full speed, swinging his arms in every direction. His arms sent anything in his way flying. Pencils, coffee pots, pencil sharpeners, and even Mutual Friend was thrown into the air.

Behind him, SeaRex, Rex Tirano, Havoc, Max the Mug, Arxryl, Nemo, Al The Vykker, and a slightly woozy Snuzi were running, rubber chickens in their hands raised.

SeaRex was shouting obscenities; Havoc and Rexy were humming the William Tell Overture; Max, Arxryl, and Nemo were puffing along; Snuzi kept running into stuff.

"Hey Mitsur, how's it goin'?" Jordan_Boi said to him, oblivious to his yells or the murderous crowd behind Mitsur.

Mitsur's flailing arm collided with Jordan's face with roughly one CNRK (Chuck Norris Roundhouse Kick) unit of energy. Jordan was flown into the air, where his head smashed into the ceiling, and stuck there.

He wiggled, and was popped loose, where he landed right on Snuzi, who, for the third time that day since waking up, was knocked out.

The crowd kept running. Mitsur kept running. He was looking desperately for the infinite hallway, where he could find some sanctuary.

Mitsur suddenly remembered. He could use the conveniently-placed stair! The damn thing was just about everywhere, and lead to any place you wanted to on the second floor.

He concentrated, and then looked to his right. Where there had once been dirty, drippy wall, there was a door. He opened it and ran inside, then up the flight of steps, until he went through another door.

He glanced back down the stairs. SeaRex and co. were still chasing him, and Jordan had joined them to replace the thrice-knocked out Snuzi. He still had bits of plaster in his hair, and he seemed to have what appeared to be drywall in his mouth.

Then he went back, and found himself at the beginning of the Infinite Hallway. Alcar's door nearly burned off Mitsur's hair as he ran past it, it's golden-ness shining.

Finally, with the crowd still chasing him, he came to his door, and pulled it opened, and ran inside, but before he could close it, SeaRex stuck his head in, Rexy put her leg between it and the wall, and Al blocked the door with the loose part of his towel.

Havoc tried to put a fake tiger paw to make it look like he was a tiger, but it didn't fit. Jordan and Nemo just stood back and saying, "ANGRY NOISES!!" Max had sat down on the ground and leafing through an encyclopedia, seemingly unconcerned.

For a moment, both Mitsur and SeaRex stared in fascination at the female moderator's bare leg, and then snapped out of it.

"You won't get rid of me in a vaguely-hilarious way this time!" he snarled.

Mitsur nodded gravely, then grabbed Sea's nose, and pulled. Hard.

"I GOT YOUR NOSIE!" Mitsur yelled, and SeaRex yelled, pulled his head back. Mitsur let go, and SeaRex flew backwards, into Jordan, and they both flew backwards into MiyukiMiyazaki's door, which was covered in dust.

Mitsur had no idea how to get Rexy's leg out without being called either pervert or jerk for hitting a girl. Then he looked at Al's towel sticking out of the door, and then Rexy's leg. Understanding suddenly came to him as he remembered Rexy calling Al her lover.

Mitsur hesitated, then reached forward, and grasped the towel. Then he pulled as hard he could. The towel moved slightly.

"What the hell..." Mitsur heard him yell, and then Al gasped. But it was too late. Mitsur pulled a second time, and he fell back, clutching the towel in his hands.

He kicked the door closed, then scrambled up and locked it just as SeaRex dove for the opening, and it again slammed in his face.

From the other side, Al yelled in anger and embarrassment, Nemo told him to cover up, and SeaRex ran off. Jordan was most likely making the head-banging noise. The faint noise of pages turning told Mitsur Max was still reading.

Rexy, however, just said "Oh, my!" and started to giggle.

Mitsur thrust the towel under the door before any questionable events happened outside his door, and turned to his room, wiping off his sweat.
His room was simply but comfortably arranged. In one corner, a comfy couch was in front of a huge HD 1808i TV, which he had gotten as a bonus for his custom title. The only problem was, Havoc had sabotaged the satellite so all anyone could get was the San Francisco Zoo Tiger exhibits live.

Connected to it was an Xbox 360, a bonus for hitting 1000 posts. On a desk was a computer which had the OWF posting network as the homepage.
Off to the left, a door leading to the bathroom waited, and a closet was hanging empty to the right. Mitsur had wondered dimly why he didn't live in his room, but he had never really thought about it.

Throwing himself onto the couch, he turned on the TV. Instantly, the tigers were in front of him. Groaning over Havoc's OCD about tigers, he decided that getting beat up would be better than seeing The Lion House one more time.

He unlocked his door, and peered cautiously outside. Everyone was gone, except Max, who was still reading, but he looked up when the door opened.

"Oh, hey Mitsur."

"You...you aren't going to beat me up?" Mitsur asked.

"Nah, I'd rather read about Abe's genetic history."

"Oh. Okay. I'm gonna go get something to eat."


Mitsur walked out, and then looked back at Max. Max waved cheerily. Mitsur shrugged, and then looked down. Al's towel was still on the floor. Shivering at the prospect of what it could mean, Mitsur jogged back down the hall.


What the hell is that? Mitsur thought.


Mitsur suddenly realized it, and was about to run, when the voice sounded again, even louder.


Abe16 came out of no where collided with Mitsur, and the turban on his head fell off in mid-sentence.

"I AM OZ THE- What the hell? What time is it?" Abe said, rubbing his head. "Feels like I’ve been hit with a bus...and what's that turban doing their? Wait....Bullet Magnet hasn't forced me into one of his tea parties again, has he?"

Mitsur smacked himself lightly on the head to bring himself back.

"I think you've been hypnotized." He said.


"Yeah. That green jewel probably has something to do with it."

"Eh. Okay. Bullet musta done that, because he said I'd look great in it. I can’t remember anything after he put it on me."

"Yeah, that sounds like something he'd do."

"Well, thanks for freeing my mind."

"Anytime, pal." Mitsur had a vague recollection of what Al had defined pal as, and had to stifle a laugh.

Abe16, still slightly kooky-looking, stumbled off the down the Infinite Hall.

Mitsur went the other way, toward the cafeteria, then realized Abe was probably going to somehow reach the end of the Infinite Hall.

He considered calling after him to turn Abe around, then thought better of it. Abe might even find the meaning of life at the end, if their was one. Better for him to figure it out what he was acting retarded, or it would probably make him back into Oz with the knowledge.

Mitsur shrugged, picked up Al's towel, waved at Max (still reading), and set off to the cafeteria.


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12-15-2006, 02:27 PM
Rex Tirano's Avatar
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Al's.... Towel... Naked... z0mg... *Faints*

- Rexy

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12-15-2006, 03:39 PM
Abe16's Avatar
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Totally awesome story. I love it man,
I'm the guy who annoyed the other old pricks back in '03. ~Abe16~

“You shouldn't just be a band, ... If you've got the time and you've got the space you've got to make something of it. We might balls the whole thing up but you've got to try!”~Josh Homme, Queens of the Stone Age

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12-15-2006, 03:48 PM
Arxryl's Avatar
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Awesome. I love being in the angry mob section. maybe we should have pitchforks and maybe knives... or pitchforks with knives and sporks on the bottom.

anyways, great job with the story!

Our fate is sealed only when we accept it. -~Arxryl~-

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12-15-2006, 09:47 PM
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Hahaha Great chapter! Keep it up.

Gotta love my tiger influence over the forums .
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When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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12-15-2006, 11:24 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
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Mitsur excellent story! Even with the questionable things that happened with the towel! lol. Nah j/k all in good fun. Seriously Your story made me laugh and yet kept me interested seeing how different it is! I want to see what else you can cleverly create in the next chapter!
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12-15-2006, 11:39 PM
snuzi's Avatar
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Goddamn it, am I ever going to be conscious for longer than a paragraph?

Great job though, mitsur. I like how it's coming along

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12-16-2006, 03:19 AM
Spirrow's Avatar
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Ha, great chapters, Mitsur. Max caring about nothing but his books...hey,
wait, where's Xavier the goth guy?

Niocely composed. Great Job.
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Why does hell tend to freeze over?

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12-16-2006, 03:20 AM
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This is great, can't wait for the next chapter
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12-16-2006, 10:20 AM
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Hmm... it appears I am a maniacal tea-party enthusiast with a penchant for mind-control devices. An interesting take on my persona
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12-16-2006, 12:45 PM
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It's still missing your friendly neighborhood RPG moderator

Is Stingbee ever going to make an appearance? Maybe as a distraction for the angry mob. (No one will ever notice him if he makes a clever alias such as... Beesting!

And I loved the Mutual Friend bit, keep it up!
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

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12-16-2006, 03:15 PM
mitsur's Avatar
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something terrible has happened. I have lost ch 4. I had it, but it was accidentaly lost. I'll have it up soon, I have to rewrite it.


Last edited by mitsur; 12-16-2006 at 03:18 PM..
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12-16-2006, 03:37 PM
snuzi's Avatar
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Aw man, that's a shame.

I wish ya the best of luck, rewriting it though, mitsur

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12-16-2006, 05:36 PM
mitsur's Avatar
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Thanks Snuzi and anyone else who expresses condolences while I type this. Anyway, I'm throwing in a bunch of new people this time, and actually adding a plot.

Here we go!



"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Mitsur heard the scream from the other end of the Infinite Corridor. It seemed that abe16 had found what was ever at the end, and hadn't liked it.

Mitsur felt a pang of pity for Abe. He must have gone mad. Then Mitsur spotted a quarter on the hall floor. He leaned over, all thoughts of Abe's insanity forgotten.

"So...shiny..." He mumbled. He grabbed it, and put the quarter in his pocket. He kept walking down the hall, and reached the door. He went through, right back into the entrance hall.

As he began his way to the cafeteria, he saw Splat step from the shadows on the other side, wearing a trench coat and fedora hat, along with a pair of dark sunglasses. He looked pointedly at Mitsur and the pay phone nearby him, and turned casually away.

Sighing, Mitsur dug the quarter out of his pocket, looked at it one last time, and put it in. He dialed a few numbers, and Splat's cell phone rang. Mitsur put the phone to his ear. He tossed Al's towel onto the floor with some revolution.

"Hello?" Mitsur heard Splat's voice twice, once from the splat down the hall, again from the voice in the phone.

"Splat, you can stop being stupid."

"Were you followed?"

"Um, I don't think so. Unless Max has Sam Fisher-like stealth."

"Fine. Did you sweep the room for bugs?"

"You mean, like cockroaches?"

"Never mind. I'm in-bound."

Splat hung up, and sauntered down the hall, and made a huge show of bumping into Mitsur.

"Oh, hey Mitsur! How's it goin?!"

"Splat, you have to stop watching Casino Royale! It wasn't that good!"

"I loved that movie!" Splat said in an elaborately casual voice. Then it lowered. "I've got the package. We should stay here; it's not safe. Let's go find a better place. Meet me in the cafeteria, stat."

With that, Splat melted back into the shadows. Mitsur rolled his eyes, pretending not to hear the clunking noises coming from the vent above him.

When he got to the door, a laser punched through the metal until it cut off a circle-like hole. Splat fell through and hit the ground with a crash, then jumped to his feet.

"Let's move."

Mitsur stood to one side and Splat gave the door a flying jump-kick and knocked it off its hinges. He landed neatly, and motioned Mitsur in.

A deafening amount of conversation hit Mitsur in the ears as he walked in. The cafeteria was packed; all the tables were full of people chatting. At the end, the serving line was like a snake. The second's line was miniscule. (Mitsur noticed that the main dish was REXY'S OATMEAL FLAKES)

At the left end, there was an impromptu bar. Seated at it was the once-angry mob.

SeaRex was tossing ingredients willy-nilly into a blender; Havoc and Jordan_Boi were having a drinking contest with what appeared to be Listerine; Snuzi and Mutual Friend were playing Slapjack; Nemo and Skillya_glowi were passed out together in puddles of Sprite; and Patrick Vykkers was polishing a glass in a bartender outfit.

Mitsur and Splat took two empty stools in the middle, and sat down. Splat took off the trench coat, hat, and glasses, revealing a tuxedo beneath.

Splat cleared his throat, and leaned toward SeaRex.

"Ahem...the rooster is in the hayloft. I repeat, the rooster is in the hayloft." he whispered. SeaRex groaned.

"You just had to get him started, huh Mitsur? Now he'll never stop."

"Hey Splat." Mitsur said. "Why are you wearing a tuxedo?"

Splat pretended not to hear. "Excuse me, bartender? I'd like a martini-"

"-shaken, not stirred." Mitsur finished for him. He rolled his eyes. Patrick nodded to Splat's order, and started getting ingredient together.

Snuzi pushed the cards away from him in disgust. "I can't believe I lost again. I should've played against someone I know I can beat." Snuzi suddenly brightened. "Oy, Bullet Magnet! Get over here; I wanna show you something! Mutual, I'll see you later." Mutual nodded, and ambled over to a table with Ghost, Sapphire Diamond, Wired, and Spirrow sitting at it, deep in conversation.

Bullet Magnet came up. "Tea please, in a green teacup." Patrick, apparently a man of few words, nodded.

"Hey, Bullet. What's with the turban on Abe16 thing?' Mitsur asked.

Bullet colored. "What turban?"

"The one that made Abe think he was Oz."

"Oh, that turban! I just got this crazy idea, see, that if I spray painted the hope diamond and-" Snuzi cut Bullet off in mid-sentence.

"Will you deal already? I need to get my booze-money back!"

Grateful for the interruption, Bullet turned toward Snuzi and started to deal.

"Check please." Havoc mumbled as he took another sip of Listerine, and tipped backwards off the stool, a fake tiger tail sewn to the seat of his jeans. Jordan gave a victory cry, then toppled off the stool also, a bottle of mouthwash still clutched in his hands.

Dripik immediately came up and took the stools.

"Hey, have you guys seen Al or Rexy?" he asked.

Mitsur decided now would not be the time to tell him about the towel-pulling incident. Or his suspision that Al and Rexy's abscene was not a coincidence.

"Um, no." he said.

"Oh well. Well, I need to go make sure Rupture Farms is ok without me. I'm gonna go. Thanks, guys." he walked off. Mitsur shrugged, and turned toward Patrick.

"Hey, Pat. Can you make me a Bloody Mary? With just a slice of lemon." Mitsur asked. Patrick nodded again, and grabbed a glass. He tossed it into the air, and Mitsur almost felt the bullet time come on as time slowed down.

Patrick grabbed down, pulled up two drink hoses, and fired at the glass. The liquids hit the glass, filling it up and spinning it, the centrifugal force keeping the drink in. It kept moving up.

Pat grabbed a lemon, tossed it up, turned, and grabbed a knife. He lunged upwards, and, like an old samurai film, fell on the other side of it on one knee. The glass fell bottom down onto the table, not one drop spilled. The lemon divided into ten pieces, and a wedge landed directly on the edge of the glass and stuck there. Almost as an afterthought, Patrick put an umbrella in it and handed it to an awestruck Mitsur.

The whole cafeteria was silent for a moment, and then it broke out into thunderous applause.

"How the hell did you learn that, Patrick!?" SeaRex asked, as he methodically checked Havoc's pockets for a wallet.

"You wouldn't believe how many times I’ve seen The Matrix and old samurai films. It seemed infinite." He said. Snuzi grabbed the lemon slices out of the air and popped them into his mouth. His face immediately scrunched into a fish face. SeaRex turned on the blender, and then poured the resulting glop into a cup. He tossed it to Snuzi.

"Here, this'll take that sour-ness out of your mouth in a hurry." he said. Snuzi nodded thankfully, and drank it in one go. His eyes rolled back and he passed out again.

Bullet leaned over, slapped Snuzi to make sure he was out, and checked his back pocket and pulled out a wallet. He pulled out two 100 bills, and was about to give a yell of triumph when he realized it was Monopoly money. He sighed, and put it back.

"HIDEY-HO, EVERYBODY!!!!" A voice screamed from other side of the cafeteria.

"Speaking of infinite..." Mitsur sighed. "Abe16 somehow got to the end of the Infinite Hall. I think it drove him crazy..."

"How do you figure that, Mitsur? It is, after all, the Infinite Hall. Not the Slightly-long wide Hall." A voice behind everyone said. They all looked back, and then had to look away. An intense white light was shining. Somewhere, a duet of Angels started to sing.

"Je-bus Alcar! Take off all that gold! And make Sapphire and Rexy stop singing!" Havoc yelled, who was now awake. He checked Jordan's wallet while shielding his eyes, then kicked him awake.

"Wha..?" Jordan said, and then caught Alcar's bling full-force. "ARGHHH! MY EYES!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"

"Sorry." Alcar said, and stowed it away in his jacket pocket. "You can stop now, ladies!" Sapphire nodded, and went back to her lunch as though nothing had happened. Rexy, however, took off in a direction that was suspiciously toward Al's room.

Jordan continued to flail around for a few seconds, and then collapsed to the floor.

"I'll have a grape soda." Alcar said, and Patrick nodded. "And none of the cool flipping stuff. I'm thirsty"

Just then, Max ran in, and spotted Abe. Swearing, he went up to the bar.

"Geez, Abe's gone nuts...I found him stumbling away from some kinda black orb at the end of the hall. Now he won't stop quoting South Park." he said.

"Here," SeaRex said, "Give him this." he tossed Max what was left of Snuzi knockout punch. Max grabbed it, and took off for Abe.

"Well," Mitsur said, standing up and stretching, "Thanks for not beating me to a pul-"

"You guys gave up, too?" Arxryl said, as he walked up. He was holding a little red button, which he handed to Havoc.

"What's that?" Bullet asked curiously.

"Um, nothing." Havoc said. He stowed it in his back pocket and idly started attaching straws to his face like whiskers.

"Yeah, I’m too hungry to open up a can of whoop-ass on Mitsur right now." SeaRex said, tossing an M&M that had spontaneously appeared in his hands into his mouth.

"Me, too." Jordan said. "I'm starting to feel all that old fondness for him I had before he Chuck-Norris'd me into the ceiling."

"Hey, thanks guys. Well, I'm gonna go take a sh-" Mitsur began, but alarms cut him off.


"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?" Havoc yelled over the alarm.

Alcar had paled. "IT'S THE n00b ALARM! EVERYONE, GET TO YOUR STATIONS!!!!"

The cafeteria exploded into movement. Sapphire jumped from her table and her back exploded into wings, and she flew off. Mutual, seemingly unconcerned about this defiance of rational thought, dashed toward the urinal that was for some reason on the nearby wall. He jammed his foot in, grasped the flusher, and pushed. He whirled around multiple times, and disappeared down the drain.

Ghost slowly faded away, until he was invisible. The door opened, and then closed apparently by itself. Wired spontaneously combusted, but when the smoke cleared, he was gone. Spirrow hurdled a table and turned into a Sparrow in mid-air, and flew off.

Bullet Magnet and SeaRex vaulted over the bar counter, and disappeared a trap door that was hidden beneath a rug behind it. Patrick doused Snuzi's face in cold water to wake him up, and they went to the drink rack. Patrick grasped a vodka bottle, Snuzi grabbed a Coor's, and they both pulled their drink like a lever. The wall spun around blindingly fast, and they were gone when it stopped.

Nemo and skillya finally woke up and dashed at the wall. They went through it without leaving a mark. Havoc and Jordan snapped their fingers. They turned into a tiger and scrab, respectively. They roared and ran off. Arxryl grabbed the potted plant on the counter, spoke something to it, and touched the leaf. They both melted into the floor and disappeared.

Splat, who had dove behind an over-turned table when the alarms went off, was holding a pistol with a long-shafted silencer on it. He looked around, and dashed out the door, pistol raised.

Mitsur sat dumbstruck. In two minutes, the whole cafeteria had emptied, the people going to their stations in either strange or hilarious ways.

Then he snapped out of it. He leaped onto the over-turned table, grasped the lamp above it, and pulled once. The chain lowered, and Mitsur put his foot on the glass. He tugged thrice, and he was pulled into the darkness above.


Ah man, I hate having to write stuff twice. I kept getting things mixed up. Still, this is my favorite chapter to write, yet! If any of you have read the Dark Tower series, you might notice that the black orb Abe ran away in the Infinite Hall was in fact Black 13.

Thanks for reading.

Not chapter tommorow unless I'm really eager to do it. Snowboarding all day.

Let the comments commence!


Last edited by mitsur; 12-16-2006 at 08:45 PM..
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12-16-2006, 05:49 PM
Abe16's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
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Real good chapter there Mitsur, keep'em coming.
I'm the guy who annoyed the other old pricks back in '03. ~Abe16~

“You shouldn't just be a band, ... If you've got the time and you've got the space you've got to make something of it. We might balls the whole thing up but you've got to try!”~Josh Homme, Queens of the Stone Age

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12-16-2006, 05:53 PM
snuzi's Avatar
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What a fool I am. As I was reading this, I actually though, "Hey, maybe mitsur will make me conscious for an entire chapter this time and actually give my character some importance!". Damn you for being so gullible, five-minutes-ago-snuzi. Damn you.

Besides that, I really liked it . You know, once you're done with this, you and I should collaborate along with a few other people and create another one that has to do with OWF. Each person can do a chapter. It'll be fun

P.S. Please...just please make me conscious from now on?

I realize you're probably going to just disregard that and have me knocked out again in some unexpected manner, but it was worth a shot nonetheless.

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12-16-2006, 05:57 PM
mitsur's Avatar
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What a fool I am. As I was reading this, I actually though, "Hey, maybe mitsur will make me conscious for an entire chapter this time and actually give my character some importance!". Damn you for being so gullible, five-minutes-ago-snuzi. Damn you.

Besides that, I really liked it . You know, once you're done with this, you and I should collaborate along with a few other people and create another one that has to do with OWF. Each person can do a chapter. It'll be fun

P.S. Please...just please make me conscious from now on?

I realize you're probably going to just disregard that and have me knocked out again in some unexpected manner, but it was worth a shot nonetheless.

You would be correct, sir! Although you will have an awesome action part, as will everyone else.

Someone's gotta fight off those incoherent n00bs.


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12-16-2006, 06:05 PM
snuzi's Avatar
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snuzi  (12)

Well, that sounds promising. I can't wait to read it

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12-16-2006, 09:56 PM
Arxryl's Avatar
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this sounds too cool. Especially that part about me and the plant sinking into the fllor. this thing is turning out to be awesome!

Our fate is sealed only when we accept it. -~Arxryl~-

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12-17-2006, 03:26 AM
Splat's Avatar
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I can honestly say I laughed until I began to cry. Fantastic. I loved all the secret agent randomness!
So will this n00b burn our ears with its incoherent-ness, or will it be a troll and smash everything?
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

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12-17-2006, 06:54 AM
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Or maybe he'll hack the entire system and scream "All your posts are belong to me!"
This n00btacular twist to the story sounds very interesting.

Our fate is sealed only when we accept it. -~Arxryl~-

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12-17-2006, 09:00 AM
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So what I did was, I created about two or three accounts and went on a spamming orgy on his forum. It was so much fun, but all of my posts ended up being deleted, save for three, which he left to stick around to ban me. My second account got banned after 2 posts I think)
Skillya you rock! That sounds so funny!
Mitsur this story is amazing, it's a wicked idea, well done
It's really funny, and I can't wait for chapter 3, ROCK ON!
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12-17-2006, 10:37 AM
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Heh, another great chapter. I wonder why was I looking for Al and Rexy?... Or why did I take the stools?... These might have importance some other time, eh? But you got my current W@RF-attitude perfectly, I'm just checking but not posting anything there.

I'm seriously thinking about making illustrations about this story. What do you think, mitsur? Most 'characters' have pictures in WDYLL.

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12-17-2006, 10:42 AM
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Splat...was holding a pistol with a long-shafted silencer on it.

Well I don't like the sound of that. Thank the Odd for *hopeful* bullet-proof trap doors.
| (• ◡•)|  (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)

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12-17-2006, 10:57 AM
Arxryl's Avatar
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Heh, another great chapter. I wonder why was I looking for Al and Rexy?... Or why did I take the stools?... These might have importance some other time, eh? But you got my current W@RF-attitude perfectly, I'm just checking but not posting anything there.

I'm seriously thinking about making illustrations about this story. What do you think, mitsur? Most 'characters' have pictures in WDYLL.
Well, I don't know about Mitsur, but that sounds cool! I'd love to see some pictures.

Our fate is sealed only when we accept it. -~Arxryl~-

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12-17-2006, 01:35 PM
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Heh, another great chapter. I wonder why was I looking for Al and Rexy?... Or why did I take the stools?... These might have importance some other time, eh? But you got my current W@RF-attitude perfectly, I'm just checking but not posting anything there.

I'm seriously thinking about making illustrations about this story. What do you think, mitsur? Most 'characters' have pictures in WDYLL.

Dripik, that sounds like an awesome idea. If you can do them, or find someone who can, that'd be great. I'd prefer the pictures to be the best possible, so it will make the fan fic that much more popular.

Please, when you get some done, PM me them, don't post them here in the open. I'll put them all in one big piece as the cover. It'll be great.

Thanks a bunch!

And sorry guys, but like I said, no chapter until tommorow.


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12-17-2006, 02:21 PM
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Haha love it! At least I'm being kept busy.

- Rexy

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12-17-2006, 02:36 PM
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And sorry guys, but like I said, no chapter until tommorow.
Well, I can wait that long. It's like waiting for the Oddworld movie to come out. I'm sure it's worth the wait. Besides I have some homework to do...
*opens up media player instead*

Our fate is sealed only when we accept it. -~Arxryl~-

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12-17-2006, 03:18 PM
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Mitsur this is hilarious! Thank you so much for including me in it, the bits you put about me made me laugh like mad!!
I wonder who that noob is... Lord Vulcher perhaps?
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12-17-2006, 08:18 PM
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Perhaps it's someone who hasn't yet registered, but will cause trouble in the future .

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