If Halo 2 is just more military grunts popping off aliens in sub-par desinged environments, Then Stranger will own it.
"Why do you always assume so goddamned much?!
"they want to surprise us"
"they shouldn't tell us anything"
"OW4 is going be amazeing"
"knowing how much OWI is keeping a lot secret"
Swhaa? You seriously do assume way to much and pass it off as fact..."
In all fairness, these aren't so much assumptions as conclusions based on what Lorne has said about the problems with Munch's Oddysee. If anyone remembers, MO was going to be twice the game it turned out to be. Oddworld threw information all over the place about stuff that would be in the game, including the elusive Sea-rex. Lorne felt that after unloading all this information only to have most of it shaved off the final product, fans were turned off considerably, not to mention the X-box conversion. They just don't want to get our expectations too lofty, to where the magnificence of the final product doesn't have the impact it should.