Peter Capaldi is an actor with such gravitas he manages to keep me from turning off. The writing is abysmal these days, and it doesn't help that it's regarded in the same league as some major American TV series which have budgets far in excess of Doctor Who. Where the relatively inexperienced Matt Smith couldn't, Capaldi props the show up with his acting, but the scripts don't do him justice.
Moffat was one of my favourite individual writers in the RTD era, but he doesn't really have what it takes to take the show in this bold and exciting direction he's craving. Time to step down.
Don't you think he looks tired?
I couldn't disagree more about the writing. Series 8 has been fantastic in terms of writing compared to the abysmal series 6 and 7, it almost feels like series 2 all over again, but with a bit of Tom Baker and Colin Baker mixed in.
Tonight's episode was a prime example of that. They let the characters breathe and it leaves me in high hopes that Doctor Who is actually getting good again.
In other news I watched WataMote and it's my most favouritest anime evar.