Got some pent up frustrations there? Jeez.
Sorry for sharing my opinions about something I'm perfectly entitled to, oh wait, I forgot you're a child raping baby murdering sociopath who lied about being in Vietnam and wears diapers, my bad.
IMO Valve is one of the better game developers out there. It's one of the very few (if any) developers that still develop new content and support for their older games. Counter Strike: Source is getting a major overhaul (and I do mean major) and that game is from what, 2004? The original is from the 90's. People still play that in mass so Valve keeps supporting it which is how it should be done. Not yank the servers offline because you've got a new game that needs more attention or something.
Sorry, but what you're viewing as dedication to their fans is just being smart businesspeople. Why take the time to make something new when you can make some minor adjustments, dress them up as something more significant then they are and make it look like it's a huge deal? that's essentially the Valve business model, right there.
Their only problem is time. They will announce something and take so long to actually show anything off that everyone starts forgetting about it all together. Then Valve comes along with another announcement to slap everyone awake again. BUT, when they do release something new it's almost always top quality.
I actually never mentioned Valve Time, but thanks for pointing it out.
Furthermore there is not a single developer as involved with their community covering such a wide array of games. Games like TF2 and L4D have gotten tons of new features over time that were specifically requested by the community.
So? Would you trust the gaming community as a whole with adding improvements to games? In my experience Gamers tend to be a unoriginal, unfunny morons. Sure, some good ideas have farted through, but it's not so much community involvement as Valve saying "Fuck it, they'll play it anyway."
That's why everyone loves Valve, and they deserve it.
Wow. Fucking
Just to clarify: I do like Valve's games. They are easily one of the better developers out there. I think they make very, very good games, but in the process of improving TF2 they just fucked IT up beyond belief. It's like they drew a nice picture, started adding little details to it, then some little kid with a plethora of vomit markers got a hold of it and wrecked it. Portal 2 and Half Life 2: Episode 3? Sign me up. But they need to take a few steps back and fix up TF2.
I wasn't expecting everyone to go apeshit over that post. Now I'm scared.
I don't think of anyone here as the kind of batshit insane Valve fans I'm talking about in my first reply (barring Havoc). I just find rabid fanboyism of any kind irritating and stupid (Any exceptions are relative to my tastes, of course) and Valve has some really stupid, irritating fans who the company seems to listen to more than anyone else. Sure, good for them for being community oriented, unfortunately they absorbed so much fan ideas they're like some kind of giant bad idea sponge.