Shit man, Al your life seems tough. Makes me realise how much I take my life for granted.
Nah don't say that man, I'm just like anyone else there are circumstances in which we attain things. Life has been good to me, my parents have worked very hard all their lives so that my brothers and I could live only ways they could have dreamed of. I'm what you consider middle class here, but I don't complain about it middle class isnt bad at all. I just know there are a lot people have it worse than me and I was trying to explain to dino that I'm not one of the super rich or rich pretty boys smashing cars driving reckless and being stupid. I'm from a nice middle class family that has in the past three years after the economy started to get screwed up due to the idiot running the country...and we have had to endure some rough times after my dad who used to have a very good job lost it do to the Internet Technology department he was in charge of being outsourced and his position being terminated.
After a large gap of time without him working we cut costs where we could and mainly stayed to getting necessities and not using money to "burn", but luckily for over a year now my dad has had work again and we are now maintaining a balance and have enough to keep everything we have, and make sure to pay off anything that before he lost his job that could cause us trouble if it happened again. That's the reason I'm having a job right now, mind you its not full time, but my parents have to pay for the bills and such like anyone else, and I just want to chip in so I dont have to ask for money to save for something or have in case if I wanna go out to the movies or go buy something or have for gifts for people etc, go out with friends, etc. So that my parents don't have to give me the money and I Can rely more on myself too is the bottom line.
I've already gone way too far off topic, but I thought I'd clarify that there is a lot more people worse off than my family and I in this country. I just wanted to state the facts that we arent like the
rich rich people that I know of that Dino mentioned. That is the definate end of my story here. So please just know I'm not trying to be a martyr but was just trying to explain what I am and what I'm not.