Hang on, you can’t seriously say that Mirror’s Edge is more vibrant than Generations.
There's such a thing as contrast, buddy.
Tonight on
Albie's Hip 'n' Happening Art Game Whatchamacallit,
Thirty Flights of Loving.
Ever wanted a game equivalent of Twelve Monkeys? To be handed a menagerie of settings and characters and left to make the connections yourself? Here it is. Blendo's forte is communicating with the player as a (good) film would a viewer, explaining everything while saying nothing, through environmental cues.
It's about three people, and their lives together. More than that is THPOILERTH THPOILERTH. It is only twenty minutes long, max, though that comes up to maybe forty if you haven't played the (included) prequel,
Gravity Bone. Which I also posted about. Not that anyone remembers.
Next week: You and your neckbeard