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01-08-2007, 03:49 PM
Mudukon Shaman's Avatar
Mudukon Shaman
: Jan 2007
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Mudukon Shaman  (10)

Name: Alex

Nickname: Johnny Thunder (Just made that out of nowhere)

Age: 19

Sex And Specie: Male/Mudokon

Discription: A Mudokon shaman that is slightly lighter than other muds.

Weapons: A sligs machine gun (Limited Ammo) and a slingshot

Personality: Very smart, he likes hunting and having slingshot practice.

Backstory/Bio: Alex was with a mudokon village for his whole life training to be a shaman. He could possess things and heal things. One day the village had a war against another village of mudokons. Alex didn't know what to do so he ran out of the village into the woods wandering around eating what he could find.

IC: One day Alex was climbing up a huge tree to see if there was something to kill and eat up there. On the ground 2 scrabs were fighting when suddenly one of them got headbutted into the tree. The tree shook lots and it snapped falling down and crushing both scrabs. Alex hit the ground and thought he would die, but instead he was perfectelly normal. The reason for that is unknown.

So he got back up and started to hunt again. He suddenly realised that he was lost. He started wandering around the forest hunting things he could to eat. He was wandering for about 3 days. While wandering, he found a dead slig that got squashed from a big rock that fell on him. He picked up the sligs machine gun and saw that because the rock hit half of it it had limited ammo. He put the gun in to his loin clothe next to his slingshot that all mudokons carry.

He was still wandering when he saw that a scrab was charging at him. He got out his sligs machine gun and shot it in the head 5 times so it would die straight away. He went up to the dead scrab and shot it again to make sure it was dead. So he kept wandering until he found a group of native animals.

He thought he saw a shrykull which he believed was a god. He ran up to it and started praising it on his knees. He then realised that the Shrykull was with a slog, a vyker many many fleeches, a scrab and another mudokon. He felt releived to see another mudokon but did not know why they werent all having a gigantic fight since he thought that they would all be enemies.

OOC: Is this a good start? Could someone tell me if it is or not or it need to be modified? Please?

Oh yeah and i have just finished reading all 16 pages, boy that did take a long time.

and could someone post about when i walked into the group or something please?

Ok i edited it

Last edited by Mudukon Shaman; 01-09-2007 at 01:24 PM..
01-09-2007, 06:57 AM
Zerox's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
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Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

OOC: Seems kinda lucky to find all those items in such a brief period of time...
Obtainment of shaman powers doesn't make sense. just make him have trained or something, then fled the village that was destroyed earlier.
Invisibility orb? Godmod there possibly? Maybe not if animals can still sense his presence, while eyed species cannot see him. But posessed shaman? Seems a bit...guh.
Edit those things and it should be fine.
Having the items is mostly fine. Dunno about the invisibility orb, but otherwise acceptable.
01-11-2007, 04:58 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
: At a thearpy session.
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OOC: Yeah, the equipment would be nice to shorten, so the character isn't so powerful.

Speaking of rules, I just found out that The Albino Scrab's rules read that you are not to change the storyline. Whoops doesn't cover it really. I guess we can get the Mudokons to get some more attention. Maybe even get to them to find the Albino Scrab.

IC: Slurp 1 sensed the presense of the multi-limbed creature along with Shryke. That creature frightened him, yet Shryke trusted him and what he says is what the colony needs according to the queen. Yet it didn't help him much to think. He would have to tell his friend the truth about him and the queen's decision about Shryke's outcome on his placement inside the colony.

Slurp began wearily, ignoring the creepy creature, "Well Shryke, the queen has made a decision, and I am rather upset about it. I was promoted a high level in the Offense Class of the colony since I am the only Fleech left alive of that system. Either that, or the rest is ashamed and denies the existance of being in such a class. So I was promoted, but you were to. In fact, you are the top class that a Fleech could get around here. I'm just upset since now everyone thinks you are the most important creature around here. And I am not getting any graditude for saving your life. No one seems to think of me any more as anyone, but just a Fleech like everyone else. I'm just a little down from that whole sitution.

By the way, we need to assemble a new Fleech force. Over half of the Fleeches of the orginal colony is gone and we need to get a group of Fleeches to fight off the Industerials."

01-12-2007, 02:56 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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IC: Shryke was rather shocked at what Slurp said. He was just trying to help generally. He didn't feel, or maybe he didn't even want to be considered more important than anyone else. Slurp had saved him. He'd needed Slurp before, and still needed him as a friend. He looked at Slurp and said "I'm very surprised at what you just said. I do not think that I am a leader at all, nor exactly try to be one 100%. I'm just trying make suggestions and support our cause. And...how can I be promoted to a Fleech's rank? I am no Fleech. I'mnot really...a...anything. I don't think of myself as being of higher rank than anyone else, so you should not regard me as such. You are my equal in every way.
As for fighting off the industrialists, I've just been discussing with Angela here about what we should do next. I proposed a spying operation. I am hoping she comes with us, as she knows them well. I know she is with us, and I know I can trust her. Some Fleeches with us could be helpful, particularly since we can not get into quite as small spaces. I was planning on leaving soon, so if you like, you can gather some other Fleeches and bring them to come with us.If you do, be careful who you choose. They must be able to keep quiet and still. No noisy individuals, please. I'll be waiting here for you."
01-12-2007, 07:29 AM
Necrophagia's Avatar
: Jan 2007
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Necrophagia  (10)
This Is Awesome!

Name: Necrophagia

Nickname: The Cannibal

Age: Unknown

Sex And Specie: Male/Glukkon, part Mudokon

Discription: A hybrid breed of the Glukkon species, The Only Glukkon to ever have six limbs. Other features include Unbelievably-excellent vision and after effectively and correctly (however this is possible ) transplanted/replaced his own teeth with slog teeth, realised he had knowledge of vykker doctory.

Weapons: Lust for raw meat, Rusted chipped shovel

Personality: Is believed to be a mute - cannot speak, so naturally, has a very secluded personality. Spiteful, but very very devious. Is a Sadistic-Fleech breeder.

Backstory/Bio: Deep in the surgeons lair of vykker labs, an ingenious surgeon had the idea to mix the two superior races - Glukkon and sadly enough (for the industrialists) Mudokon. his creation was " A complete scientific marvel! " but as the creature got older, it had developed intreging, yet dangerous qualitys, discovered one evening, after it had devoured a clumsy intern. the creature was named "Necrophagia" after it's cannibalistic/carnivorousness properties. but the cannible wanted out. it wanted to escape the prison-like chamber it was kept in. using his mudokon genious, he quickly gto out, and into an unused cargo dump chamber. using it's 3rd set of limbs ( a de-formed pair of hands similar to a mudokon, but 4 joints in each finger ) it had tricked the security system into dumping the contents of all the cargo chambers. plummeting towards the ground, it quickly realized, that that wasn't as planned as it should have been. after recovering from the fall, the cannibal acquired a job as a industrialist-grave digger. hmm. after being fired for eating - not burying the corpses, he was sacked. in a raged fueled slur of events he had quickly done away with his ex-ex-boss and all of his co-workers. then, claiming the graveyard as his own, he set up residence there, with one thought in mind - free food. *gag* Is wanted by m.o.m for mass-murder and crimes against society.

Woah, that took awhile. sorry for it being...dark, i have a ... dark imagination.
please tell me what's wrong with it. apart from what obvious.

EDIT: ok i chanaged abit of it, according to what was recommended. the arms protrude out of the part of the glukkon attire, where the arms should be. ok, he's not related to mullock anymore. more, and i added something in that parts place. And if others work with me i can successfully integrate him in don't you worry.

Last edited by Necrophagia; 01-13-2007 at 07:07 AM.. : Rules, Apperence, Spelling, junk
01-12-2007, 08:16 AM
Zerox's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2006
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Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

Ooh, interesting. But...cannibalism os of your own species ONLY. Not things like Vykkers etc. also. So perhaps it should be changed to 'certain meats'?
Hmm...where do the Mudokon arms sprout from? Presuming it looks like a normal, naked Glukkon in other respects, could you say where those come from exactly?
Glukkons would have excellent vision anyway, like humans. But, presumably, like humans, their other senses are lacking big time in comparison to even very common animals and insects, such as smell and taste.
Some also may complain about blood line being close to Mollucks, as the rules state that official characters cannot be involved at all in the RPGs in any way.
The bio is certainly...um...interesting. maybe he sharpens his teeth or something?
I'd like to see how such a...unique character can intrigate it's way into the story.
01-12-2007, 09:39 AM
Necrophagia's Avatar
: Jan 2007
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Necrophagia  (10)

Ok, I'm Ready And Willing.
``` Feeding on the innocent ```
Work is for losers. I just live off of my inheritance and masturbate copiously.

01-12-2007, 05:42 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
: At a thearpy session.
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Slaveless  (36)

OOC: Hm, nice character. I'm interested to see how he will come into the story. Can you put in a little more how he is going to the West Shrubton? That is all I ask.

IC: Slurp 1 was thankful that Shryke that way since he knows that his friend was not amused or excited about his position. He tried to plan that he would help go complete missions with him yesterday because of the potiential that they might help the colony grow powerful. Of course, this was before his home was destroied and invaded. He needed Shryke as much as he needed him, since they both supported each others' survival. They were in debt of many things, such as saving the two from harm in different ways, helping each other make decisions, and stand by their side in the worst of cases. That was a stronger friendship that Slurp had with anyone. Even his other half.

He listened onto the other issue Shryke brought up and was rather confused. Spying? He knew what that meant, but that seemed so CFIA. Slurp couldn't see how spying would solve their problems. So he exclaimed as well, "I feel the same way about your position, but we would have to discuss that with the queen. On the other hand, I am suppose follow orders under you. Yet, as a friend, I am going to say that the plan seems a little lacked in planning. I am allowed to question your idea, by saying that the idea is confusing, so I am going to say this. What good will come out of spying? It won't help us keep alive, except uncover our identity. Fleeches will naturally kill the Sligs. We are consumers of meat. I would have to find Fleeches able to control their urge to kill. Can you describe why we need spies, since I don't see why we need them. All we need to know is what to expect from them, which shouldn't be hard with two inhabiants that we already have that is already a friend of your's. Why do we need spies?"

01-12-2007, 11:38 PM
Zerox's Avatar
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IC: "Well, my plan was, since we haven't seen the Sligs for a while, is to go and have a look and see what they are doing, what progress they've made and perhaps what else they are planning. A full on attack is rather out of the question, so we need information as to who is their leader, governer, whomever. If we find out who that is, we can find and hopefully kill him, if he doesn't listen to reason. This should disrupt the Sligs' progression through the forest, and perhaps we could even get him/her to call them off before we deal with them. We need some kind of information as to what exactly they are doing and how they are progressing. A full on assault will just not work, I don't think. Soo...should we go to see the queen about it then?"

OOC: Sklitch is still chewing Elum carcass, by the way.
01-13-2007, 04:19 AM
Necrophagia's Avatar
: Jan 2007
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Necrophagia  (10)

OOC: Since Necrophagia cannot talk, Italics Means he is thinking.

After several month's of solitude, apart from his meals, the cannibal had become weary of his lifestyle. even though he was casted as a pariah be all he had come across (resulting in total bodily satisfaction) he felt empty and needed...something, something to fill that emptiness. picking up his trusty shovel, he gathered some food and put it in a rather large burlap sack. setting off on a journey, with an unknown destination, he trudged through the dense forest, clearing the way with the sharp, rusted shovel. he eventually found himself in an unfamiliar town.
Hmmm, these .... whatever they are, know nothing of my checkered past. It's time too decieve these unsuspecting...things into doing my bidding
Looking around he soon realised that these were clackers, the most annoying poultry on oddworld, apart from maybe thoses genetically mutated ones that wander the basements of vykkers...

He waltzed into the town looking rather apathetic. A large, particularyly ugly looking claccker walked up to him; " Weeeell, looks like we having a new-in the our humble town, yeeep." The cannibal winced at the frightfully denatured accent of the clacker species. " weeell, are ya just gonna stand there, lookin like a rancid sack of potatoes, 'er are ya gonna say somethang? "
The cannibal stared grimly at the lowly sate of life before him, and kept on walking, shoving him out of the way. " Now you cut that out! "
Ignoring the clacker behind him, that was blowing his top, he walked into the city hall. The town mayor woke up from his hourly nap and looked at the frightening beast before him. " whadda y'all want! " screeched the mayor. the cannibal pointed to a wanted poster on the wall. " the albino scrab eh? wellll that crazy critter ain't been seen in years around these parts, you might wanna try goin' west, to shrubton, ya might have more luck thatta way. now get outta here, yur disturbin' my nap y'see?! " tha lazy clakker slumped back into the chair falling asleep again. West shrubton eh? hmmm, never been there before...never really gone anywhere though... the cannibal shuffled over to the wanted poster. one million moolah! that would buy me anything I wanted! and i've got just the right thing in mind.... He stopped for a moment and wondered why clackers, among all things would want an albino scrab. He shrugged it off and briskly left the town hall and wandered to the notice board across the road. a map of oddworld was on the board. scouring the map he found shrubton. Hm, about 4 miles east of here, that would take me right into west shrubton... well that seems easy enough...
He left the town and headed east. Little did he know his journey had only just begun....

OOC: i found a map of Oddworld, but it only has the regions from the first three games, and isn't very reliable. if you wanna do the whole map thing , you may have to design Oddworld in your image, but i highly consider doing this as it'd be totally kick-a$$. If you are going to do this I would be more than willing to help!

``` Feeding on the innocent ```
Work is for losers. I just live off of my inheritance and masturbate copiously.

Last edited by Necrophagia; 01-13-2007 at 04:23 AM.. : Spelling
01-13-2007, 06:20 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
: At a thearpy session.
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Slaveless  (36)

OOC: I have always attempted the idea of a map of West Shrubton, but I never found it to be going to be done every well. So much of West Shrubton has not yet been discovered. I have the basic concept, but trying the camps that the Sligs have set up, the Slog Containment units, the watch towers Sligs have set up, the clearings, etc. are hard to do. I don't want to use color pencils since that would make it messy.

IC: Slurp 1 was still confused. He replied, "Does that make much a difference? We already know that the Sligs are in different areas of our home, like in the ones in the strange tree and the ones in the forest. Besides, Paramites are about. They would sense us and kill us at sight, letting our position out in the wild. Paramites are by far the most populated we have seen in this forest. They will stop at nothing to get their hands on food. They should be able to eliminate most of the tribes of Sligs, yet the only trouble is that they also slaughter Mudokons. I need to protect them. They should be in an area, but they are still attacked by Paramites anyway. They survive, but the Paramites sure are annoying.

And shouldn't we need a full course attack if we are going to attack the leader? And why needing to know what they are planning? We already know they want the cave I use to live in. And that they are attacking us. What else is to know?"

01-13-2007, 07:06 AM
Necrophagia's Avatar
: Jan 2007
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Necrophagia  (10)

OOC: I will try to make a map, if u could send concept sketches or something?

IC: Being a slow walker, the cannibal took sometime to get even a mile through the dense forest. the sack of corpses on his back wasn't helping either, some are rotting away, but most are still leaking fluids, and it's not helping. leaving a faint trail of blood and other unmentionable fluids behind him, he kept on trucking through the jungle. he soon stumbled into an open clearing. Something didn't seem right, the forest wasn't noisy like it normally is, and a clearing smack bang right in the middle of a dense jungle wasn't a sure sign of safety. he trembled forward, inching along the dead grass. suddenly a net swooped around him grasping him with wire-like rope. three skinny, malnourished mudokons stepped out from the shadows. " Who are you and what are you doing in our jungle? " said the first mudokon. he seemed angry for a mudokon, even angrier than the ones he had seen a vykkers. they all had crude weapons, one had sharp stick, the other two had large branches. " Well? Speak up fool! " the cannibal squirmed around in the net, smothered by the corpse-sack. "ohhh, your a glukkon., but whats this?.." the mudokon stared at necrophagia. " ARMS?! " he said loudly. the other mudokon gasped. " what a freak !" "this can't be good! " muttered the 2 mudokons with the clubs. " Since when did gluk's have arms! they were bad enough with their harsh voices and command over us workers, but now the can defend themselves!" asked the others. "let's kill him!" said one of the clubbers. "yeah!" replied the other. without thinking the clubber smashed necrophagia with a stick. Damn! These bastards have the upper hand here. i need to fool them.
Necrophagia yelped in pain as the others joined in the beating. the cannibal started to sob and shake. " what a pansy!" said one of the mudokons. "yeah, I've defended myself against tougher slurgs!" the stick-bearer thought, trying as hard as he could what with the cannibal screaming in the background. he whispered in a clubbers ear, they both nodded, and cut loose the cannibal.
" now why'd ya do that! " snapped the other clubber. " just wait my friend, paticence reveals all." "aw, i hate waiting." muttered the clubber.
" so what's your name gluk?" queried one of the muds. ..... "not talking eh? what a freak."
the cannibal slowly stood up. " your just a poor defenseless loser without a slig with you." said a clubber. the cannibal shook his head. "nope." The muds gasped once again "he talked!!" "yeah. I did. But your not gonna live to talk about it." Necrophagia slashed at the stick-bearer mudokon throat with his shovel. he fell to the ground, and the other muds lunged at him. quick-witted, the cannibal swung the corpse-sack at the attackers. a bone sticking out of the sack cut their bodys. they fell to their knees.
"p-p-please, let us live!" the cannibal thought for a second. "nah." he said using their own weapons against them.
I told them they wern't gonna live to talk about it. Well, 3 more for them road. He claimed the corpses and continued his journey to Shrubton.
``` Feeding on the innocent ```
Work is for losers. I just live off of my inheritance and masturbate copiously.

01-13-2007, 11:50 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

IC: "Okay. Presuming their leader isn't aprticularly strong himself, only one is really required to take care of him, maybe a couple more for possible gaurds, but otehrwise we don't need a whole army to deal with one person. Paramites are more cautious when there's not just Fleeches, but perhaps me, Shredder, maybe Angela here, and others. Not all of them well have the same views, I presume. That was merely a single pack. The crevice is easy to hide in and takes us straight back to the Sligs' base of operations. Hopefully, recruiting more help, and even if we can get another Paramite, should help persuade them to see the problem and help us.
As for what the Sligs are planning, we need to know if they are likely to be advancing any further than their current area, how quickly, what they want the mine for, numbers of Slig recruits...maybe, even, we could steal some sort of map, or plan, to their hideouts, like the fake tree. Perhaps there are more somewhere. Knowledge is power, after all."

OOC: @Slaveless: Sklitch is feeding on the Elum carcass. I had planned for you to notice it's scent, perhaps, and...for something to happen >.<
@Necrophagia: I'm impressed by your posts, nice descrpition. But how does he carry so many corpses at a time? Anyway...
01-13-2007, 01:18 PM
bloodykyle's Avatar
: Jan 2007
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visit my forum here and download the game maker 6.1 and my demo!
01-13-2007, 02:22 PM
Zerox's Avatar
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Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

OOC: Uh, this is an RP thread. RP psots only, no advertising or anything. That'll get you banned.
01-13-2007, 06:19 PM
moxco's Avatar
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Name: Dr Peadbody
Sex/Species: Male, Vykker
Age: 24
Description: He looks like a normal vykker probaly a bit taller and eviler than most vykkers. p.s. oh yeah he wears one of those thing around his head that humphery [who is his big cousin] wheres.
Equintment: 2 humunges mutated pet slogs [there names are egghead and numskull.]
Personality: greedy and natarly quite hungry [he loves meech munchies nearly as much as cutting up inocent critters.]
backstory: when he was only 4 years old he was being babysited by his big cousin humphrey [you no that vykker that puts the jack on munch's head]
anyway humphrey was testing his shampoo on ratz, and it burnt holes in there head!
Ever since peadbody has loved cutting up critters and seeing what happens when you play around with there insides.
01-13-2007, 08:47 PM
Necrophagia's Avatar
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Necrophagia  (10)

OOC: Well, considering that the corpses are the ones from the industrial corporations, many of them would be muds and sligs (without legs). since these are quite light, and the are already starting to decompose, I'm guessing that they're even lighter. Sooo, yeah, i guess thats how. Oh, and there is only like 6 in there now.
@MoxCo. Executive, Your character cannot relate to Humphrey,
the rules state that official characters cannot be involved at all in the RPGs in any way.
But, he can still have the Headlamp Thing, As it is like a Vykker Doctor thing, not just Humphrey.
Just Saying. Sorry if anyone thinks I'm taking charge, it's just this happened to me >.< lol.

IC: After hours on end of traveling, Necrophagia was getting hungry. And as disgusting as it may be, he started to chow down on a carcass from the Corpse-sack ( OOC:It's like that sack has become a big thing for my char >.< ) After satisfying he urges, he continued on the way. About half an hour later he had arrived at the ruins of a city. What happened here? Looks like a hurricane tore down this place.
The Cannibal walked over to a busted lamp-post. West Shrubton! Wait, What the hell, why would I want to go to the ruin of a City? Angry at how he had walked 4 miles for this, Necrophagia walked into the jungle. At first he was annoyed, but eventually realising how stupid he was to walk all this way, he got pissed. Real quick. He ran ( As fast as glukkonly possible ) through the jungle.......

OOC: Ok, to continue with my dialog, i need to know where you guys are gathered.
``` Feeding on the innocent ```
Work is for losers. I just live off of my inheritance and masturbate copiously.

Last edited by Necrophagia; 01-13-2007 at 09:16 PM.. : Spelling, Storyline
01-13-2007, 09:28 PM
moxco's Avatar
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OOc: Is there a map?

IC: Peabody was lost out in the wilderness cahsing and catching critters "argh not again those stupid critters always lead me into the middle off no where". Complaind Peadbody

OOC: For short call peabody "Dr P".

IC: "Hey whats that sound coming from past those bushes over there" said Dr P
Dr P, Egghead and Numskull walk to where the sounds coming from

OOC: Egghead short name is "Eggy" while Numskulls is "Numy".

IC: Dr P and gang walk through the bushes looking arround when they see a group of Mudonkons and over creatures.
OOC: Which happens to be you guys.

Last edited by moxco; 01-20-2007 at 10:32 AM..
01-13-2007, 09:30 PM
Necrophagia's Avatar
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Necrophagia  (10)

OOC: @ MocCo. Executive; No, Not yet at least. Hopefully we can get one going.
``` Feeding on the innocent ```
Work is for losers. I just live off of my inheritance and masturbate copiously.

01-14-2007, 08:59 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
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Slaveless  (36)

OOC: Welcome, MoxCo Excutive! But let's clear up this up. In this RPG requires you to have read all of the pages of this RPG. There isn't a group of Mudokons around the Fleech home, just two of them. And just a suggestment, there is another character of Zerox's that are in the forest above the Fleech home, that would be more friendly to your characters. The ones in the Fleech cave will have the tempetation to kill you, so just watch out. Another thing is that the Fleech cave is covered. No one can go in it without removing all of the rocks. If you did, you wouldn't get a very nice greeting.

Ah, Necrophagia, I think the concept arts for the map will be in by 7 hours from now. You see, I haven't finished them. I also need to figure out how to show my pictures on the computer. And if you want a decent elevation picture, you would be waiting until Tuesday.

Also Necrophagia, what is this lamp post you talk about? There is no city around here. There is a village, but according to my information, a great deal of the Mudokons were enslaved. (Not all of them have been captured. I have been thinking.) Just those details should be editted. Besides, there is much more to the the village. I don't believe that the Industerials have destroied all parts of the village, just a little.

And Mudokon Shaman, might want to take my suggestion on greeting Zerox's character in the forest. I think he doesn't really have much to do. There is also two other Mudokons with him.

IC: Slurp 1 was trying to admit to himself that there was good aspects of Shryke's plan. The ideas seemed good, but he had a lot of things that he didn't like. Slurp blurted out, "Correction. That was two packs of Paramites that are of the same home. It is rare to find creatures around here wanting to help you, because they simply don't care. Paramites might think you are one of them if you screech help, but they won't stick around if they sense Fleeches. Now, you must also understand that Paramites around here also have a home where they can make nests for their young and sleep when they need to. That place is crawling with Paramites, so all of them are the same. Face it, Paramites are the only ones not willing to help.

Also, I already know that they are advancing here. I know it. I just saw a huge Slig coming by here, wanting to kill us, remember? That Slig was devoured by Paramites as well. So its obvious they have an idea that we are here. Plus, we already tried the hide plan. Most of got burnt, some even died. And that was when they didn't see us. Imagine what will happen if they see us hiding for real?

And are forgetting something? We already stole a map. We didn't know what was going on. And it slipped out of my tounge when we got to the mine. All we can do is find where we their weak point is and destory their base from there. I suggest a full force attack against the Sligs. I just don't see the use of spying."

OOC: Zerox, maybe I could do something about the Elum carcass. I don't really know, since Slurp 2 is probably in the near the Slog pawn area by now. Veru, maybe, Kolca, don't count on it. I just don't see how I could interact very well.

01-14-2007, 09:51 AM
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OOC: Um, ok, I'm confused, about one or two pages back, someone said that there was city ruins? I remember, hang on...
OOC: Sorry to say it, but Jordan_Boi, that village of Mudokons has been destoryed. All is left are ruins of house, watch towers, and more. Apparently, it was eliminated quite some time ago.
Yeah, the city I'm talking about is that one. the lamp post is just like a random thing. And I still need to know where the majority of you guys are gathered.

EDIT: Woah, That was you! :P
EDIT 2: 7hrs? wow, thats completely fine. i wasn't expecting anything for like a week maybe. But yeah, that's excellent.
``` Feeding on the innocent ```
Work is for losers. I just live off of my inheritance and masturbate copiously.

Last edited by Necrophagia; 01-14-2007 at 10:03 AM..
01-14-2007, 10:34 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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OOC: It wasn't a city, it was a village. A great deal of it has been attacked, leaving houses brought down, along with watch towers. A good deal of the village has been invaded, but not all of it. I would think that the Mudokons are trying to think of ideas to attack with. Most of the village hasn't been completely desmantled. Or at least that is my belief.

OK, a good deal of the center activity is on a plateau, a little further away from the Mine, which should be two miles in length of the mine and the Fleech cave they know inhabit. In the Fleech cave, there should be Shryke, Slurp 1, Angela, (Jeff, is it?), and Shredder. Quite a matter of Fleeches are there. I control the Fleeches, as well as Slurp. This is going to be on a sub plateau attached to the orginal. On the true plateau is going to be Zerox's mutant Slig and Scrabino's other two Mudokons. A little away from them is going to be 100-150 Sligs with Slogs. Slurp 2 is one of them. I think on the main ground is the center amount of Sligs, Mugs, Slogs, and all kinds of wildlife. No real characters with profiles are here. However, the mothership is above the forest there and contains Sindera and the control center. Gillik and Ghost are somewhere in the forest as well.

01-14-2007, 10:47 AM
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ooc: Dr. P's slogs like fleeches aperently there high in fiber & calcium.
It would be good if we had like 8 people here at a time. If you have some people and you want more, if i'm online can pm me please.

Last edited by moxco; 01-14-2007 at 10:50 AM..
01-14-2007, 01:36 PM
Zerox's Avatar
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OOC: You don't need everyone to be online to do this. Just post as you see new ones. Slaveless, since you hadn't posted about Slurp 2, I presumed nothing had happened. I thought they would sense the Elum smell and come over to it, or something. Ah, well. I'll maybe think of something else later.
My mutant Slig? I thought he'd been lost...he's been left behind since where Sindera was, so...ah, crud. How's he gonna get along if he meets Necrophagia? Meh, arrows...I'll do him later, no time now.

IC: Shryke saw Slurps point about the Paramites. Maybe they thought they were adaptable enough to take advantage of the Sligs' invasion or something. Who knows? Ah, yes, they did steal a map, he'd forgotten that "I see your point about the Paramites. Hmm...where is this map again? If anything, if it isn't detailed enough, perhaps finding another one of the interior areas of the Sligs' foundations so we can then determine a course of action to get to a power base or something. And maybe...that was one large Slig. I'd have thought others would've come after us by now. Perhaps it was a stray? And it didn't notice the mine particularly. But anyway, okay...infiltrate, map, power point, destroy, disrupt the Sligs, and so on. If we first send a few in, with others hiding some way away, once the Sligs' power station has been disrupted, we can call in the others to take advantage of the disruption.
Oh, and another thought...did the Sligs kick you out because they hated the Fleeches, or where you merely 'in their way' as it were? Who knows what they're doing."
01-14-2007, 03:55 PM
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Dr P was lost and Eggy and Nummy were getting tired.
"Exuse me" Yelled Dr P to the muds in the distance. "Can you tell me where I am?"
No reply,
"Stupid mudonkons", Cursed Dr P.

OOC: To interact, I need to know where you guys are?

Last edited by moxco; 01-14-2007 at 04:11 PM..
01-15-2007, 08:34 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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OOC: Slaveless is doing a map, I presume it will be up soon, and we can look at that.
Read through the rest of the thread and you should get a good idea of what's going on.
01-15-2007, 11:29 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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OOC: Well, here is the map. Or at least the concept of it. Necrophagia can make the map in color. For the record, never tell me to do drawings in color. I don't like using color, since it takes away some of my art's beauty really.

Notes: If you look closily, the camps appear to be the same size as the Mothership, even bigger. They might be, but this doesn't mean the Mothership is this big. I just tried to make them that way so they are visible for your eyes. Also, I am upset to say that I didn't make enough space for the Symbol Key to have more identifible keys in what the bases look like. I can make drawings in what the bases look like, as well as the Mothership, but you will find that complete in a week. I tried to make it as best as possible. I should also clarify the Village happens to be in that cleared area with Industerial bases inside. That should be the remains of what the Industerials had left of their Mudokon village. And those camps by water sources should be fishing outposts that Mudokons use for water supply.

Personally, I believe the map looks better without the size increasement. It looked more intellgent on my sketch book than it did how you see it. However, it is still what I want it to be. What do you think?

IC: Slurp 1 nodded his head in agreement in knowledge that he helped his friend make the best decision possible. He listened to what Shryke commented on the subject of the Slig and he replied with annoyed tone, "I can't tell. He didn't seem to react in way I understood. And he died before anything else happened. So I couldn't tell you. Anyway, I am off to form a group of Fleeches that could help you."

Kolca and her brothers assembled in a pack of 20. They had gone outside, cluttered in a patch of grass. They had made themselves disguised as scouts for water supply for the Queen to make it seem like that they were not part of the CFIA. The cold breeze into through their bodies, causing to be rather uncomfortable. They had been waiting for that Slog to have come back for them to get to a base of the Walk men. And they were not pleased to find that Slog left them behind. They sat in their position, trying to smell his scent out.

Kolcan's brother interrupted their silence by saying, "That Slog was a fool to leave us."

"We were the fools to trust him in the first place." replied another Fleech within their group.

Kolca coldily responded to their comments, "Silent! It wasn't our fault, nor the Slog's fault! It was by choice by the gods."

They all fell in a scene of quiet haramony. They all probably couldn't argue, for fear of getting a punishment for questioning the gods mention. Falling short of conversation, one of them had brought up the subject of Slurp. This one had came to them at last. "Sorry I'm late, news had struck me with ideas! Slurp, the so called hero, is trying to assemble a group of Fleeches for the Offense class!"

The other Fleeches grumbled in the name of Slurp. Because of him, he probably held the most power the Fleech colony has seen. The Queen admitted to make him do all sorts of activities, since his friend struck fear into the Queen. A creature in their home could result in killing off the whole tribe. So trusting him was her only choice of survival. (This is not true, just for people's sake of thinking) Yet Slurp could convince his friend into doing all sorts of things, just with a little logic and sense. That made him in control of everyone in the colony. Except the CFIA. They needed to overthrow him, for sake of the colony. So joining in on something was not part of their plan. Kolca bickered to the Fleech, "What makes you think that we want to do that?!"

"Maybe because we can use this as a chance to make ourselves more powerful that food scouts. In an Offense Class, we get rid of that Slurp fella, make that Shryke guy become close, and destory the Walk men. What do you guys say?"

The Fleeches hummed the air of excitement. It was brillant to any extent. Kolca alerted them all, "Forget the Slog for now. We can find the rest of the CFIA to tell them of this plan! Go people!" And so they slithered off into the cave, making sure the rest of the CFIA knew of this sitution
OOC: It is time for a new character really. Veru and Kolca are slightily delayed, as I don't have high interests in them at the time being. Slurp 2 is not coming back for a long time, and Sindera won't come back as long she is in a coma.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	West Shrubton Map.jpg
Views:	233
Size:	638.5 
ID:	7253  

Last edited by Slaveless; 01-15-2007 at 02:00 PM..
01-15-2007, 12:56 PM
Zerox's Avatar
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OOC: Yay!
I can possibly make a paint version (like W@RFs) soon.
01-16-2007, 12:38 AM
Necrophagia's Avatar
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Ok, Awesome! I can re-do it and um add stuff to do with mine/everyone elses chars? can everyone, like tell me in basics where they are, and where they've been? eg:
Necrophagia: Graveyard, jungle, Misc Clakker Village (Let's call it Clackton ) , jungle, 3 man mudokon camp, jungle, Ruins of W.Shrubton mud village. Currently: Jungle.

Cool? cool.
oh, btw, WHERE ARE YOU GATHERED!!!11 >.< (sorry)

EDIT: Oh, i just realised that you said that industrial camps where set up in that village. hmmm. ok. i can work with that.

OOC: After hours on end of traveling, Necrophagia was getting hungry. And as disgusting as it may be, he started to chow down on a carcass from the Corpse-sack ( OOC:It's like that sack has become a big thing for my char >.< ) After satisfying he urges, he continued on the way. About half an hour later he had arrived at the ruins of a city. What happened here? Looks like a hurricane tore down this place.
The Cannibal walked over to a busted lamp-post. West Shrubton! Wait, What the hell, why would I want to go to the ruin of a City? Angry at how he had walked 4 miles for this, Necrophagia walked into the jungle. At first he was annoyed, but eventually realising how stupid he was to walk all this way, he got pissed. Real quick. He ran ( As fast as glukkonly possible ) through the jungle....... Ok, this is what it was, before i knew it was industrial infested.

IC: After hours on end of traveling, Necrophagia was getting hungry. And as disgusting as it may be, he started to chow down on a carcass from the Corpse-sack. After satisfying he urges, he continued on the way. About half an hour later Necrophagia found himself on the outskirts of a large industrial outpost. What the hell? what are these scumbags doin here? wait.. He glanced across the vast industrialized wasteland. Oh. my. god. A large industrial sign read "Welcome the industrial outpost 613! Enjoy your stay!" And in small text, just below it, it read; "formerly known as misc mudokon SCUM village."

Those bastards! they destroyed this humble, defenseless mudokon village! Well, time to make amends.
Necrophagia started to enter the outpost. he then realised he looked nothing like a glukkon executive. he looked down at the ground, after stepping on something. A limited edition soulstorm brew bottle cap! ....Why is this even here? He picked it up and fastened it to his suit. he left his corpse sack in a small hovel and cleaned his suit up. he then stuffed his genetically mutated appendages into his suit. He walked around the corner to see two slig guards "Hey, sorry guy you gotta have authority to enter here, keep it moving chump!" *sigh*, time to talk again. Crap.
"Hey!" Hoarsely screamed the cannibal. "What?" replied one of the sligs "I am general... Puddock Chief CEO of former company Soulstorm Brewery!" "well how come i never heard of you eh? queried the slig. " Fine. I'll leave." "yea, get outta here poser! hope I never see your sorry sack o' bits ever again!" said the slig, who then burst into laughter, along with the other guard. " Oh, you won't." Necrophagia took an arm out of his suit. "h-hey, what are ya doin? Necrophagia quickly whipped around on the stop, slashing at the slig, ripping off his mask. "Ah, oh, boy! I can't see! AHH, I CAN't bree.. Breee... Breaaaah." the slig drooped over in his mecho pants. The other slig yelled " SOUND THE ALARM-" The cannibal grabbed his throat with brute force. "Ah.....*bleh*" The slig died in his hands. Another slig peered over the gate, "what?" in the usual manner. "uh, nothing, this guard was just serenading my arrival, sound the alarm, notify whose ever in charge here that I've arrived." ..... "wait...What guard?" the cannibal realized that the slig was still in his hand. "uhhh, th-h-is one..." *Mimicking a slig voice, poorly of course* " Uh, yea this guys uh real important, let him in...now." " Well, ok, i guess, I'm getting laid off on Thursday anyway..." The slig turned around and spoke into the microphone " Uh, boss? some freaky guy at the front gates for you, i 'unno what he wants, says he's real important or something..." the slig dozed off.
The front gates opened and the head Glukkon of this district steped forward, with 4 guards. "Who are you!" "I'm, uh" Dammit, what was it again...pud..puddo..Puddock! "your old baby brother, Puddock!" "wait, I have a brother? hm, musta slipped my memory....Wait, i've never forgottin a thing in my life!...." Uh-oh, uhhh, YA! Necrophagia lashed out at the glukkon, barely scraping his suit. " KILL EM!!!! " Screamed the glukkon. Necrophagia quickly hobbled away, snatching up his corpse sack, running into a nearby forest, trailed by gun shots and other assault noises.
" Get him, he attacked that one guy we follow around! Y'Know, The one that pays us!" "Yeah!" the sligs started to run faster.
Wrong move, uh, hm, I'll use a slig's only apparent weakness apart from their stupidity...
The Cannibal scurried up a tree, evading the sligs. " Hey, He climbed up this tree! get him!" "wait, we can't climb! our pants restrict us from climbing, jumping, sneaking, swimming, and most other forms of activity!" "Damn these pants!, if it weren't for their stylish look and slimming effect, I'd get outta them right now!" All the sligs turned around, yelling " We got, we blasted his corpse outta existence too!" and "Promotion, here I come, Chaching!"
phew, thank god they didn't think of just shooting at me. damn those sligs are stupid. Necrophagia climbed back down to the ground. He set off into the jungle, knowing nothing of where he was going....

OOC: Woah, that took some thinkin...
``` Feeding on the innocent ```
Work is for losers. I just live off of my inheritance and masturbate copiously.

Last edited by Necrophagia; 01-16-2007 at 02:47 AM.. : Paragraphing, Punctuation
01-16-2007, 06:17 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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OOC: OK, um, Necrophagia, I don't think you need to have to put in the Clakkerz town since I assumed it wouldn't be part of the story. In fact, according to Oddvertern78, West Shrubton doesn't have a village of Clakkerz. You would have to say that's how people get around. To talk about the jungle, I didn't add anything about that, but I think that would be same thing has the forest the takes over the west side of West Shrubton.

Another thing, sorry for not clearing this up, but uh, the Industerial bases are really simple. There is going to be a small transportation pod, with Mudokons around them be guarded. This are mediocre camps, since they were ordered to make them only 3-4 hours ago to make them. They are specificly there so the Sligs don't have to drag their assigned 10-15 Mudokons through a Paramite infested forest. And controlling other characters is against the rules. This is one has to be the fact that there already is a head Glukkon. His name is Gillik and is controlled by Perry, or Magic9mushroom.

Did you read the whole The Albino Scrab RPG? All 17 pages?

Besides that, I think I covered the basics in West Shrubton. I do believe West Shrubton has no graveyard. Yet, I'm sorry for not clarifying where the village is on the map. You could put it down there, but besides that, you really don't have anything else to do with the map. I should also make diagrams of what the Industerial bases look like.

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